Whats the deal with them?
Have you ever interact with one?
How they behave?
How different is autism in females?
Would you date an autistic female?
Autistic females
I would ONLY date an autismo grill. It's super rad to see girls who are actually interesting in things other than cosmetics and "doggo memes".
Of the ones I've met, they're usually very interesting. And even though they don't really take great care of themselves aesthetically, if you look closer than just a glance they can be very attractive.
I tried asking one out but they just laughed and walked away from me.
I would like to meet one, please.
>tfw never meet an autistic female.
And yeah I probably most likely would date one. It would be the only chance to ever have a GF.
Met one. She wasn't dumb, but incredibly boring: she had no personal interests. The most I could pry off of her is that she liked Dragonball and once thought about getting a goku tattoo.
She had barely any personality besides "kind of nice and shy". She would smile and nod at most every thing, but couldn't process an original thought if her life depended on it.
She also was incapable of understanding movie plots of anything more complex than Adam Sandler comedies, or any text that demanded higher linguistic intelligence.
And no, she wasn't mentally challenged, she went to college in fucking civil engineering and was actually pretty decent at Math.
I know one. Despite being autistic and socially inept she regularly had sex with men she found attractive.
She never had to make moves, men made moves on her. She could relate to me with being socially inept and socially awkward, but she always had sex whenever she wanted and was constantly in relationships so we couldn't relate to that
I have Asperger's, I guess I can answer questions for a little bit.
I also probably have a personality disorder so I might not be the best source
Please be my hugbox boyfriend. The isolation is getting to me.
how bad are you at having conversations IRL? I've always felt like I've been a bit on the spectrum, as I can never seem genuine in conversations or come up with thoughts that I can express like most people can.
They don't exist. At least not in the way male autists do.
Movies have a lot of social interactions, which autists have difficult times making sense of
I like to sing, dance pretend and I like to have funfunfunfunfunfun
I don't believe you, faggot tranny, just because you swear stockings and have orbiters on discord doesn't make you female.
also can't contribute because I don't know where the autism begins and the frying brain process of the drugs stop.
I also don't give a fuck about samefagging because I would bet money I am the only one here who can prove a diagnosis, dont test me on that one
yeah, I;ve known them. They arent all that rare until HS, and then their population suddenly goes almost extinct. Any father should save the autismo daughter and provide for her interests.
She was rather invested in politics and what we were learning, but was still very social and normal when she wanted to be.
If I remember correctly, she went to private till HS. Told me once she was able to keep conversations with all the really basic makeup thotties because she talked to their precursors every school day for 3 years. I could tell from her clothes she was exaggerating a bit and just had a feminine-makeup-fashion side to her.
Also was well into gossip, something you wouldn't guess knowing her autismo side. Some old school friend, as well as her own skill of wheedling things out of people. The tactics of wheedling probs came from the autismo side, now that I think about it.
>Any father should save the autismo daughter and provide for her interests.
My dad is a beta, the autism came from my mom's northern European side and the diabetes/ineptitude came from Italy.
I don't have a point to make other than autism is probably less of an hereditary issue. Some people are not wired to adapt to a competitive society, that does constitute as a disability.
Autistic women get a free pass (if they are smart enough to accept it) because they have vaginas. I work with one, her sister (who used to work there) is also autistic. The sister just got married to some Chinese dude she met on WoW. They are both weird as hell, but it is surprisingly comforting to talk to my coworker. It's too bad she's way to weird, even for my aspie ass.
She just sounds dumb.
Besides, most women are devoid of personality.
>tfw there's a cute (likely autistic) girl in building but she won't approach me and beg me to date her
How do you do it bros?
Austic girl here. How do I obtain an autistic robot boyfriend?
Yeah, I knew two. They looked completely normal and attractive but we're socially awkward to the point of it being painful and had weird interests and did weird things. I would have had no problem dating one of them but they are the same as Stacy. They only want Chad, no bets incels.
Go date chad you whore
No. I'm going to keep begging for a boyfriend until one of you bites the bullet and let's me love you. I will shitpost my dumb roastie self all over this board and you can't stop me.
I can be your boyfriend. You aren't a trap right?
stop larping oiujv
I'm a biological female. Send me your discord at [email protected]
Literally go away. If you wanted a boyfriend you'd have one by now, go make a thread and you'd get 10 guys wanting you to add them. We all know you're lying to us and trying to make us feel bad by showing off
And it works. I feel really upset and extra sad now because I really want a nice autistic gf
Send me yours, i don't have discord, i'll add you after i make one.
>No. I'm going to keep begging for a boyfriend until one of you bites the bullet and let's me love you. I will shitpost my dumb roastie self all over this board and you can't stop me.
Post discord then
I'm doing that right now and you are refusing to be my boyfriend's. What's going on user?
mentally ill women are the only way you're going to date a woman who is simultaneously not boring and stupid and also not trans