Post 'em, bots
I got an 88, I'm gonna assume thats for shitty virgins
t. shitty virgin
I am Chad among men
I only had one sexual partner for more than 2 years so I guess it's expected. Most of the sex was vanilla, too.
did I just get shilled?
Describe her for me
I'm gonna be here for a while aren't I?
i'm no robot but i enjoy the board
(also was around for the creation of robot9000)
25 lol, guess I shouldn't be here
91, do online anonymous relationships count? Idk.
Also, most people in this thread (assuming you're all guys) have had far more experience than me, a fembot. Shocking. I thought we didn't exist to you people.
94 but I only ingested alcohol ONCE in my entire life and got suspended for taking someones yearbook that I only took to give them back the next day because they left it behind and I was too autistic to vouch for myself properly, they just thought I was lying
Get the fuck off our board
This is the last straw I'm heading to fucking magicchan
That's actually surprising, thought I'd be 70 or something
Welp now I feel like a degenerate
ooh a fembot
do you want to talk to me, a manbot
ITT: blatant liars
If you get below 80 you really don't belong here, just leave
why did my life have to be this way
How old are you, brother?
89, Sometimes I feel like there is 20, maybe 30 robots left browsing this board.
21, im afraid this is only the beginning
Am I too Chad for this place?
89 im not gay plese no gey
What does that mean? Is that low or high? I barely checked anything.
85....i feel like an angel, guys
I got 95 or 96 last time this was posted of couple weeks ago, only thing I checked was stuff about porn and masturbating.
As long as your above 80 you're fine.
too lazy to take it again, last time I took it I got a 93.
not too low desu.
71, basically everything except the benis in bagina / oral stuff
l won't make it
No one under 90 is welcome here
What's the cutoff for robot status? I'm at 90
Original score of 38
no idea originally
I'm 22 years old yet all the things I checked off happened before I was 12.
Get off my christian board, sinner.
why not 100?
see you in hell
l got a 91..
I got purgatory or limbo my dude.
Jokes on them, i'm Jewish
88 too user
Guys, I got a 30 and answered honestly.
Perfect score. 100. Not hard because I am a kissless dateless virgin who has never touched drugs/alcohol or committed a crime.
i doubt that dan
You never fapped, though?
EOSIS ekdiuddhb
Never fapped. No interest.
Okay wait I got 99. I didn't read the seen/and or read pornography line right. I have seen it here but it wasn't by choice.
83 percent.
Not too bad I guess
91, baby. F-feels good to be so pure.
Took it a while ago. 96.
I assumed that kissing on cheeks (traditional for Mediterranean cultures) counts as kissing non-family member, otherwise the number would be higher I guess. Also I'm 25.
71, thanks in part to drugs and police
Holy fuck you guys.
score: 24
What the fuck
guess i'm fucked arent i
Nice, you're not in danger of shooting a place up
This is objectively the best test for robots.
It'd be much higher if I didn't see escorts from time to time.
leave us you chads
What the fuck is wrong with all of you?
Leave if you have under 87
Haven't even held hands romantically
Am i missing something?
24 y/o
It's never getting better
welp 85 isn't so bad...
Not redoing it but I was pretty pure. 25 I think
Ticking that box should put you to zero by default. I might have fucked a lot of women and done drugs, but I never fucked an animal, so how could I be any less pure?
got a 93
30 years old. most of the sex stuff was done with hookers though and the test didnt ask that
Got an 89.
Would you care to tell us about your experience? I personally i left that unchecked since i never physically done it but i'm afraid /zoo/ and anatomically correct mlp porn might have corrupted my mind.
i got 30 is that bad?
Am going to be here forever.......
a long time ago when I was going through my horny teens, i tried and looked at everything. one day I though why not try zoo, it didn't go as planned and felt horrible for doing it, but i'll never forget the deep tongue kissing and the rimjob her muzzle was deep, but she was too rowdy for sexual
Got an 81
Also check em
originally my guy
87 at 26 years old