What's the main reason you keep on living? Is there a reason why you're still alive and haven't end it all yet, user?
What's the main reason you keep on living? Is there a reason why you're still alive and haven't end it all yet, user?
I'm still searching OP
It would make my parents sad. I don't think I'd live another day the second they pass away.
don't want to make my parents originally sad
im an only child, also my family are still alive and i dont want to upset them.
Life is worth living is the main reason. Also people who kill themselves go to hell to be punished for it
I found someone who loves me
good too see this wasnt original
Y'all niggers need to keep searching
There's more to life than merely existing so your parents aren't sad about you dying.
this, it'd literally kill my mom if I ann hiro right now
But then what did I do to deserve living in this hell?
>What's the main reason you keep on living? Is there a reason why you're still alive and haven't end it all yet, user?
I'm killing myself this year :( hope there's something good in the afterlife
My wife and son. Can't imagine suicide desu, I'm getting a promotion and big raise next week.
I have a little sister that would prob be traumatized if i offed myself, idgaf about my parents tho. Ill off myself after i abandon the house.
what's with grown ass adults going crazy with that show? It's quite depressing imo
Dude, that's my main motivation. Kill myself before I end up with a kid, then you cant kill yourself
Killing yourself is a pretty bad thing to do user, you must realize that?
>Killing yourself is a pretty bad thing to do
Who says so? What difference does it make?
How many people on r9k do you think have actually done it?
Everything you do matters, you effect everyone you meet, and you can make it a positive or negative experience, the biggest sin is to do nothing.
Nihilism is way too popular these days, people like it because its an easy out, it's lazy, nihilism is for cowards. Even Rick and Morty, a show about nihilism, basically has the moral, just try and enjoy yourself.
The benefit of nihilism is that you have a perpetual excuse for your lot in life, its what being an Incel is all about, "well its not my fault, circumstances beyond my control are to blame and that cannot be changed" The fact is you can be better, im just saying that its more comfortable for people to stay in the lazy world of nihilism, and any attempt to say, "Hey you can be better" is met with anger, because it shatters the delusion that someone is where they are in life because of there own choices.
You will not always feel good, you will not always feel bad, if you take LSD you will learn this, you accept what is happening too you only THEN can you do something about it.
But you gotta do something
I guess the reason i keep on is because, i like feeling good, even if its not all the time, every now and then i feel good, i watch a show i enjoy, i get my dick sucked, or i drink a really nice whiskey and those rare moments are worth continuing, maybe you can't always be happy, but you CAN always make your suffering less so. Suicide stops suffering but it also stops those great feelings and jacking off, taking drugs, or just traveling over seas just feels too good to give up.
I took 3 and a half grams of mushrooms because i wanted to trip once before i offed myself but now because of the mushrooms im absolutely terrified of death, i get panic attacks thinking of death sometimes now which has caused me to be even more depressed than before
fuck me im in a pickle
Why would you think it's a good idea to take a psychedelic when you are arguably at the lowest mental point of your life?
Well, what else are you supposed to do once you reach that point?
well the original plan was to end my life afterwards lol
I want to become dictator of the universe eventually
i go from wanting to not exist since i know ill die anyways but always second guessing, like what if it fails somehow and im a potato for 50 years. and the thought of people ridiculing you and telling you youre an idiot.
plus i only ever really feel that way when im around people, once im alone ill still ponder it but ive chilled out since then.
at what point is it time anyways?
There's a girl I'm holding out hope for. She moved far away from home, but she's coming back soon and I think she might finally be the perfect woman I've been searching for all this time, so I want to see if she'll give me a shot despite the kind of stupid shit I've done. Personally, I think someone I love existing being a reason for me to not kill myself, even if she doesn't love me back, proves in my mind that life is beautiful and has too many gifts to throw it away
Yeah, the support and sayings from others lighten me up, but i guess there's not really a strong cause to why i'm still here.
I don't want my final moments to be in my deathbed, where i would reminisce at my pathetic life as a miserable gas station cashier and spending my downtime to tv shows, music and porn.
I endure because all my Jow Forums friends would be sad beyond measure if I offed myself.
Because I failed at killing myself and saw what it would do to my family. I'm waiting to move out and treat them like shit so they won't miss me when I do it.
Being alive and occasionally enjoying some of the good things in life, is worth putting up with depression and hopelessness. The alternative is an external void of absolute nothingness as far as anybody knows.
I won't say it's because my parents because I honestly I don't give a shit, that's a cheap excuse, even your family will eventually forget about you within some time. I guess the reason is because a little bit of hope still remains inside my heart, hope to find a purpose, something that can make me feel fulfilled aside, Not a girl, because if my happiness depends on another person, which so far has been the case, it always only brings even more sadness and sense of uncertainty.
I'm not sure. For the moments I can truly laugh, and when I get to bask in a song.
howd you try, did you get hurt badly and how did they act were they mean about it?
Anger, rage, and the very real possibilty within the next decade I will be able to fight in a war or crusade against those who are killing this world.
How do you know we're not living in hell right now?
Because so far my disease hasn't caused me any major problems yet. The second my kidneys or liver start to fail,or if neuropathy sets in, I'm hurling myself off a bridge
Hookers and cocaine. j/k
I guess I'm now more comfortable with myself, I still have a few friends, and I don't want to hurt my parents.
>take LSD
>all of my dreams are haunted by apocalyptic scenarios, people who hate me for no reason, sexual assaults, and insects who come close to me but never actually hurt me in order to maximize fear
>see fractals and insect faces whenever I close my eyes
>sometimes even holographic short movies about people being tortured when I'm stressed out
Lol yeah yeah LSD is great it really helps you realize how everything is going to be okay and how impermanent everything is, even though all it does is fucking condemn you for nothing because it can because might makes right and because nobody actually gives a shit about anything.
Fuck off. I would lynch you if it wasn't illegal.
>if you take LSD
>tl;dr post
Who would have guessed that doing hard drugs leaves you as a loner with nobody to talk about "muh deep introspekshuns" with?
Give me a fucking break you junkie faggot
Live and do lots of shit then kill yourself. Life has no reason so drink all the booze, hang around with all sorts of people and all sorts of places, smoke kush and binge watch TV while high, have mad sex then hang yourself when you get tired.
My mom already killed herself, I don't want to do that to my dad or siblings. Also, as much as I absolutely fucking despise this putrid corrupted abomination of a world, there are aspects of it which, while not coming close to countering the inherent evil imbued in all of creation, are worth experiencing in themselves. They don't really make life worth living, but in the same way some degenerates will mutilate themselves for the sake of a brief orgasm, I'm still willing to live through this horrific spiral of vermin shit if I can occasionally experience something I like. That said, the number of things I like is falling as is my ability to experience those things, so I don't know how much longer this is going to last.
Do you enjoy flora and fauna or just chemistry and stuff?
Actually...I live for a car
Im currently building a 325i BMW E30. It wasnt the nicest to start with but slowly ive been build ing it. This is after loosing my home with at the time my fiance in it because she mentally snapped.
THe car today is going good. About to turbo it as I made a "327i" stroker engine out of it. The only thing holding me back is patience.
I don't want to be a dick to you but SSRIs are bullshit and they are no better and definitely no more effective than illegal drugs anywhere. Tell me of one country that prescribes them responsibly.
Why a BMW?
I took LSD and had no deep insights. My lessons were taught through life, kudos to you if a drug trip brought them to you.
As for OP, it's because life is fleeting and there's joy to be had and I intend on having it. Also, I'm the most stable out of my siblings and put it upon myself to have children so my mom will be happy, since none of them will ever have a gf, let alone a wife.
I still like plenty of stuff, music, art, nature, history, food, fiction, whatever. It's less than before and it's usually overwhelmed by shit, but it's still something.
My life is great and I enjoy it
'fraid it will restart all over again, just the same shit again and again, eternally.
Ive actually come from the JDM scene, mainly Nissan. I never liked BMW really until I drove the E30. It was unlike anything I have ever driven before and I absoliutely love it. THe aftermarket support is huge, it has a 327i eta engine so efficiency is pretty good, timeless look. Its also a car I bought off my friend so I like to take care of it in memory of him.
Hope. It's a cunt. I may suffer until my last day just because I can't stand the idea that I might miss some kind of happiness or love in my future. I'm gonna be so fucking mad if I end up an old man and nothing has changed.
i still get a decent buzz from browsing comfy threads, listening to music, staying up 'til early hours, watching comfy vlogs/podcasts, a comfy movie, discovering new bands, learning new things, eating a good meal and nightwalks.
don't know how long these hobbies (if you want to call them that) will last. i am still yet to travel somewhere, so if shit starts to become bland i have that to fall back on.
i also want a gf, but i'm 22 and a half so the window is slowly closing. help
This is a valid, and also original, answer, right?
I live life to remember it and to make sure people remember me. In a good way of course. Also I like to look at the little things, I always love offering help to strangers and making conversations with them.
>Is there a reason why you're still alive and haven't end it all yet, user?
Just inertia. I can feel it running out, though. I'm ready; I bought a gun.
I want to see what technological advancements mankind makes, wether its AI, immortality, or the apocolypse, i want to sit back and watch it all unfold because we are either going into the future or the end. And when I want to go, I will go and nobody can stop me.