Be an attractive white girl. Since lo-fi, vaporware music and become famous. That is the state of our society.
Be an attractive white girl. Become famous
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more like be a white girl. become famous
also she's famous because her dad is a music exec. She's literally an industry plant like that shitty band superorganism.
i was gon post the same
>her dad is a music exec.
Didn't know that!
Her dad isn't a music executive. She blew up because of her song "Pretty Girl". She has been posting songs on SoundCloud for a while now. If her dad was a music executive, she would have a shit ton of publicity. But she doesn't in comparison to guys with record deals. Get your facts straight, get out of your mom's basement
she reminds me of the girl people post here all the time. whats her name?
her dad is LITERALLY a music exec though
hello white knight
her dad IS a music exec.
stupid fuck
>implying her music isn't good or revolutionary when it came out
her dad is literally the marketing director for starbucks and formerly was the marketing director of coca cola, LOL
don't white knight faggot
she only made it big becusase her dads buddies have been pushing her
quick googles
Clairo Fan art
certainly listenable
revolutionary though? i don't see this influencing generations to come sorry
I fucking hate white girls they should all die
i closed it 5 seconds in. why did our shitty ancestors have to kill God? for this?
end yourself you pathetic white knight piece of trash
It's not like the song is terrible, and she's not exactly getting some crazy, unprecedented amount of fame, is she?
Like, get with the times, this is what Warhol talked about. Random people get oddly famous these days (maybe not totally random since her dad is an exec of some kind. But my point stands).
I admit tho, I clicked the vid because she looked kinda qt
Is this like the next rebecca black "friday" girl or something?
her dad is a record mogul who has ties to music and youtube and stuff so i'm not 100% but i am pretty positive he helped her get well-known
she reminds me of this person
It literally hurts me how perfect she is.
that's not a very nice thing to say user, clairo is pretty cool
Fuck. Why did I have to share Clairo with r9k. Have you guys ever listened to the lyrics? SHE'S MAKING THE CASE WHY R9K SHOULD HATE HER. Personally, idgaf, but you incel fucks should be calling her a roastie. Listen to the lyrics one damn time. She's not saying she WANTS to be a "pretty girl" for a guy. She's saying the guy was being an asshole because he liked when she was pretty. Instead she's imposing this stupid feminist bullshit on her ex saying that she should be able to be as gross as possible and he should still like her. Sorry, that's not how it works. Though she thinks it does because of orbiters like you.
>she now has a nosering
>hey dark spots are gone
>heavy coated make up
In a few years, she'll be hooked on coke and dating rappers and be the typical hollywood/LA girl. Who fucking cares?
who is better clairo or ciara?
I don't follow either of them. Sorry. But I dig pic related
who is that user? never seen her
>Get your facts straight, get out of your mom's basement
>implying she's anything more than a b-grade e-celeb with hardly any outside world relevance
christ, don't make me spit out my comfy, user
All women are whores, user. Even the neotonous ones who don't wear makeup. She is pleasant to look and and has a pleasant voice. That's all that matters.
and why do they always ALWAYS have tranny bangs