Daily reminder that we're not wrong - women truly want evil guys and it's not our fault we're alone. Nice guys finish last. And I mean real nice guys, not "niceguys". Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
Daily reminder that we're not wrong - women truly want evil guys and it's not our fault we're alone...
they're just doing what men should be doing according to nature, how is that evil?
>Mid Tier: Villains who are only obeying their nature and doing what they do to survive.
chad: yells at you but will still provide and protect when necessary
bitter robot incel: incapable of protecting or providing and will likely murder you in cold blood for not fucking him if given enough time to dwell on his impotent rage
hmm, which one is the evil one again?
should i just go around yelling at random women on the street then?
It only works if you're attractive, and even if you are you can't just do it to randoms.
Yelling at women is hardly evil. They respect us for yelling at them because they know they deserve it.
The woman, obviously
well it wasnt impotent if you got beat to death now is it whore?
i'm an asshole and still dying alone
he left out the most important part: be chad
seeing as how no robot can do it with their bare fists, it is
>when youre the next uppity bitch to star on a youtube women getting left hooked video
>when you're a depressing loser who sits in his bedroom daydreaming about murdering people until you hit your breaking point and make a minor place for yourself in history by committing an act of public terror, further ensuring the general public's distaste for your kind and ultimately making sure that none of your likeminded peers will ever escape a life of misery and defeatism
I once had a girlfriend break up with me because I never raised my voice to her. My personal philosophy is that if I have to yell to get my point across, then my point probably isn't that good to begin with.
She literally said to me, "If you don't get angry at me how do I know you care?" She was from some fucking hick down in Missouri so that made total sense to her.
An incel is one pussy away from not being one
aww cute all those abortions have gone to your head : D
wrong, an incel is a few very easy to accomplish steps away from being able to attract someone - and it starts with not focusing on sexual activity as an aspect of someone's personality
incels aren't attractive because they still have the mindset about sexual activity that middleschoolers do; grow up
how sad; all that time spent playing videogames, avoiding responsibility, shirking personal accountability, and wallowing in self-pity has negated any possibility of you healing your poisonous mindset.
Quit this retarded crap. I'm way more successful than you are, I guarantee it. To prove me wrong please post your salary, level of education, and level of physical fitness.
>You just want sex I know it!
Imagine being such a Clit brain that you're incapable of the basic empathy to understand other people and their struggle.
Why should incels "grow up" when normies don't? Seriously, have you ever met one? That middle- and high-school popularity-contest bullshit is how most of them innately are. All the shitty gossip about who's seeing who and the like? They never "grow out" of that.
The surest sign of feeling secure and confident in your position in life is not participating in dick measuring contests, child.
My ex begged me to brutally fuck her and strangle her during sex. Honestly it made me way more alpha but also fucked with me mentally.
I just want to have passionate loving sex with an equal partner. Now I see women as dumb whores. Most women want to be treated like trash in the bedroom, it fucking sucks mang. I'm not basing it off one ex either, most of my exes were into that shit.
>I'm way more successful than you are, I guarantee it.
>, child
both of you need to go back to r*ddit
>You: maybe if you did X then you'd have a girlfriend
>Me: but I did do X
>You: the fact that you just told me you did X means you also won't get a girlfriend
See, don't you understand? Your goalposts move more than water because you know you have no actual point.
The first time you realize what women really want is some shit. I remember when I was 14 and had my first gf. I was at her house and pushed her against the wall and started groping her ass. She later told me she thought it was really hot because it felt like I was going to rape her right there with her mom and dad in the next room.
I own my own business and have a loving family
Meanwhile you're sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs waiting for Chad to "yell" at you.
Your entire life revolves around subservience to a male figure. Bitch please
I never said anything about your salary, education, and physical fitness. I said change your mindset and system of social judgements. Experience personal growth on a mental and emotional level. Getting a good job and not being too fat is not a virtue, it's expected and the bare minimum.
This post contains some serious hair dye.
Which is what makes it so pathetic that there are so many of them. You said it yourself, it's not hard to overcome yet here you all are coping so hard you begin dismissing self improvement and free will with fate cope
>I said change your mindset and system of social judgements. Experience personal growth on a mental and emotional level
Please define this in unambiguous terms. Oh, wait, you literally can't, and most importantly won't. Because you're only yet again moving the goalposts.
Wrong, I can. Stop being bitter that life didn't hand you things that other people work for. People work incredibly hard throughout their entire youth to be in good social standing with the opposite sex.
tfw thats what happen to me, she initially wanted me treat her well but in the bed she preferred to be called names and choking soon transitioned to me calling her a dumb broad and being critical(somewhat jokingly) caused us to break up
This is actually quite common.
It's not the anger, it's the "passion" to clarify.
They just only know it as being expressed via anger.
It can be expressed in other ways.
But long story short, a woman would rather be hurt than bored.
>People work incredibly hard throughout their entire youth to be in good social standing with the opposite sex
You're absolutely delusional user. Chad works hard to be in good social standing? Football playing assholes worked "incredibly hard" to "be in good social standing" to bang 100 Staceys? Girls "work incredibly hard" to make guys like them?
Are you even reading what you're saying?
hey guys i started a forum for this
it's called fake Doms . net
>blah blah blah vapid empty hole platitudes
you and your soggy vag will literally never have to work for anything. go wear your makeup and do your squats and fuck off my board you dumb whore
Yes to all of thsoe, you're the one that's delusional if you're incapable of grasping that. Everything that's ever embarrassed you or made you feel insecure someone normal has also experienced but pushed through anyway and still found a way to be enjoyable to be around.
I literally said I wasn't into being a dom in my post you dumb faggot.
Everything I've experienced in life, normies also experienced too? They all got bullied for years, every single one of them? They all got abused by various random girls throughout their life, every one?
Yeah ok idiot
Stop trying to reason with madam misogyny. She'll just keep droning the same dizzying response "just work hard". Stop giving yous. Stop
Yeah bud, some of them sure have. I said "someone" no one is an exact mirror of your existence.
>staying bitter and rageful after being getting a romantic opportunity
>my ex
>my exes
Jeez, this board is going down the tubes.
der femoid
reality: if a man is handsome and beats his partner she will apologize for him and defend him relentlessly, most incels are just venting and would never actually treat their girlfriend like the handsome sociopath would, indeed females fantasies about being murdered in cold blood are pure projection of their hatred of weak men onto ugly incels, and indicative of their desire to be beaten.
Ofc you think i have a mentality of a middle schooler thats when you started having sex. Can you imagine being in our shoes.
I think youre incapable of it.
>please protect and provide for me I'm so weak and pathetic!
>also I'm equal to you hehe :D
>>I once had a girlfriend break up with me because I never raised my voice to her.
I literally had an ex leave me because I didn't beat her. I can't even, as they say on tumblr. She tried to provoke it like 500 times but she couldn't, and then just left me.
the old board died around 2015 incase you didn't know.
>>I just want to have passionate loving sex with an equal partner. Now I see women as dumb whores. Most women want to be treated like trash in the bedroom, it fucking sucks mang. I'm not basing it off one ex either, most of my exes were into that shit.
Exactly this. Why can't they just be normal sane humans?
>Why can't they just be normal sane humans?
They are normal humans. It just turns out that humans are killer apes controlled and nothing but. Women want to be raped by dominant males because then their sons will be dominant rapey males who will disseminate their genes more effectively than soft, loving betas. Sexuality is a game played by genes using us as pawns, and the genes only care about making more of themselves. Once you understand this, you understand women. Rape is hot for women because rapists are more likely to make babies than magnificent gentlemen.
they don't find themselves useful in any other role? Pluck out a few babies and a female of that sort will be happy.
>le strawman checkmate robot incels ;)))))
>a woman would rather be hurt than bored
why is this fucking true
why can't women just be normal minded
Because women are subhuman.
Women who behave like women only exist in anime.
i just wish i could find a girl who was masquerading as a guy online and we became friends and i found out she was a girl after we were really good friends already
but no the first thing we have to acknowledge between each other is that we are of the opposite sex and to size ourselves up to see if we're relationship material
and to the people that go "i don't consider every girl i see as relationship material or not when i first meet them" then that means you said no already but that doesn't mean it can't change later
no isn't no forever it's just no until it's finally yes especially for women
That happens 100% of the time.
>he thinks he's a nice guy
Reddit is two doors down, pal
The girl I'm with wants me to kiss and bite her all over her chest, tits, shoulders and especially her neck. Earlobe also seems to be a good place. She also gets mad at me if there's any marks afterwards. I mean what the fuck do you expect would happen?
I don't understand THIS SHIT
How are guys supposed to know what to do if this is how women think?
They're so manipulative.
>your brain on roastie
So how are guys supposed to know what to do?
I guess I'll stay in my 2d escapism
This is why feminists will never get anywhere. They yell at guys on the street for being men, then go home and let their 6'4" boyfriends beat them up in bed.
If a guy is handsome he can't be abusive.
Abusive means ugly.
Learn the roastie speak
dumb cunt: gets raped
hmm, which is the one reddit spacing again?
This really is your brain on feminism.
You know how certain information is passed genetically, like inherent fear of snakes? I'd like to know how much historical rape has impacted genetic learning for women. Thousands of years of alpha's just taking and pumping them full of cum. Only until very very recently have women stopped being raped like that.
It already figured out user
Holy shit projecting this hard lmaaao
>tfw oversocialized to the point that I literally can't yell at people or things
Just b urself
Very few women actually think like this. Stop giving these weirdos the attention they crave.
Yes. Yes they did. Normal people don't take it to heart like you do because they aren't weak minded as you are which is why the bullying stopped. If you are a lion in the wild and act like a weak faggot you will be bullied to literal death by all the more dominant lions because it is essential to have strong male lions for the prides survival. Likewise, men are expected to be strong and you have failed to meet those expectations so you are a leech on society which is why you continued to be bullied. When a Normie gets bullied they shoot right back with bantz and the bullying stops.
Stop being spiteful just because you're a pussy bitch.
>>They are normal humans. It just turns out that humans are killer apes controlled and nothing but.
Why can I be a normal human and elevate myself above this then?
>i just wish i could find a girl who was masquerading as a guy online and we became friends and i found out she was a girl after we were really good friends already
I found that. Turned out she was a deranged fujoshi who was whoring herself out to all kinds of discord servers while playing "online relationship" with me until she got bored.
No, most women do not want evil guys. Honestly, if you really think this then try going up to a woman and slap her and call her rude things. Chances are she'll be very angry.
If you're one of the people who think that women want to be raped then go out and do it. Chances are she'll be crying and trying to escape the entire time.