Which lotion do you use to jack off?
I personally love using almond and coconut lotions, but gonna try this.
Which lotion do you use to jack off?
I would love to know more about you guys
do all men do this? i always found it strange since i've never felt the need to.
My dick is not jew-tilated, i don't need lotion to masturbate
not "all"
but your dick will hurt less if you use a death grip
baby oil
>having to use lotion to masturbate
do you prefer this over vaseline?
I use that lotion. It's very slippery and is watery as fuck.
Nothing, a jew didn't cut up my dick when I was a baby
and only $1.50 for it :D
>Having to use lotion
What a bunch of fags.
What do you use, originality
can you please let me know who this is?
I have like 3 different things I use.
This stuff is my favourite.
Me, famallama
Aussie here, I actually find lotion to be of inferior quality to my abundant pre-cum.
But then again we here in the true land of freedom don't have our dicks choped at birth.
top kek amerikeks
i use my hand
I'm circumcised so I always hear the meme that we "need" lube but I literally have never used it. It's either too thick and penor feels nothing or it's too slippery and causes me to rub on my head which is way too sensitive.
that is a very original man
thats pretty gay nigger
Fucking god damned homo
how does it feel? and does it have an after smell?
i use coconut oil whenever i have it, makes my dick smell like a tropical hooker, but whatever
Uncircumcised, I use no lube. I just switch hands whenever one starts to heat up (I usually start with left)
Isnt that hard at room temp?
Why would I need lotion for that? I've never understood this meme.
Vaseline is my favourite. Easy to wipe off, cheap, and doesnt smell so people wont knownif youve been whacking off
its semi hard at room temp but it melts in your hand
Only fags need lube. Go raw or go home
>tfw catch myself unironically masturbating to this without lotion
well played
Thanks guys!!! U da best!!!
I can't stop you.
just show your penis alresady
Coconut oil is the best choice though can be inconvenient because it needs to warm up first. I just use a hair dryer in a little jar. It is anti-bacterial and cleans all your dick cheese whereas lotion can gum up and ferment your dick.
or toaster or whatever
I don't have any recent pics desu. Here's my fat ass belly too
it depends on how much skin was removed. I was circumcised extremely tightly and I definitely need some kind of synthetic lubricant and even then it is slightly painful