My boyfriend dumped me because I got angry and said he wants to fuck his sister. In the past though he showed me his porn folder filled with video's where he said he finds the ones that look just like her so he can "imagine it" and said he's been jerking off about her for years. Who was in the wrong?
My boyfriend dumped me because I got angry and said he wants to fuck his sister...
>having an SO
both of you were in the wrong for being fucking normalniggers.
You are because you're a woman
Do you look like his sister?
Does him wanting to fuck his sister bother you? Because the idea of it bothering you seems to bother him enough to dump you. If it does bother you, then why are even sad? Therefore I'm guessing it doesn't really bother you, in which case you got angry and said something you didn't mean. So really that puts you in the wrong. Work on your emotional outbursts, and if you want your boyfriend back then talk to him about how you didn't really mean it, and will try to control yourself a bit better.
I mean, the fact that you have to ask makes me think you feel guilt for something. So maybe both of you are wrong
you because you don't want to have an incest threesome
Obviously your boyfriend is in the wrong, he's really creepy if he wants to fuck his sister, you should tell his sister about that because things like that are gross and disgusting
>My boyfriend
I don't think anyone is in the wrong there. Sounds funny though.
tell her kek
What's the source of the OP pic??
i think honesty in a relationship is important and if you two dont accept each others fetishes then you wont work out in the long run ever
of course that means he has to accept the fact that you lust for the black cock but hey thata the tradeoff
you for shilling your roastie problems here.
oreganooo Sauce y pls?
I'd be pretty mad too if I were you, but a wants to fuck what a man wants to fuck
All you had to do was indulge his sibling-play and pretend to be his sister. Now you're gonna die alone.
I'll be your bf op
I don't want to fuck my siblings
>Also who the fuck shares their porn folder with other people?
Is this what the storyfags from the incest threads do now? Make up completely bullshit normie stories and relentlessly post them to the main page?
There is no winning in a break up, only degrees of losing, the more you try and hurt your ex the more your lose.
You already lost, if you want to lose less, get over it and move on asap.
i just think youre both retarded lol fuck off my board
>lol fuck off my board
you sure you aren't the retard?
>die alone
Good one.