post cute girls in this thread
pic related, a cute girl
post cute girls in this thread
pic related, a cute girl
Your thread is going to die
Saw someone posting this girl the other day. She's cute.
My bad OP, I did not see your QT thread before I made my own.
Can anybody tell me who this is? (originally cute)
Marky a cute! CUTE!
La creatuura...
post more qts anonons
muffy is qt
muffy has a man face.
idk why do you people think that is actually cute.
thread is suicide fuel
your life is suicide fuel
i like her neck, her face is meh
crispy is a cutie
i want korean gf though
Oh hi gf
It is exactly because it looks like a trap
An r9k user normally follows these degeneracy steps:
>likes girls like normal people
>transistions to traps
>fullblown faggot
>transitions to girls which looks like traps
>transitions to girls which looks like furries
>fullblown dogs fuckers
>pic related
yes she is OP
dahyun is my 3d waifu
this was not original
>she's a qt but posting this roastie non-stop in every god forsaken thread that it becomes annoying
counts as a cute girl, then yes.
But you orbiter plebs have shit taste. True qts are fleeting and shouldn't be pursued
>pic unlerated
Taylor is better than crispy
That's slutty crispy
She's the superior crispy
But the superior crispy is muffy
Taylor is a slut who smokes crack out of men's arseholes
Muffy is a slut who eats heroin out of garbage bags
What the fuck are you even on about user
i like mixed girls a lot
bump for qtss
Qt goddesses
oobla di oobla da life goes on...
crispy is qt, goodnight
Can anybody tell me who this cute girl is?
Por favor no postean photos de muchachas latino americans
she looks like pigshit
Here is one along with my favorite quote from her
That is Asteriaa.
What do you think about these girls?
I think they p cute
>tfw no burn victim gf
I like qts with curly hair, my favorites
Indeed curly haired qt's are the best
What I wouldn't give...