You're just psychically unattractive. It's not that you're mentally ill, poor, lack social skills, it's just that you're ugly.
Is being an incel just about being ugly?
Okay but if I was rich I could pay to fuck chad's girlfriend behind his back. there's really no winning unless you're perfect
It starts as being ugly, but once that realization kicks in and you see how people react to and treat ugly people, your mental state and attitude is bound to go to shit. I would imagine that's how most incels are created.
Most incels aren't even ugly as this. The one you posted here is actually a very tiny minority of incels.
False, You could look like Gaston and that still won't change the fact that she will choose someone else because of better social statue, personality and income. It's many thing put together that determine what a man is worth to another female.
Poor guy, I feel bad for him, anyone else? I mean how genetics could create something like this?
I hope he is doing ok.
I have a customer with his exact face except he's shaved. I even asked him once if he was famous from the internet.
females will literally chase psychopaths, serial killers and school shooters because they're somewhat good looking, physical attractiveness is everything
It's not just about being unattractive, it's about a lack of personal responsibility, blaming outside forces for your lot in life.
You tell an incel to clean up a little, trim his nails, take a shower, or just try walking up to a woman look her in the eyes and flirt with her and he will respond, "Well that's just not me, i should be allowed to be myself"
That's just not you? Who are you? A person that doesn't get laid.
Life is better when you stop blaming, it's very hard to change how OTHER people behave, it's easier to change yourself, it's not selling out, its being a better you.
Simple pick up advice, Take a shower, brush your teeth, cut your nails, wear NICE clothes, look a woman in the eyes and tell her she has nice shoes, go get rejected by 1000 women, in fact, stop calling it "rejection" each "rejection" is just one more woman that you don't want, because you don't want a woman that does not want you, unless you are a fucking rapist.
I first kissed a girl and got laid at age 26, all i did was initiate physical contact, because i already knew how to talk to people, by physical contact, i mean like a friendly pat on the back after a joke then as the night progresses you push the line until she says no, then you try again later.
Go make money, take up boxing or Jiu Jitsu, go lift weights, or just do pushups and situp, have a shower, practice eye contact,stop blaming others or the world, you can't change them, change yourself.
I am passionate about this shit, ive seen an incel type have a REALLY pretty girl flirt with him HARD, she was giving him her biggest fuck me eyes, she was waiting for him to just make a move, he just let her leave, I asked him "what the fuck?" he did not realize she was into him, because he never learned how to spot these body language ques, he told be that it was okay though because he was into another girl, the only problem he had though was that she was in a relationship already, WHAT THE FUCK?
They are actually uglier than this.
He could grow a beard and take up body building, that would solve a lot of issues.
Ugliness + halo effect + classical conditioning. Unattractive people are literally treated as inferior and this moulds their psyche. You can't just separate physical ugliness from the damaging psychological effects.
Post proof or gtfo
Comment was not orginal
here's 4 more incels
>eggy had a cute tgirl riding his cock
>you're still a KHHV
It's fucking OVER.
here's another notorious incel wanted by the FBI
Thats average bordering on above average
t girls don't count tho
he's a 9/10 with chad genetics, i wonder how he hasnt gotten a gf yet
here's another ever so elusive chadcel
Another human voluntarily engaging in physical intimacy with you counts.
It's still gay. And it's super easy to get a boyfriend as we know.
lol I think he's just bullshitting. Has had gfs in the past.
8/10 nice rare one
>he does not know vuples/stan
Give me a rundown on how to easily get a boyfriend. Asking for a friend who's recently been fantasising about his cute Korean flatmate.
He looks like a Jewish version of Charlie from Always Sunny.
When did they find the height and weight of OP's pic?
Make an online dating profile.
mfw they all mog me
Being an incel is about doing everything you can but still getting spit on by a society which does not care about you. Being an incel is about living a life of solitude because you're not "the guy".
A lot of "incels" are just failed normies and are only painfully average looking. They may not get stacy, but they could still get cucked to oblivion by beth or becky. Too be truely incel you need to look like st. blackops2cel, hallowed be thy name.
I think the stats on there are fabricated.
It's over.
>tfw you will never be that guy that girls say "Oh my gooood he's so hot" no matter how many showers you take
Reminder that if this guy can UNJUST himself you can too.
Did they even make tinder profiles
This is not true and if your reasons for thinking this are from fucking memes ur retarded
You can't change the size of your iris dummy
>takes 8 showers a day
>Skin has become that of a salamders
>hairs dry as shit
"Why am i not a chad??"
>do a bunch of shit you don't want to do just so you can have a shot with some dumb roasties
Fuck off, normalfag, nobody wants you here.
>just shower bro
how come the only advice normalfags give to virgins is basic bitch shit like "shower", as if the only way someone can be a virgin is if they're some unclean heathen.
If you're so retarded you can't shower regularily then getting a gf is the lest of your problems.
How about giving some useful advice cunt.
If you don't want to get laid, sure, don't do any of this. That is also fine.
I'm just here to help, i didn't even kiss a woman till i was 26, so it hurts to see others making the same mistakes i made.
Here is some useful advice.
Tell a woman you like her shoes, and watch her light up like a Christmas tree.
>implying you won't immediately be labeled a footfag and cast aside
Not at all.
I see rather sub 5 dudes get laid a lot because they're just shamelessly putting themselves out there. If you keep shooting, you'll hit the bull's eye sometimes.
no,many incels ahve intimacy issues and a general anxiety problem, like me
If you don't smile or look a woman in her eyes sure maybe.
All I can say is try it, a woman wears her heart on her feet. If she as tattoos every guy has told her, "Hey, i like your tattoos" but if you say "I like your shoes" You are saying she has great taste, and no one else has told her that.
It's an ice breaker, after that you can talk and see if you even really like this woman, if you are afraid that she will think you are a creep before even talking to her, then you have already defeated yourself, she did not reject you, you rejected yourself FOR her.
There is some weird idea that courting or pick up is some kind of way to trick women into sex, that works every time, if you are turned down by 20 women and hook up with 1, those are really good odds.
Most punches in professional boxing do not land, the best in the world at punching miss more than they hit.
Thanks for the advice faggot. Do you know what website you're on?
The only website where I am called Normal.
I really think it comes down to some kind of "normal" vs not normal. Some quality you can't really define a la
My buddy is probably a 4 but married a 7 because he's relatively smart and is talented and has a career. He also verbally abuses her.
>I like your shoes
The first usable advice ever on this board. Brilliant.
"Clean up a little"
I shower, shave, dress well, am smart, make above average money for my area but I'm 30 lbs overweight, have a huge crooked Jew nose, crooked jaw, creepy smile, unattractive cheekbones and chin, and am super socially anxious because of it.
You're either gonna say 'just try' or 'go to the gym, get plastic surgery'. I wouldn't date myself when there are so many attractive guys around, so why should anyone else?