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Miscellaneous #45
What is Jow Forums doing on Good Friday?
I’m new to America and have only spoke English for 2 years
>>4600000. 2 electric bugaloo
He doesn't speak a romantic language
Do they really think they are white?
Moroccan arab BTFO of 5 white EUROPEANS
Satanichia's cute feet
I really like the smell coming from inbetween my legs
ITT: Jow Forums boss raid
What're you doing right now, user?
Gimme things to draw
Where does Jow Forums drop?
What is wrong with Russians?
Internet Blood Sports Just Got Bloodier
Lets play hangman
Back in my day having rainbow hair and rainbow teeth would be a universal sign that this guy was hankering for some...
You hate me just because of the color of my skin?
Sometimes I love smelling nothing
Its Friday night, Jow Forums, what are you drinking?
Why are non-anglo fags speaking English?
Why haven't you read Germany Tomorrow yet, user?
Weirdo Kid
The true white race
If god is real then why has he created a black hole in the center of the galaxy that destroys all life?
Am I white?
One free BF here. Looking for a gf (female) or gf (male) heck even a male will do idc...
Take your ID to Google images, first result is your weapon for zombie invasion. If no results...
Happy Day General #217
When will the normalfags steal the amerimutt meme?
Today was a rather sunny, pleasantly warm sunny day
Daily UK hate thread
Chinese infrantymen ramming their big cocks deep inside hot white women
Post stuff and I'll record it on vocaroo
Hi Jow Forums im on acid, provide me with stimulation
Kill, fuck, marry?
Hello bant, I hope you are doing well. I thought it would be fun to have another embassy thread with s4s...
Post your last downloaded image
You really should consider doing something other than vidya, shitposting, and watching anime...
Hello Jow Forums welcome to Bumstead's Flower Shop! I want to find your perfect flower...
What are you having for dinner, user?
You think this was deserved?
When did this "thicc" meme start?
H-hey user you maybe want to read the Bible together sometime?
Soyboy hate
Oink Oink, says the American
How can you not fail as a father raising a daughter? Seems like a monumental task
This video gave me some horrible flashbacks
Retired CIA user who specialized in information warfare
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
Are you a virgin?
Reminder: If you are a Yuropoor, your opinion doesn't count!
Women are physically weak
Why are Russians so ugly? And why do nearly all of them have retarded hairlines/hair texture?
White """men"""
Why don't people make more fun imageboards
Don't even think about eating meat today faggot
What religion are you? What religion is Jow Forums?
Kpop general
Hey Europoors, would you buy one of these?
Hey guys
I make shit thread on bant
When is it okay to hit your daughter?
Flag appreciation thread
What do we do about the weeb problem?
Why successful young white men don't impregnate their girlfriends while they are still fertile?
ITT : Fictional characters that are basically Jow Forums
JF mocks Andy for his lack of Intelligence
Official ranking and categorisation of white countries:
My hand hurts
Good morning
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
The Chiruno is kill
ITT: Jow Forums dragon slayer raid!
She's my gf now poland. You can f off
Took a break from Jow Forums about half a year ago, could anyone bring me up to date with the new memes?
I managed to finish all of my assessments in time, and now I have a 2 week break. How is Jow Forums doing?
Everyone uses English here
Blop blop blop blop
Big sister walking around in her underwear again
When will Jow Forums accept the pink pill?
Kill urself my man
You arent a virgin are you bro?
Jow Forums is complete shit and I blame it all on cirno spam it completely ruined this board
Do you think goth girls browse Jow Forums?
Hey bant. Australian man here. How does one get a slavic/asian mixed gf? I know one of you have to know how
This board is boring now. We need the gay entourage back
Does Anything Interesting Happen On The Internet Anymore?
Uh oh, dudesters
Bost benis and bussy
Stop doing what you're doing and roll for Varg
Kpop general
More like this
*Blocks Your Path*
HG: Hacker General
Karkats Comfy Corner!
Why all of you are weaboos? I mean, the porn is right but the rest
This is the ideal female body
Am I the only girl around here who wants to visit Europe and meet handsome European boys but doesn't have the money or...
My roommate left this on his bed
Hi frens
Hello bant! How are you?
Autism game thread. 24 tributes 2 per id
Having a good thread
Are we all in agreement that amerimutts are a separate species from the homo sapiens?
Hahaha, this post is a meme, it's a meme you dip, you're autistic if you don't understand
Hewwo 2
Why are Arabs so ugly?
All right all you black boys who want to date white women, the Golden One is not going to let that happen...
Am I considered white for european stantard?
Welcome to the GET tournament!
The real reason why this board is so shitty
The real reason why this board is so shitty
Help, I can't fall asleep
Gondola Thread
Should I eat it?
The real reason why this board is so shitty
What is listening to right now?
Be on the lookout
Kpop General
ITT: characters who are LITERALLY you
Risk thread
Country Games - continuing from where we left of
Why arent you athletic user?
Can we get a 56% thread?
How do we stop racism and homophobia on Jow Forums?
Spring 2018 anime season
What killed chan boards?
Hello Jow Forums welcome to Bumstead's Flower Shop! I want to find your perfect flower...
Today is her birthday
Gimme things to draw
I’m drunk
Post animals native to your country/state! Florida here
Goblin slayer is great
Big Dick Problems
Jow Forums survivor games, Spaces are running out
What's your opinion of the UK?
Happy Day General #216
Hunger Games thread, first 24 are in
How goes it , hows everybody doing
User forgot my birthday
ITT: Jow Forums boss raid
I declare that NONE shall get an impressive ID in this thread!
Are you comfy Jow Forums?
Tfw you are 27 and no brown GF
The Eleventh Hour! - ITS HAPPENING! - The Eleventh Hour!
Is tinder Jow Forums approved?
This ugly cunt
Are Finns elves?
I will be in canada in roughly an hour
Tfw get aroused by the smell of my own penis
I'd like to introduce myself. I am the BASED British poster who checks IDs for words...
There isn't really a way of asking this question without kind of proving the premise, but;
Mfw someone calls Texas weak
What is Jow Forumss favorite bideo game
I will now proceed to consuming huge amount of alcohol. Possibly i will pass out and pee myself
Tfw u have brunette hair and a ponytail hazel eyes white skin a navy blue polo shirt with lighter blue and white...
Let's get this shit Started
Gore is soooo funny XDD
Jow Forums seems like a nice board. i think i will stay
Bant is just facebook group chat, prove me wrong you cant
Did Kubrick film the moon landing?
Kek, you may remember two days ago a youtuber was perusing the boards
Adrenochrome Farms
Can we get Sminem appreciation thread?
Internet Cuck Drama
Here we see the Amerifat in his natural habitat
How does an Australian man obtain a Slavic/Asian mixed Girlfriend? asking for myself. I need one
Jesus crap-on-a-cracker tap dancing christ you people are fucking boring
Seriously... HOW IN THE FUCK... Do I get a Slavic/Asian gf as an Australian man?
Would you ever eat this guy's shit?
I got a job /pol
Say something offensive to Australians
Where is everybody?
There are no good threads up right now and i've had it, so here's one where i tell the crossboarding mod he's bad at it
How do I come up with a good internet username?
Le dank forced face giving le dank forced face the dank forced face
What does Jow Forums drive?
When you're successfully converting your best friend into a furry
I wish that were me
Reminder that if you can't drink milk you aren't white
What university did Jow Forums go to?
Wat to post
Why is nobody talking about it?
What would rap niggers do if they weren't allowed to say nigger?
Why does gook blood in any race at all make the kid crazy?pic very related
Kike hag next door. what do?
Wendy's has released a hip hop mixtape titled "we beefin." are you excited to get your copy Jow Forums?
Why the fuck do Australians talk like this?
Which one is /ourFaction/?
That Magic of Russia
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
The last letter of your ID signifies the traits of the GF you end up with
Happy easter, friends!
Here's the thing. I'm not gonna ask you fucktards how not to be alone. I've given up on that...
Me on the left
Kpop General
Why is this board such gayshit
Time to see who are the weakest links in Jow Forums
Want all the cons of a white gf with NONE of the pros? get yourself an asian gf :D
Is traps offensive?
Hey user want a Twinkie? I filled them with my creamy poo just for you. :D
Some pathetic sissy trap fuck keeps trying to put the moves on me at my workplace...
How do you stop being lonely?
Is it gay if you accidentally walk in on your friend taking a shower, get in with him and start kissing his neck?
Sup Jow Forums, it's me, Corey Feldman
Actual discussion thread
Seriously, who else loves Australia?
Kpop general
Me on the right
What does this scene remind you of?
Would you buy it?
You know, they say all fairies are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Clownpiece...
Jow Forums Polandball Thread #3
The Billy Mays Catalog 3rd Edition
No sir more like cirno
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Is bant tan, dare I say, back?
/bantflags/ | japanese city flags edition
News Replay #1
The first person with a blue ID is a real Cirno!
Daily Desu Thread #43
Cirno more like ciryes
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship