>my retarded roastie neighbor LITERALLY just got mauled by her pitbull
>heard loud barking and growling, then screaming and the sounds of something breaking, now just silence for the last 5 minutes
My retarded roastie neighbor LITERALLY just got mauled by her pitbull
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Fucking shitbull owners. When will they learn?
only scum own those dogs so lol
Wow you're such a pathetic unhelpful weakling. You had maybe one chance to make your pathetic existence anything more than a parasitic waste of space on this earth and you blew it and now want to gloat about it on a Tibetan Goat-Herding forum.
maybe it killed one of her other pets.
>implying he could have done anything the second he noticed it before the dog mauled her to death
i needed this today lad
He doesn't owe the roastie anything.
Good shit. She had it coming, no doubt.
Women aren't entitled to mens' help, you fucking misandrist pig. Maybe she should have worked on that personality of hers and the pitbull wouldn't have attacked.
It takes a pretty long time for that to happen and you can still call the police now instead of fucking doing this
Strangers don't owe anyone anything, but helping people and engaging in prosocial behavior is the right thing to do.
if this is real, keep us updated
No they're not you idiot it's just common human decency to treat others as you'd want to be treated
Haha hilarious. Don't forget to go cut off a soveniour before the ambulance comes and take away the corpse
Looking forward to the news
Good for user, let her get mauled
when you reach a point in your life where you're genuinely happy some woman got mauled by her pitbull
I bet she also posts all over her social media account about how shitbulls are so cute and dindu nuffin
Blame the owner. Not the breed. Only 13 people are killed by Pitbulls each year. Over 4000 people are murdered by white people each year. Who is the real bad guy?
It makes me genuinely happy that your life is so miserable that this is all that brings you "joy". Wallow, maggot.
Not posting anymore thoguh is she?
Make that 17 now
That's in America fyi. You're 20 times more likely to be killed by a white person than a pitbull. You're 80 times more likely to be killed by a black person than a pitbull.
>Blame the owner, not the breed
>Over 4000 people are murdered by white people each year. Who is the real bad guy?
>Blame the owner. Not the breed.
You're more likely to be killed by your brother than your pit bull and anyway have you considered that pit bulls tend to be owned by niggers and that makes them violent?
We need an update, faggot
Because this is the first thread with potential I've seen in a while
you ever notice how every time a pitbull mauls somebody wherever the story is posted you'll have these flood of massive dickheads posting pictures of their pitbulls saying shit like "my pitbull would never do that" "pitbulls are gentle babies"
why should he care? one less shitbull owner in the world. Only reason normies call the police is because they don't want to feel guilt because they did nothing. They are just being selfish in their own way to make it so they aren't so traumatized.
I see Labradors moved up the chart. Good for them!
>13 people a year
>most of them are children
>fails to mention that pitbulls kill other pets
13 people a year is a fucking lot.
Fact is that you are more likely to die by the hands of your family member than by a pit bull attack and that's adjusting for population. And it's a big difference. Pit bulls are not bad dogs. They have a tendency to attract bad owners who like to use them as dick extensions.
is exactly what I posted about
Petition to gas all pitbulls.
Exist to sign.
No, you psychopath, I would call the police (but actually intervene myself) because there's a chance they may still survive with proper medical attention.
And if it's selfishness that is beneficial for all involved then there's nothing wrong with engaging in it.
literal niggers of the dog world
Yet it's under 1/2000 of how many people white Americans murder in a year and under 1/5000 of how many people Americans total murder each year. Statistically you are about 40 or 50 times more likely to be murdered by a person than a pit bull and that's adjusting for population. How is 13 people out of a country of 350 million a lot?
some pics would be nice
If we gas pits we have to gas white people since white murder rates are far higher than pit bull fatal attack rates
Based af
Dab on them roasties!
Go outside and take a picture of her dead corpse
Get a load of this jackass!
Holy fuck!
You do realize, despite their latin name difference, that wolves and dogs can mate and their offspring are also capable of creating offspring as well, which means they are the same species? That's how much genetic variability dogs as a species have. To suggest all breeds have an exactly equal level of aggresiveness is absolutely fucking retarded.
See these fuckers in the picture? All the same species. You think a wolf can be raised like a dog and never be aggressive, ever? Good luck.
Pitbull Internet Defense Force is at work. Nice try Sparky, we know you mauled your owner's baby to death.
Because they're supposed to be domesticated animals. Have you ever heard of a hamster killing people? Have you heard of someone getting killed by a small cat? Humans kill humans everyday for a reason and a few for no reason. You're more likely to be killed by a car crash or cancer but still no reason for a dog to kill you.
Not sure what your obsession with white people is dude. Of course more people murder other people more than anything else there are billions of us and only thousands of everything else.
>this is what pitbull apologists actually believe
>Faggot, I would have jumped through her window and snapped the pitbulls neck. Your such a fucking pathetic waste of space
It's not just what I believe. It's a fact. Only 13 people are killed by pit bulls in America each year. 10,000 humans are murdered by other humans in America each year. Even when you adjust for population human murder rates are still 40 or 50 times higher than fatal pit bull attacks.
op update us
its already been half an hour
There are millions of pit bulls in America you fucking retard. There's an estimated 8 million. Even when adjusted for population humans are far more likely to kill you than pit bulls.
Pitbulls aren't people retard
we don't let people own wolves (generally)
why should you be allowed to own a pitbull?
>There are dogs out there who got cucked because their mate wanted BIG WOLF COCK
Which is more important, the JQ (Jewish Question) or the PQ (Pitbull question)?
No just get up, run over there, and help her fight it. It's a dog. I know you're a dyel fag but with the lady's help you'll probably be able to get something accomplished.
Literally the one thing men are supposed to be good at is physical prowess and you can't even do that.
>watched a video of Brittani Venti talking about pitbulls
>see this thread
Nigbulls don't deserve to live.
Not convinced this is real. Very few people have reached the level of indecency where you would hear something like that going on, and allow it to continue without calling the police. If you did, then the only use you have left to society is to take yourself out back like Old Yeller and blow your brains out with a shotgun.
youre stupid. youre not considering the fact that it is about 1million times funnier to let her get mauled to death by her own dog
Legit OP here, this is my first post since I started the thread, anyone else ITT is just pretending to be me. I haven't heard a peep since, I have other neighbors so I assume someone is going to call the cops eventually. It was really loud, there's no way only I heard it. I don't wanna call the cops because I hate socializing even over the phone.
Are you serious? Most people dont intervene when they hear shit like that. Also if OP lives in an apartment then that makes his other neighbors just as shitty because they most likely heard it as well and did nothing.
the fact that it was her own dog makes it so funny.
>captivates an animal
>animal kills captor
>poor captor what could we have done to stop this from happening!
You must no know where you are then, normalscum
Also, what state? I want to check the news tomorrow
Dogs have been selectively bred for thousands of years to serve humans and enjoy spending time together rather than roam about outside. They're a domesticated species you retard.
thats real as fuck
if you can start smelling the body i would say its probably good for your own sake to call the cops or else you may catch hate: this is assuming nobody calls the cops before you
You probably arent the only one who heard it. It's the Kitty Genovese situation all over again, bystander effect. But you may be the only one in a position to help and you're just wasting time. Enjoy knowing you could've saved someone' life and avoided tradgedy and you did nothing and failed
Uh no letting roasties that fucking stupid die is helping humanity as a whole. Furthermore if we are not entitled to have sex with a woman then they are no longer entitled to our protection. If I saw a gang of niggers beating and raping a woman I would just keep on walking. Might give them a thumbs up. Even if I was packing an AR with a drum magazine I would never help that fucking bitch.
bitches don't realize we don't have to attack them to make them pay in the gender war. All we have to do is stop being their protection and providers. Darwinism will take care of the rest.
13 people are killed by pit bulls in America each year. 10,000 people are murdered by other people in America each year
Niggers aren't people, user
your body, your choice
>thot gets btfo
This wasn't her was it??
some species are more suited for captivity than others
i am aware that dogs are a domesticated animal, i learned this yesterday on the discovery channel
im pointing out how ironic it is that the handler gets mauled and then people act like there was no way she could have known the risks of owning a dangerous breed (hint: its a stupid contratian attitude that causes people to defend pitbulls despite statistics and examples; its the owners fault all the way)
And pitbulls have been selectively bred to bite really fucking hard, to not let go, and to win fights.
Is it really surprising that they are also more aggressive as a result?
>that stupid
It's not the girl who's stupid it's the dog that's retarded. Pit bulls chimp out for no reason all the time, I don't know why you assume that it's the girl's fault and not the literally incapable of complex thought dog.
>if we aren't entitled to have sex with
If you are so selfish that you don't understand the concept of doing things for other people with no benefit to yourself then you don't deserve to reproduce or to even feel joy. You're impossibly selfish and greedy.
Men are literally the only aggressors. You chimp out constantly when we are way nicer than you, and then expect people to like you for it. Absolutely idiotic. Darwinism is at work right now ensuring that your semen never gets further than your stinky cumrag.
You have no record of her sexual history or intelligence.
Nothing good has ever good from sticking your nose in other people's business. They got themselves into that mess, they can get themselves out. Act like no one is going to save you when you fuck up and you won't find yourself in those situations.
13 people are killed by pit bulls in America each year. 10,000 people are murdered by other people in America each year
I love when dumb bitches get destroyed by pits. They think they're "SO SWEET OMG " and then their face gets torn the fuck off
youre so fucking stupid you completely missed the point of course dogs are domesticated hes saying that seeing all dogs as playmates is what gets people and babies mauled to death by them. idiot
No. It's the girl who is stupid. My brother trained our pit bull and she has never bit me or ANYONE in her 13 years. She is an angel.
>you have no record of her sexuality or intelligence
What the fuck are you on about?
All women are whores.
>go back in time
>pitbull about to maul roastie
>user kills it with a gun/sledgehammer/shovel
>"you killed my dog, user, I'm calling the police"
Yeah that's because women don't know how to break a dog. They let the dogs control them. A pit bull needs a strong owner to keep them in check. Pit bulls love their master when they have strong master.
You can post niggerdogs in dresses all you want, its not going to stop them from being the most aggressive and risky dog breed in existence.
Look who else can wear a dress.
You didn't adress his point though. According to your own logic it makes sense that pitbulls are be more aggressive than other dogs.
13 people are killed by pit bulls in America each year. 10,000 people are murdered by other people in America each year
Pit bulls are not bad.
Needed a good laugh. Thanks for that OP. Go hang a Beware Of Dog Sign on her door when you get the chance.
>retarded roastie gets a dangerous dog like the retard she is
>"he a good boy he gon do nuffin :)"
>gets mauled because she adopted a dangerous dog
I think it's fair to say that she's pretty stupid.
Most pit-bull owners whose families are mauled say the same thing. Animals are unpredictable and not in control of their emotions/impulses. This breed is aggressive, unusually powerful in terms of physical fitness, and prone to random acts of violence. The grizzly bear man said the same thing.
Dogs ARE play-mates that was the whole point. Pit bulls are still domesticated and were bred to be around humans. They are not anywhere near as irreconcilable, strong, or aggressive as wolves because we didn't want them to be. They're more dangerous than other dog breeds, but still intended for domestic use.
Then white people are far worse than pit bulls and more likely to kill so we should outlaw white people then. 13 fatal attacks by pits vs 4000 murders by whites each year in America.
Black bears kill an average of 1 person a year but you wouldnt fucking let that thing into your house would you?
>right thing to do
Off my board you fucking pseudointellectual normalfag
>Help her fight it
>Implying OP heard anything was happening until the dog was already on top of the roastie
>Implying she could have let him into her house while being mauled to death
>Implying it didn't take more than 4 seconds to kill her
>Implying it was even a fight
Are you fucking retarded? You cannot actually be serious in implying it would have been that simple for OP to leave his house and enter her house and fight a pitbull unarmed soon as he even heard anything. How was he supposed to know anything was wrong until he heard sounds of something breaking? Dogs bark all fucking day, especially shitbulls. You act as if he was standing 10 feet away looking at the beef-curtain get mauled to death. He was in a different house. What is he, fucking batman?
>tries to shame OP for not upholding ethical mores of concern for community that have never been upheld for OP (otherwise he would be a normie and not be posting here)
>all he has to back it up is the ancient obscure-hobby-board meme
>fucks even that up and calls it a forum
You know what time it is, user?
No we are not. You grossly overestimate the amount of sex that normies have.
get fucked i hope i can beat your pitbull to death with a shovel some day
maybe this is your second or third time posting the same thing?
you obviously dont understand statistics very well. even if 13 is the actual number of people killed by pitbulls per year (spoiler its higher) lets look at how many people are killed by sharks per year (.5) and compare that to the amount of people killed by goldfish (~0) and then to the amount of people killed by cars (~1300000) so thus its safer to swim with a car than a shark.
causality, comparison, and context are important you fucking peabrain
You're not entitled to anything roastie
Yeah most out of the 13 that happen every year? How about the thousands of murders committed by humans? Like I said you are 20 times more likely to be killed by a white person than a pit bull even when controlling for population