>be me
>student at normie college in shitty town in shitty state (Division I school, most of our students are rich Chads and Stacys from NJ/NY
>leave my apartment to go to get some food at 7/11
>five seconds later, Chad and his friend Chad drive by in their sports car and call me a faggot
>flip them off
>head back inside and finish off my vodka bottle
>proceed to smash my room to pieces while blaring Korn and Slipknot
so how's your night going, robots?
Be me
I hate college kids too but i dont freak out about it
OP here, I drank two monsters then I tried drinking mouthwash and threw up. thanks everyone for not replying and instead posting in tranny threads and other dumb shit
you are a faggot if you listen to metal
what a colossal faggot. chads were right about you
hahahahaha what a fucking loser
sorry, r9k isn't the feels board it used to be
Yeah, listen to Kendrick Lamar and the nigger music instead like all the other normies, you retard
Fuck you too, you worthless little wretches
That's what happens when you got to Buttgers
>proceed to smash my room to pieces while blaring Korn and Slipknot
That's pretty amazing, how did chad know you listened to korn before he called you a faggot?
>smashing your own room rather than their car
You really are a faggot OP
Well, here's the fun part.
The dumb fuckers aren't even strangers: they live on my block. Tomorrow I am going to fuck their car up
> listens to entry level nu metal
yeah you tell em op, rap and shitty pop metal are the only two genres that exist
Yeah i agree extremely gay and childishly cringey
you're doing god's work user, i wish you the best of luck
University of Delaware?
OP's choice of metal is pretty entry-tier, but the other poster said all metal is dumb which is a stretch. i don't think metal is better than any other music but there's some good shit.
Yes. I fucking hate this school more than anything
Since when did Jow Forums get inundated with normalfags?
Slowly over the past 2 ye@rs
OP at UB?
>current year
>calling normalniggers things like normies and normalfags
back you go
Delaware. Easily the worst school, the only college in a meme state. Newark is a town where you encounter nothing but drunk college kids and townie trash like niggers who rob you or homeless people who rob you