Dumping the current-most issues of all the active papers for those who might have missed them, starting with the Daily Fishe.
News Replay #1
Other urls found in this thread:
Next up: Jow Forumsbunmaru.
And finally the Pooftah Post Special Edition. All (you)s belong to the respective authors.
thank you OP!
have a (You)
Did anyone report >4444444? That one was funny.
Lame is a whore
Probably for next issue.
Thank (you).
That's the plan
was a shitty wasted GET and doesn't deserve attention.
yes it does
no it doesn't, faggot
you are a retard
The look at him go thing is also news!
New issue of the BBM:
Welp, it's done.
I missed this one. Thanks, OP.
Jow Forums both got voted the most aesthetic base on 4craft as well as the most raided. The palace photographed was the only part of it not completely destroyed by the end.
I'm looking forward to the next fishe paper! It's my favourite of the bunch.
Such is life on 4craft.
Whoever is recording the ED article don't forget Billy May's catalogue!
I made the thread that user got banned in :)
Why Sachiko?
She's extra sachi.
Don't sachi the ko
(You) for consideration and high quality OC
Take this bump!
Take this milke
I want to binge-eat Cirno.
No eat
She cannot help she is delicious snack
What is with Cirno's association with being eaten?
who knows
I'm confiscating all these (You)s
Oh no!
I did not see this. Thank you!
Fuck off pooftah!
>Robbing a newstand
He's not jestin
Can someone upload a folder/archive/whatever of all newspapers that Jow Forums has produced so far?
Check Jow Forums's article on Encyclopedia Dramatica. They have most of it. For Aya's papers you'll have to ask him.
Last time anonymous left something important in their hands, we lost the chan archive.
Maybe we can have the newspapers adopt some sort of tag so they're easy to look up in the archives?
I might go back and collect them if I have some free time next week.
It's probably a good idea not to rely on them exclusively. I've been considering starting a booru to store all of Jow Forums's OC, but don't have the resources at the moment.
What's it take to run one of those?
I feed the thread (you)s.
I find it funny that ED's article on Jow Forums is probably their most up to date Jow Forums article, period. They keep missing major events like hardly anyone monitors here from there anymore.
They don't have any articles on most of the Jow Forums events reported in the Fishe.
Giving a (you) for this.
Most EDiots either hanged themselves or they started hanging aroung kiwifarms, that's why they don't have time to update articles --reliability is also the exact opposite of what the spirit of ED entails--
Who the fuck even cares about them anymore? 24/7 archival made them obsolete.
Take this bump.
Archives aren't as entertaining or to the point.
ED is entertaining as fuck
It also gives a great spirit
ED is more like old Jow Forums than most of Jow Forums. For better or worse.
Also, did someone let Aya's paper 404? I can't find it.
Looks to be the case. Maybe I'll add it to this thread later when I dig through the archives.
When I'm on a better computer that doesn't freeze if I have more than five tabs up.
Take my (you)s.
Adding Jow Forums bunmaru #13 to the list:
Thank (you) user which I shall call Eon from your ID.
And because he's causing this thread to last an eon.
>entertaining and to the point
You gotta be kidding me.
Look at him go is already spreading to other boards. I wonder how long it'll take for [s4s] to notice and spill the beans.
Interesting. How much did boardspeed increase during that period?
By about an hour, two hours at its peak. Things were 404ing in ~20 minutes.
It was around the beginning that things were moving at /b/ speeds due to both the population doubling as well as spammers spamming kotori threads and fat touhous in order to drive the /b/tards away, tragically unaware that such tactics do not work on them and only make them horny.
The best way to make a /b/tard's head hyrt is to actually hold discussions. Anything longer than a paragraph is a wall of text for them and "too long, didn't read".
That doesn't stop them from funposting, simply makes them ignore your thread.
They're what /b/ should have been, a relic from a bygone era that is too nostalgic to let die.
Unless they're situationally useful like Logposter spamming imptrash or a robo thread to derail it, I wouldn't even bother. Better men have tried and failed during /b/'s transition period.
Already read this a long time ago, but take a (you) to keep yourself afloat.
Extra, exrra!