Let's talk about evolution. Ain't it weird how nature made it so that ten thousand organisms have to die so that one could grow a nail? I mean what the fuck?
Let's talk about evolution...
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The one that grew a nail was just a mistake that got lucky.
That's what I'm saying, a tremendous waste of organic life so that mistake can happen
Mistakes aren't supposed to happen, though. Everything was going to die either way.
evolution is the biggest meme of all time. sure an organism can adapt to a certain degree, but you're retarded if you think a lizard could grow wings. the in-between stages would be completely useless autistic retards
Life doesn't do waste in the grand scheme of things.
>nature made
Nature does not make, it just keeps happening.
>you're retarded if you think a lizard could grow wings
Then what are dragons?
Nature doesn't give a fuck. It keeps grinding and making new mistakes constantly, forever.
This is an interesting point, however didn't this actually happen? Aren't bugs and mammals essentially autistic retards that crawled out of the water?
It does waste, it kills everything in the most grotesque ways for no good reason. So that a new organism could gain that much more advantage.
you're thinking too simplistically and don't actually understand what the middle steps might entail
yes exactly; evolution is an "organic" process without a targeted outcome
you're missing the point
Which point am I missing? Seriously think about it. A fish lays a thousand eggs all with a brain and organs and shit, 999 of them die horribly whether it be disease or getting eaten by something else. Just so that the one could continue to perpetuate it's DNA by replicating itself.
You sure showed those degenerate atheists.
its DNA by procreating**
SOUNDs weird cuz it didn't happen
If that didn't happen, what did? Please explain because I think it makes perfect sense.
What is wasteful about death? Outside humanity all that matter goes back into the ecosystem from which it came. Life as a whole wastes almost nothing. Possibly excepting some ultra deep sea shit and a few things humans have done. You are stuck percieving life and nature as some sort of anthropomorphised force or god when it is just a self perpetuating chemical imbalance slowly achieving the most evenly dispersed energy state like the rest of the universe. There are no mistakes anymore than the run of a river has mistakes.
It's wasteful because it's harmful to organisms. If a newborn slowly dies from cancer in agonizing pain that is a waste of a life is it not? Perhaps I should not have used the word mistake but still you must understand what I mean? Essentially a continuous biological experiment where real sentient organisms are being tortured and shit?
There's no greater suffering than being the next step in evolution because the only one from your species with whom you can have a deep meaningful relation is yourself.
Remember to love your mother.
>what did?
if we're being "rational" here, the only answer is that my mind generated the world and all its history the moment i was born. i cannot prove with certainty that anything exists outside of my frame of reference, so evolution is retarded and pointless to even consider. even if it is true, my mind just made it up anyway, so what does it matter?
The Universe doesn't care, life needs to put its eggs in all baskets. There could have been better options but the died for what ever reason, and the good enough is what's left
>Still believing in evolution
>Not realizing that Intelligent Design is the truth
Will we ever evolve again or we peaked?
Can't be all that different from the rest of the life stuck on this planet.
>humans came from rodents
That would explain a lot
this is solipsist garbage. It doesn't matter to you now because you're probably nice and comfy.
This. I'm just pointing out more than half of the baskets rot.
>intelligent design
>pooping things eating poop so that more things could poop and eat it
Well first they could be used to glide and it could evolve into flight over time. Gliding could be achieved with something as simple as webbed limbs which could appear in just a single mutation.
You as a human, directing this and causing it would be considered wasteful by other humans for a whole host of learned or cultural reasons.
Life does not care. It doesn't not care. It can no more care or not care than a chemical oscillator can. Likewise, suffering is a human defined trait that we only apply to some life. I'm sure you wouldn't consider most of the life that died in the Great Oxygenation Event to even be capable of suffering despite it being one of the largest mass extinctions ever.
Experiments are directed, they have a goal and thought behind them. Life and evolution have no more goal or thought than the stellar sequence.
We're ever evolving but doesn't mean the next stage is gonna be good/bad
based cuck boyy
I'm not saying life is doing it on purpose, just pointing out how it's doing it. All sentient creatures squirm when they feel pain so I would say the harm done is a waste because like we agree life does it for no good reason at all. Just how it works.
We are still genetically diversifying but with much less selection pressure due to being able to manipulate our environments to us. Peaking isn't something you can do evolutionwise, though we can certainly go full transhuman from here.
Houston, we have a libtard.
>How it's doing it.
Right, but it isn't doing it any more than the Sun is doing fusion this particular way rather than another. It is just happening as a energy does it's thing, if you wanna apply anthropic concepts and values like suffering you are in the entirely wrong approach to trying to understand it.
I don't think I'm personifying nature at all. Infact the opposite, I'm saying it is like a machine churning, perpetuating the experiment over billions of years to create dna molecule and from there it was able to multiply. For no reason it just goes. And we're caught up in it. And it's stupid.
>it kills everything in the most grotesque ways for no good reason
Death has to occur for many different reasons. Foremost among those is a need for diversity. Organisms can't survive forever even if they are immortal and don't age, and they can't persistently pass on the same restrictive set of genes without breeding weakness within their species. Every organism on this planet is trying to survive in an ecosystem that's constantly undergoing change. Any given change doesn't necessarily favor every form of life that's currently existing in this world.
I understand and think that is very horrible that things are destined to put-put out like a failing car engine or get eaten by another organism.
Alright, lets step back here.
You get some gas in the void. Eventually it coalesces. Nice new star. Fuses shit into heavier shit up to iron. It'll eventually expand and contract into a smaller package or explode and recoalesce. There is no suffering here right? No creating of stars and wasting them right?
Sometimes, the star corpse bits don't recoalesce into a star. Something they're smaller. Lots over these become tiny space rocks, even more become failed stars. Some become planets. Lots of these consumed or destroyed when their stars expand or explode.
Some planets are full of energy from when they smashed together and from exploded star material getting lighter. These cool on the surface but stay fluid underneath. They can have a layer of liquids and gasses on top. These liquids and gases form from reactions amongst dead star bits. Still no suffering right?
Some of these dead star bits react in all sorts of exotics ways. Some reactions even organize more things to react the same way. Do prions suffer? Viruses? Bacteria? Protozoa? Yeast? Worms? Plants? Lizards? Birds? Mammals? People? I'm sure you started saying yes at some point there, despite the fact they're all just continuations of that same process that made stars, planets, etc.
I agree it's horrible, but all these processes are driven by seemingly random phenomena that neither understand nor possess any kind of emotion. So there's really nothing unusual about all the death and destruction around us.
I guess that point is even harder for creationists to accept, because they somehow have to reconcile that all this death and suffering are sanctioned by an entity that does very much understand and possess emotions of its own.
>There are people who actually think evolution didn't happen and that the earth is 6,000 years old
>My tax dollars were spent trying to educate these retards so they wouldn't maintain such retarded world-views when I could have spent that money on something else
How is this even possible
We literally learn this in middle school
Same goes for plate tectonics and the age of the earth.
I'm completely with you until where we get to biological life. This is where the capacity to suffer begins. I am not denying they are part of the process, yes I believe the universe function is what led to that creation. So, once you get to organisms that have nervous systems they have the capacity to feel pain. A bird that break its wings is going to squirm around on the ground and starve to death or get eaten by something. That is going to be painful for the bird. Take that scenario and you can scale it up to humans, say like if one of us breaks a leg.
And for no reason it just is because we are caught up in the byproduct of that initial universal function.
Indeed death and destruction is common part of life still I don't want to die in a painful way! This thought really bothers me and why I want to talk about this subject. catharsis or something
I also agree that religion is used to try to understand this but they fail to see that it is so pointlessly horrible that it would be insane to think a loving god would allow this or that the function is intelligent.
I know right? It is so simple but religion has to complicate it all to save people's feelings
Yes, there is no reason. Things suffer because suffering is a good way to live longer therey being more likely to reproduce thereby passing along the traits to suffer.
This is why I do not want to have children.