Or is it a byproduct of living in an upper middle class to upper class area?
Are most healthy 18-22 year old white girls attractive?
No. They aren't. White girls are ugly and the most likely to suffer from infertility of all women
I'm guessing you don't live in a white area
Its a byproduct of you dont notice or remember unnatractive or plain people unless there is something notable about them. Most people are not notable
most white girls i see are fairly hot though.
It's the by product of living in an upper middle class area, there are obviously still ugly girls but on average the girls more attractive.
I wonder why that is? If you ever see them with their parents the parents usually aren't good looking in any way.
poor people tend to be fatter. i live in a rich area and almost every
Hmm, it's almost like lack of financial freedom correlates with an absolute loss of hope leading to obesity.
>you're fat because you eat too much.
lol you're dumb.
literally nowhere did i imply any of that. stop having a meltdown, poorfag. maybe if you behave i'll tip you.
Although I wasn't particularly aiming that argument against you, I've seen that notion withheld as if god given truth all too often without considering the grander scheme of things.
My mistake, richfag
what about >30 white girls? are they generally hot too? when do white girls tend to lose their looks?
No they aren't. You just ignore the ugly ones. Believe me there are many hideously ugly ones.
increased estrogen in water from plastics and alcohol use make them more feminine
add good nutrition and youve got yourself some real golden years on your plate. but its like the whole candle burning brighter thing, it wont last for long
white girls are hot until 24-27 or until they have a kid, whichever comes first. imo, they don't really lose their looks, they just let themselves go.
Meanwhile actual white girls
Such beauty and grace.
Here's what a realistic white girl looks like. I'm not cherrypicking hideous ones
whiyteee gurlllll
they're more attractive than average when they're in their early 20s, that beauty fades fast though
around their 30s is when they start to age badly and need to cake on tons of make up and skin products to look decent, at that point they look for a beta provider to settle with
what race of women tend to keep their attractiveness longer?
Maybe I'm crazy but as someone who goes to uni with a lot of young white girls, I'm going to have to give a hard no. There's nothing about them that just makes me all that attracted to them, I'm never like "oh yeah I'd love to hit that." The vast majority of them are just 'meh'.
jewish girls bro
azns 100% m8 orig
Not really. Though the average one's tend to look better than average girls of other races. I'd say average dutch or swedish girl looks better than average american white girl. It depends on their ethnicity.
there's no other race out there that does make-up deception like the gooks. those girls are masters at it
Russians, Ukrainians, tend to look better than Americans. It's no wonder so many of them are models.
how does one Ukrainian/Russian gf get?
uhhhh by going to russia or ukraine?
This is the weirdest shit since my heritage is from around Rus/Ukraine, and to me, those girls have always seemed so bland. I guess it's because I grew up with them, but I've just never been interested in them, despite everyone else telling me they're fuckin AAA.
Imo it's the germans who've got the chicks down pat. German engineering.
Go to a local Russian/Ukrainian area. Get to know them. Date a pure waifu one. I let one get away, she liked me and I sperged out. Then she went back to Ukraine. My time to act was short.
be careful though. Some of them are pure gold diggers. it's easy to spot those out tho
They have a much higher average than niggers or spics
you do get fat when you eat too much
you were a mistake, fatfag
>Some of them are pure gold diggers
As a Rus/Ukrainian, this x1000. Half the stories I hear from my family is horror stories of some gold digger grabbing some poor guy by his wallet, cashing in that green card, and then going off to cheat on him asap. It's pretty fucked.
yep, i've met plenty of them myself. it's almost a stereotype with them.
White people are the aesthetic ideal. Look at sculptures of nonwhites (blacks, Asians) and then look at sculptures of whites. The former look goofy and horrifying but white features look like they were meant for the medium of sculpture.
she doesn't look to bad to be honest. looks like a nice middle aged wife
bumpity ump t