>you really are bizarre
Bone chilling sentences
>"user, do you even have any friends?"
or some variation of this.
>what kind of music do you listen too
Not only a sentence but this particular situation had me chilling so hard I almost lost my senses
>"What can I do to convince you to go on a date with me?"
>"Just ask me maybe?"
>"Oh... so would you?"
>"Go out with me!"
>"You're a very fun guy... but I don't like you in those terms"
not really a sentence but what i hate the most and has happened a lot to me is that i'm just sitting there and suddenly i see a bunch of guys looking at me and laughing and i don't know what i did or what's funny
This is the only "insult" that I would kinda enjoy. I don't know why, maybe it's because "bizarre" is such a rarely used word and it implies that you've gone past strange and into a league of your own.
Some recently told me:
>somethings wrong with you
at first it was bone chilling and then sort of flattering in a weird way lol
Kek, get emotionally baited. I bet she went home and jerked off to the power she had over you after she told her friends about it.
>i'm going to bed
specifically after I ask a question.
>we are going to make it
>things will get better
>You clearly have autism or something
>you're not funny!
>why are you so antisocial?
>why don't you have a ----- account?
>you're such a loner
>you're ugly
>your voice is annoying
>lol would you date Stacy??? xDD (followed by eww no)
>are you gay?
>you're quiet, aren't you?
>stop staring at me creep
so what do you do for work?
>you know, you're really weird!
>>what's so weird about me?
>like, everything!
that was fucking soul crushing
there really is no hope for us
>bro, has anyone told you that you like a serial killer
>"You're scaring me"
>"He scares me"
>"Maybe she thinks you're scary"
Am I the fucking boogeyman ?
> I'm going to invite you to my party because my parents told me to but don't come as I want my party to be cool.
This shit still huants me
>you have no personality
>you're just "kinda there" user
I hope you went just to spite him
>anons a creep
So simple and yet so effective
Pure venom
I cant forget the first time someone called me a creep and the feels and i bet most anons cant forget either
I fucking hate the word 'creep' because of how cunts never use it as a 'real' word, they use it in a propagandist manner to make people think you're bad and weird without really explaining why.