Why don't you become a cop? It seems like a solid career.
Why don't you become a cop? It seems like a solid career
Too much study.
>Why don't you become a cop? It seems like a solid career.
I'm not a fucking loser sorry
I'm not alpha enough.
I feel like the only way to raise in rankings is to be an outgoing Chad, sure betas get in too but I'd be like a meter maid or some filing clerk or some shit writing reports
I might have to disagree, I've been doing research in my area and advancement is done behind a desk until you become something cool like Detective.
Don't be rude. Different strokes for different folks.
I enjoy committing crime
>local department has an officer shortage
>decided to apply
>download the application
>there is literally a page where they require you to list every person you've dated, along with contact info, for the past 10 years
>literally a virgin test to become a cop
Trash-tier pay, at least in my country
Not really a problem since most cops aren't infallible of committing crime themselves.
If you say so user, better go get apply then.
Come back and talk once you've experience the real world
too much loli hentai
I wasn't bullied in high school and I'm overall pretty happy with my life. I have never seen a Chad cop in my life and most of the cops in my small town seem bored out of their minds. Being a cop can't be an enjoyable job. You do what you're supposed to do and you're a power tripping asshole. You make a mistake and people want to crucify you. You can't win. I'd rather join the army.
The only good cop is a dead one.
I care about my integrity
Thought about it. Some robot issues:
>Robots have never been able to persuade any person of importance in their entire lives
how am I going to de-escalate a crackhead with a gun and a hostage?
>Handling pressure
I freak the fuck out when paperwork at the DMV takes too long, how am I gonna handle the aforementioned crackhead scenario?
>Bad aesthetics and poor shape.
To be a cop you gotta be able to catch a black 18 year old who was the MVP on the track team before he dropped out to slang crack. How the hell am I gonna get to that level when I barely leave the basement?
Cop jobs are meant for alpha Chads, or people who at least have enough confidence and not enough brains to think they are good cops. Oh, and don't forget all the teamwork interaction. When you and 4 patrolman have to plan patrol routes, they will stick you on some shitty toilet scrubber detail cuz they realize you are a quiet beta.
I am one. Don't become one if you don't want to see what other races are really like. This job has turned me into a hardcore racist after realizing just how different the races really are. If you think its culture or economic background that divides people you are truly a moron with no life experience. Race is by far the biggest divider I have noticed in this job. A poor white person is significantly different than a poor Mexican.
it's actually really hard to be a cop in the UK, most forces only open recruitment for a brief period once every few years, they actually paid pretty decently for the low requirements needed
Nowadays though it's even harder since they're going hard on diversity hires and they often recruit from community support officers anyways.
Because I have morals.
>>there is literally a page where they require you to list every person you've dated, along with contact info, for the past 10 years
>>Why don't you become a cop? It seems like a solid career.
>I'm not a fucking loser sorry
>browse Jow Forums
When I saw the page I actually started laughing out loud until I was tearing up. Something about the shitiness of it all actually gets comical eventually. Pic related.
Everyone who isn't in one of the mafias is a literal slave, so to escape their enslavement they should become a faggot pig whose job is to prevent slaves from killing the slave masters, because that will lead to freedom
Nah that's retarded kill yourself
I work for the FBI
much better pay and benefits
is a bachelor's degree required? I only have an associate's