Kelly thread.
New Kelly!
Kelly, you are sooooo artistic..
Kelly thread
Other urls found in this thread:
This is not the newest Kelly, but its a recent one..
I save images she posts of her cats, too
I could create a whole damn subfolder for this CAT, Anons!!! But I won't..
hi cutie. wanna join the bussy gang?
What disease makes a person look like this?
I wonder what this cat is even NAMED!!! Kelly, when will you inform us of this fact you've withheld?!
edgy lady
also nose piercing is trash, not sure if borderline
what the fuck is a bussy gang
excuse me
fetal alcohol synrome
dont know how to say this,but if you were her would you date someone who is not as cute as you ?
she gets laid every night bro don't kid yourself
i dunno user i'm not her
but,if you were her,would you tho ?
bussy gang
this is funny, user, i like it. weird accent but i like it
Wtf I was already listening to this while scrolling. Found it on /mu/ and been playing it on repeat for a few. Shit's cash and unironically better than the scoop di di poop version.
Shut the fucc up, tranny. k yourself
literally k urself
What a coincidence that you'd be listening to such an obscure song.
There you are!!! I expect you everywhere.
Ok Anons I'm going to bed now byebye new Kelly threads tomorrow
Kelly's absolutely adorable and my favorite instagril. What's up with all the weeb cutes from Brazil?? There's like an endless supply of them.
>tfw can't speak a word of portuguese other than what i've picked up from my favorite portuguese black metal bands :'(
Wonder if any of them are involved in any of that kvlt ass macumba they got goin on down there or if they're all just post-modern seculars.
She had an ig story of her watching that camping anime and I love her
bussy gang recruit
I thought she was russian?
nah shes just on some russian site but she types almost exclusivel in portu
Naw, Brazilian. Unless she just memeing by posting in Portuguese. Looks like several of her books are in Portuguese as well.
She lives in a very shitty city in Brazil, I wonder how she still alive. Probably she have rich parents and lives in a gated community.
that's the beauty of females
Uh... I was busy this weekend but yeah when you gonna show me your tits?
I heard the wealth distribution between rich and poor in the cities is pretty dramatic. Judging by her ability to frivolously purchase cosplay and other weeb shit I can only assume she lives among the wealthier populace and cashes in on the NEETbux along with her other instagril friends like deathconsciousnwss (another adorable wretch) . Good for her, I hope she lives a comfortable and sheltered life, she deserves it :')
actually my favorite thing about gorls is when you see one with sunglasses on who thinks you can't tell what they're looking at with their head pointed straight at you because you just know their mind is going wild they are thinking some crazy shit in that little noggin