The Contract for Survival:
"Ralph Klein refers to this as the negotiated contract for connection, for attachment, for survival. ..those with a schizoid disorder negotiate a contract to have no needs, to be totally self reliant, in exchange for having at least a tenuous connection that would not result in being appropriated or treated with total indifference."
Schizoid General
Let's face it robots, if you have a pattern of being a loner throughout your life you're probably a Schizoid. But check this handy chart just to be sure.
This chart is astrology-tier, everyone could self-identify with one or the other. I'm AvPD with BPD traits, and I relate to 95% of this shit.
I'll also add that the Schizoid meme is bad for most folks here. These threads causes tons of spergs who are not willing to admit to themselves that they are spergs to self-diagnose with this instead.
Then why aren't you also Schizoid? HMMMMMM? Just because a professional didn't detect it? Look inside yourself, you know yourself better than any "professional" does. It has co-morbidity potential.
While the Schizoid description is pretty accurate for me, I'm kinda pissed that people think I need to see a shrink for it. Wtf is wrong with being self-reliant?
Normies cannot comprehend an existence in which one would willingly choose to be alone.
Ever had anybody "try to break you out of your shell"? Gee, would you try to break an actual turtle out of his protective shell?
are you referring to actual people with Aspergers?
that can bleed over to this.
you should call this schizo general so us schizophrenics and the schizotypals can join in too
>Normies cannot comprehend an existence in which one would willingly choose to be alone.
Agreed, it's also why this place is full of failed normies. I sincerely do not feel loney, in fact I love solitude. So I can't relate at all to anyone lamenting about their lack of social contact. At the same time, I still understand the vast majority of people are not similar to me, so I don't hold them in contempt or anything.
>inb4 why are you here
I feel like an observer
I just want to observe humanity at a distance and see what they do
My life goal is honestly getting rich of cryptocurrency speculation and then setting up a bunker from which I can watch the global shitshow unfold in comfort.
Yes, actually spergs. I don't know if I would say it "bleeds" over, the two diagnoses exclude eachother, so you can only have one of them. And I'm willing to bet 75%+ of people here are spergs, not schizoids.
how do I know I'm schizoid and not avoidant or vice versa
Do you yearn for human connection, but feel inadequate in achieving this, or are you 100% content with living in soltitude? Are you affected deeply by criticism or could you not give less fucks? Do you feel emotional or not at all? Those are the primary differences.
I feel inadequate for not having emotional connections a lot of the time and do wish to have some I think but then when I do something social I usually don't really enjoy it and just stop for a while before I convince myself to try again. I handle criticism alright I think. I'm not a very emotional person I don't think but I don't know if it is little enough to be schizoid.
The main difference between the two is that spergs try to socialize and schizoids don't. However, spergs can't read the social cues and that's why they are often so cringy.
Schizoids can read the social ques but they just aren't interested in socializing and would rather be alone.
Now that I reread that maybe "try" is the wrong word. Spergs WANT to socialize and schizoids don't.
what if I constantly fluxuate between wanting to socialize and not wanting to socialize during different parts of my life? (currently on a not wanting to socialize part, really just want to stay in my room and watch videos and hang out with my hallucinations)
is that what they meant when they diagnosed me with bipolar?
I'd say having periods of wanting to be around others and vice versa isn't that uncommon. Definitely not a sign of schizoid, that's very much a persistent, rigid pattern of thinking and behavior. Could be bipolar, it worries me that you say you have hallucinations while in what I assume is a depressive period (if you are bipolar that is), normally you'd only see that in manic episodes, if ever.
You're not wrong. I can see how some spergs actually convince themselves they don't want to socialize after repeated missteps though, which again, can lead to them clinging onto the schizoid thing. I personally know at least two guys like this. This is kinda what I meant.
I think the spergs that withdraw socially would probably fall more into the "avoidant" category than schizoid. Schizoids can socialize just fine when needed, but they hate every second of it. There are are exclusions though, schizoids can still have friends and socialize but it will be extremely tiring to keep up. This is why so many schizoids lose contact with friends, they never reach out to them because well, they don't even think to do it.
I also have schizophrenia (schizoaffective more specifically, which is schizophrenia and bipolar)
I have hallucinations all the time, mostly in the morning but also during the day. I hallucinate a guy who loves me mostly, I don't see him though, just feel and hear him.
these periods last anywhere from a few minutes to around a half a year in which I either extremely isolate myself only being in contact with people in the house when absolutely necessary to hanging out with my brother at his house occasionally which sometimes means hanging with his friends
how can schizoids have good social skills if they never interact with people. feel like you would lose them after awhile even if you don't have any particularly horrendous flaws
Honestly it's pretty tough to say, I can't say that I suffer from either, but schizoid seems to be very accurate description of where I am currently. The thing is that I have been slightly more social in the past, but since it's been while I was in high school it makes me think it might have been an effect of adolescence, though I cannot determine that for certain.
Not all schizoids are shut-ins, some have to socialize to survive on their own. For instance having a job or going to school, or even interacting with retail clerks. They'll say the bare minimum that is required, they won't seek out interactions but may have to endure them. Like if a co-worker decides to talk at you about his family or some other vapid normie shit. You just put up with it while wising you were home alone.
But yes, if you're a complete shut in your social skills can deteriorate over time.
I identify with most of these points on the list but I also a girlfriend and am generally content in life so where is the problem in being a certain personality type? Every person has the Potential to make an effort and improve their personality. "I'm a Shizo" just seems like just another excuse.
To most people social skills come naturally, so if you're normal the odds are that you can muster a normal interaction though what you've learned in life, it's just that if you're schizoid you hate doing so, not that you're incapable of doing so.
I on both sides if this chart.
You're thinking in terms of personality disorders being prescriptive when they're more descriptive.
that's the point brainlet.
that chart is a load of garbage. the right side that is. the right side completely romanticizes schizoid personality disorder the same way normalfags romanticized ASPD and sociopathy. the left side is more accurate, but there are better descriptions there. DSM doesn't mention the right side at all because it's a lie.
there are people with schizoid personality disorder that force themselves into the world to survive. they aren't some genius lovebird.
>I identify with most of these points
>also a girlfriend
fuck me
I'm thinking that others here think of personality disorders as being prescriptive rather then descriptive.That's why I am talking in these terms. I myself know the difference.
There's nothing really "wrong" about being this way, it's just how certain people develop.
A schizoid wouldn't really feel the need to "improve their personality" unless they were desperately trying to fit in with normies.
Fair enough, I mean, I don't know enough about the topic to actually determine the correct approach, but I generally see personality disorders more like symtoms than a disease.
I can do the bare minimum interactions fine and if someone is talking about something I have something to say about I can talk but the times where I've been in social situations with people I don't know what to talk about since I'm rarely in anything but bare minimum situations so I end up staying quiet.
The difference probably is that normal people are usually interested in keeping these sorts of conversations to some degree, but for shizoids it!s too bothersome to keep up, so they just don't have the drive to engage in them like others.
But many people here would probably self identify as shizoid according to these criteria. And they are also miserable in their lives. And they definitely need to improve their social lives. There are tons of people in normal society who are shizoid but through effort they've managed to carve out a small social live that is comfortable for them. So many people on this board have just given up because they think "that's just my personality" "I'm a shizoid" "I'm a Robot" "I'm autistic" These are groups they feel belonging to without realizing the potential for change.
For me personally, I tried living the normie life. I wageslaved fruitlessly for a decade. I never developed a taste the social world. Every day was an exercise in frustration. It was akin to a man bashing his head against a brick wall and expecting it to break through eventually.
Quitting my job was the best decision I ever made for myself. I'm so much happier being a NEET, trying to support myself however I can, even if it's just selling stuff on ebay. I never want to be a wageslave again.
Read the quote in the OP again. This is the key to surviving as a schizoid. Working under the conditions and requirements of a social environment is brutal for our types, as we often are misunderstood and even mistreated by those who deem us "the weird antisocial guy".
Sure, you can try and keep up with all the social nonsense if you think it qualifies as "self improvement" however I think it's much healthier for an actual schizoid to indulge his urge to be alone and self sufficient.
Sadly, this is sometimes hard to achieve. Everyone has different circumstances and some have to try and survive in the normie world. I feel very sorry for those schizoids who are forced into that by society.
I know for certain that I am schizoid, I don't need a diagnosis, nor can I afford one.