>true love doesn't exi-
True love doesn't exi-
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Yep look there incels. Even an average looking guy like pews can get a good looking GF. So what's you excuse?
I'm broke lad
is that blair white?
>average looking
pewds is basically super model tier
>medti*ds BTFO
>nordic pride world wide
She looks like a bitch and will more than likely cuck him
Her makeup tutorials are fucking shit and she rides on pewdiepie's fame like any other roastie
>millionaire gets roastie gold digger
ftfy OP
im a master at reading faces
that chick is not into that dude
Totally not because of his youtube money right
>been together for almost 10 years before marriage
>years before he was wealthy or famous
>millionaire gets roastie gold digger
try again incel
>Too retarded to know they were together before any modicum of fame
Wow you guys sure are smart
she's been with him since 2010
Not to say that she is still with him for the money, but she certainly didn't get with him for it
Looks like your average computer geek to me. 6/10 maximum
Average northern european tier
She is such a transparent, humorless succubus. Felix deserves better.
she looks half asian / half white IMO
damn he's a good looking guy no homo
I wouldn't say super model, hes a solid 7/10 though. I dont think he would have a problem having most girls say hes at least cute.
>so retarded that he knows pewdiepie facts
wew boy
I meant as in I can't go on dates with a girl user, that's how broke I am
Have you tride raping?
That's one crooked nose she's got there, if she got a nose job to straighten up her nose she'd be a 9/10 on my books.
Pewds is definetely above average looking,a 7/10, plus his millions of dollars
pewds is going to get justed in divorce court. he's too naive like the average swede. poor guy. just look at this girl's face, something is off about her.
He didn't get married so I guess not so naive after all. Anyway he most likely write a pre-letter contract to avoid having to join property in marriage
>Even an average looking guy like pews
you wot, mate
literally voted in the top ten of most attractive men last year
you wot, mate
I'm not at that level of desperation yet user
he is getting married now lad
men up to 8/10 are average by female standards
According to some random youtubelist. Anyway we both got eyes and that is what matters. If he is a model I am fucking Fabio then
>men up to 8/10 are average by female standards
i don't think you know how that list works, m8
>According to some random youtubelist.
according to pier review by an established and respected paper and writer
>"The world famous 100 MOST BEAUTIFUL FACES LIST has been published annually by THE INDEPENDENT CRITICS since 1990."
you're just salty
sit down, be humble, be quiet
Yeah, i'm sure she would have given him the time of day if he wasn't a fucking millionaire.
he was a hotdog seller when they met, my dude
She started dating him when he was broke
Salty for what? Not like I had any designs on his gf or anything. I just think you are an idiot. Obviously the most famous people are never the best looking since looks alone is not much of a talent
What makes you think he's not just as versed in Jow Forums memes as me or you?
He's made thousands reacting to YLYL threads on /gif/
>Obviously the most famous people are never the best looking since looks alone is not much of a talent
now everyone knows for certain you're salty
Marzia's face is like objectively ugly but somehow attractive.
>He's made thousands reacting to YLYL threads on /gif/
he also used to stream for /v/, back in the day
I bet marzias poop tastes like a chocolate croissant from Starbucks
welcome to the world of being an objective 5/10
I mean that say glamour models are obviously better looking than hollywood actors, you get me now? Also KYS
>models aren't famous
this dude
oh no no no
>Also KYS
can't kill what's already dead, my dude
>breeding with someone who doesn't have the same eye color as you
i thought he wanted to save the white race
>sad lonely people literally discussing about a couple
isn't it funny
this desu senpai. and her voice is nails-on-chalkboard tier
She's a turbo gold digging whore.
>look guys chad can get a gf why cant you
Been to Sweden before. He's average as hell. People in Stockholm are unbelievably beautiful. I was shook.
yeah but they were together before his success
I wonder if she speaks in that abhorrent voice even off camera. It drives me nuts
She stuck around waiting for this though, girls play the long con when they think it will pay off.
can't wait until that roastie whore divorces him and takes all his money.
It does. I've felt it. I've lost it. People change, god forbid I ever could have involved kids into this shit. I like the idea of fusing with someone but not when they will definitely hate you for being the product of your inability to communicate.
They were together when he was selling hotdogs. OP's point stands
Yeah, this is true. I had a girlfriend from Stockholm (who was beautiful) and the only time in my life I've ever felt insecure about my looks was getting coffee in the centrum at lunch time with her.
I'm 6ft, yet was easily one of the shortest men in the cafe. Everyone was in expensive clothes and had strong jaws and straight blonde/dirty blonde hair.
>They were together when he was selling hotdogs. OP's point stands
it would stand if he was still selling hotdogs
Shes a rich italian girl from vicenza. She lived in a huge mansion with her parents and drove a vintage louis vuitton edition leather interior car. If anything, pewds is the gold digger
Man if thats average in northern europe wed be mutants...
I know theres still uggos in britain though right?
why the fuck are you on this board? Fuck off
I've been on r9k for literally eight years.
There are chans for incels and reddits for mgtow, maybe you would feel more comfortable on a site that allows you to downvote posts that make your fee fees hurt.
Goddamn she's gotta have some great intuition to see some dude in 2010 putting Call of Duty videos on youtube and thinking to herself "yep, that's the goldmine right there"
tha point stands because he was literally doing fucking minecraft and call of duty videos later and she still didn't left him
also, there is no point for her to ever leave him but he theoretically could, but he's a red pilled autist so i doub't it will happen happen because he is a fucking multi millionaire, he's famous, handsome and is into same things like being a fucking weeb and pretending he's not.
>and she still didn't left him
retarded nigger poster fuck yourself
>dating a white supremacist
how problematic
she looks italian because she is.
He's average in sweden.
prooff of this?
pewds was well off even before his youtube career. look at his parents they're fcking rich.
Trust me italian girls can't love nobody
I don't see why Felix likes Marzia. She sounds so fucking annoying.
I also don't see why she likes him. He probably is fucking annoying in real life too.
Maybe she's good at suck dick
that bitch looks like a witch. look at the nose jesus thats horrifying
>Dude Pewdiepie said nigger he's based and a kekistani patriot!
>You need to like his shit videos for preteens now!
He is wincing in this photo, yes.
PewDiePie is a racist cuck catering to autistic 12 year olds, only reason the whore is dating him is because he's rich and subjectively autisticly funny i suppose
its kinda true actually. When I watch their vlogs together they have literally no chemistry. It just seems like they have been together for so long they got attached to each other too much
he's attractive but lol at super model tier. His nose is big and ugly and his forehead is too big a well
>average looking
pewdiepie is at least an 8/10 and hes also rich as fuck. That said, his GF is also really well off and they've been dating for longer than hes been a popular youtuber. despite me not being his target demographic I have a lot of respect for pewdiepie and i think hes one of the few popular youtubers left that put effort into their content.
This makes me sad because in a few generations true Swedes will be bred out of existence by the influx of refugees.
fucking hell what an aryan specimen
>tfw one shot at life and born with brown eyes/black hair
he lookds at her with all the love in the world. She looks at him like a manchild she can take advantage of.
any roastie will be with a nerd for 10+ years for 10 million dollars. He talks like a retard and he's redpilled to go any further, without disney he has hit his wall and unless he strikes out on something big he isn't going to go further than a fucking meme review and hat/chair salesman.
already had one of the largest youtube channels though, right? Social currency is also highly valued by thots.
he browses gif and makes ylyl videos, come the fuck on man
thers i think a decently edited video here and there(at least i hope he edits them, unlike h3h3, they are so BUSY) i think, idk i dont really watch him
>That's one crooked nose she's got there, if she got a nose job to straighten up her nose she'd be a 9/10 on my books.
Sour grapes virgin cope.
>lowest trips possible
LOL it's just the truth, jesus, you normies would literally lay in a shallow puddle so a roastie's soles would stay dry.
She is a literal 5/10 holy shit
Her weird nose gives me the creeps and she has no tits and ass. Holy fuck pewds I hope you really do love her because you seem trapped
He could be slaying 9/10s
>average looking
Fembot here, pewds is actually like a 9/10
Stockholm was whiter than my middle sized town in the South East of England.
He's a beta. Those 9/10 would just use him like a toilet and go away without remorse.
>a 5
Post your 9.
>average in sweden
His girlfriend is Italian, not northern European. he has blonde hair, blue eyes, and looks decent. That's enough for any non-swede girl to fall in love with him.
>>tfw one shot at life and born with brown eyes/black hair
I didn't mean to say that she was with him for the money though.
wasted trips. I think she's really beutiful and would only have a girl like her in my dreams, but I was just saying she'd look better with a nose job, that's all. No need to sperg over there, pal
he got an operation and now he can't have children
>average looking guy like pews
Nigger what he is 8/10 (No homo) and filthy rich.
I can't find absolute proof, but I did find confirmation that her birthplace, Vicenza, is one of the wealthiest cities in Italy. She has an estimated net worth of 2 million.
Pewds is a 7/10 at the very least, he's still a manlet though
>true love does not exi-