Post your keyboard ITT.
Keyboards of Jow Forums
I used to have those 13 years ago.
lol that thing is up for replacement user. it's outdated.
Same as yours but with a grey IBM tag. 1989 I believe.
Good taste. I would have liked a pre-Lexmark Model M, but I got a good deal on this one. It's 1993.
With Hasu controller.
aesthetically speaking that is probably the worst keyboard that has ever existed.
What are you talking about? If it ain't broken why replace it? Would you rather have a "modern" one with those really flimsy shallow keys instead?
>ITT: either tiny micro keyboards or fuckhueg keyboards that take up the entire desk
Thanks. I got it for free by asking nicely few years back. It replaced a horrible Razer (Black Widow). Still pissed I fell for it...
it's obsolete garbage that looks like shit. it's time for replacement.
>flimsy shallow key
what? it's not hard to find proper PBT caps
What the fuck?! Best keyboard ever you uncultured fag.
razer black widow > amazon chiclet keyboard. used in that order. when i sweat heavily, i switch to my chiclet keyboard. seems easier to clean.
Fuck the aesthetics. Typing feel is by far the most important aspect of a keyboard, and IBM's original buckling springs are infinitely better than your """gamer""" Cherry MX Browns.
Currently using a SteelSeries M750. I really like how the keys feel and I really like the frameless design. I'm thinking about getting a Corsair K70 or K95 with Cherry Reds.
It's also a great home defense weapon and it'll still work fine once you wipe the blood off of it.
any Epic Gamer here?
I have something very similar to this, except the keys aren't printed on the caps at all (^:
>he doesn't know the modem M meme
wow you're such an underdog. you're not like the other boys who want all that modern crap. no, you're oldschool. you're classic. you're timeless. you choose functionality over anything. it's not about looks, it's about what's inside.
you don't listen to justin bieber, no you listen to good old beatles. you don't go to clubs like all the cool kids nowadays, no, you enjoy more sophisticated activities like good old reading and good old DIYing. you don't dress up in fancy expensive clothes like everyone else, you're not as superficial as them. they're a bunch of mindless sheeple. but you two, oh you're the only good ones around here. you're so controversial! what a rebel!
This bad boy. I love it.
What a fucking retarded argument. Buckling spring keyboards are still made today, you sperg. Not everyone wants to type on a $2 rubber dome keyboard from Goodwill.
It's just a keyboard though. Not like that many people are going to see it or care in anyway.
Looks like someone's never typed on a Model M before...
It's a meme, sure, but it's one worth falling for if you do a lot of typing. What kind of switches have you got in there, user?
browns, it's what i'm used to.
I do like model m's though i just don't have one and i don't type enough any more to warrant buying a typing keyboard
lots of retards in this thread.
pretty comfy layout
That is a nice layout. I love the look of those keycaps.