>failing uni
>still no friends, havent even been invited to a partyy
>dirt poor
Im done with this shit. This life is not for me. I dont give a shit anymore if my family mourns, im ending it soon. The loneliness is driving me insane.
Failing uni
>failing uni
>still no friends, havent even been invited to a partyy
>dirt poor
Are you me?
All me except I already got kicked out of uni for bad grades.
why does this happen to people?
stop fapping
[.lanigiro ton saw tnemmoc ruoy esuaceb ,sdnoces 2 rof detum neeb evah uoY]
>edge last night
>now constantly need to piss
What the fuck?
species improve through failure and elimination
this is the mechanism of natural selection
i'm unironically considering doing nofap since is basically me. it's not like i have anything to lose at this point
You feel better about yourself user
I say do it, worst that'll happen to you is you don't orgasm for a while
You went into uni thinking about going to parties instead of using your lack of social life to your advantage and surpassing your peers.
Fuck dumb, dude.
will i have the motivation to actually study/work? i haven't had a job in 2 years, so now i just spend my free time on here or playing vidya, and now i'm not even feeling motivated enough to play video games,
Literally me, but I don't care about parties, fuck normies meetings I care about failing to my family, they put a lot of money in my education, now the family economy depends on me finding at least a paid internship, but I'm a depressed mess that can barely get out home by now, fuck everything.
I can't say for sure
The "nofap gives you superpowers" is bullshit, you'll still be you
For me it makes me feel better about myself and I think it may have made me sleep better
I can't say for sure it was nofap that helped me sleep, but the last few times I edged myself I slept like shit and felt slightly sick the next day
>i'm unironically considering doing nofap
You say it like it's a huge deal.
Just don't fap for a few days, and take it from there.
2 things I can say about nofap:
>you'll think about women CONSTANTLY
Not cool
>you'll finally have the energy and motivation to do something with your life
Very cool
I'd say the pros outweigh the cons. Even just jerking off once a week will make a big difference in your life.
You considered becoming a mercenary?
What do you like to do though?
Why would you go to college to party? I was actually considerate of my family and friends cheering me on and paying for my tuition so I studied hard every night, didn't go to any parties, and still flunked because I'm a fucking brainlet what a fucking curse god dammit all.
Is there a way out for people like us?
What do you do now that you flunked?
Nothing. And I mean nothing.
i did almost fail one class the first semester but then i got straight As almost every semester after that. college is easy bullshit that's based on regurgitation,so you can do well if you try. parties are for losers, you can't get laid at a party unless you're chad, i think. (no personal experience with this though)
I'm starting to feel this way too. I'm broke, in a lot of debt, and in the last week I've dropped out of college and ruined relations with my only couple of friends.
Things were going well last year too, and I've just completely fucking crashed and burned. Nothing I do succeeds or makes me happy in anything but short bursts.
I've set October as a date; if things haven't improved, I'm done. My mom is the only one who will miss me.
Get out kafka
Life goes on user. Find what makes you happy, do it often and well, and you'll meet people through it. There's no deadline for success or happiness. An heroing is accepting defeat and bowing out and that's not you.
Chill, have a beer, or two.
user you can come to my party and you and me are now bff's.
Text me every 5 minutes.
>failing uni
>friendship was never even an option
>getting stupider and slower
>haven't learned a single useful thing
>only motivation anymore is to not disappoint family any more than I already have and not lose library access
>I have stuff due tomorrow and Friday, done a good part of it today but still have a bunch to do
>Am also a year behind on my course
tfw I might have to miss a club I've been going to. Have been interacting with people there and while I haven't made any friends yet I enjoy it. Should I take a break and go the club or try and finish some of my assessments?
Networking is important in college. The guy who coasts by with B's and C's but has a natural Chad type personality and is constantly expanding his social circle is going to get a job before the guy who gets straight A's but can barely talk to people.
Why don't they tell you networking is important in college?
because it comes naturally to the majority of people so they don't bother to spell it out for the social retards.
all me. nice to know we have each other at least. Jow Forums can be real comfy sometimes.
Shit got to make the decision anyone have any advice
any advice on networking then?
Not OP but sorta in the same boat, not gonna go full months not fapping but really need to limit myself to 1-3 times a week because not only are the faps faster and better there's way more productive things to do