>spends most of his presidency trying to undermine every Obama achieved instead of putting forward his own legacy
What a fucking clown
Spends most of his presidency trying to undermine every Obama achieved instead of putting forward his own legacy
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I guess he'll do that on his second term.
He'll never win in a million years. Everybody is sick to death of the guy including all the people who voted for him as a fuck you to hillary
What realistic candidate could the establishment neo-liberals possibly put up against Trump?
I'm looking forward to his antics on the campaign trail again.
>Underage nigger doesn't remember Dubya
If a guy runs around making holes in your boat isn't it better to first repair it before trying to plot a new course?
>drumpf won't do anythi-
>ends Korean War
I've noticed this as well. It's hard to stomach how someone who comes in as an outsider or dark horse candidate usually serves to, at best, be nothing more than a reversal of the previous presidency's shit.
To be fair, I still like his foreign policy, and he seemingly played North Korea well.
>t. obama
What do you expect from a clown who wants to start ww3?
Are you joking? He is the stronkest
I can almost garauntee you hell get a reelection
Id bet my money on it
name one thing that Trump has passed and affected you in a positive way
I say passed, not just repealed
The way that Obama fumbled the social aspect of the presidency led directly to Trump.
What would someone even gain from that?
>comparing a man who almost wiped out the mafia in his country, managed to defeat the communists in the 1920s, enstablished an empire and allied himself with the greatest military power in Europe to Donald fucking Drumpf
Please don't.
since the tax bill is the only thing the GOP has managed to be able to do
>led directly to Trump
him being black led directly to Trump, that's it. He was a moderate at his worst. The reason Trump won was because the previous president was black and his opponent was a woman. He literally lost the popular vote to a woman.
>but the electoral college!
Yeah, he won the presidency. No one smart is arguing that. I'm saying he lost the popular vote to an ugly fucking woman. How the fuck did he even manage that?
Hes like a piece of chewing gum on a leaky pipe flowing with feminazism and multiculturalism.
Just wondering, but how much? I got 1%.
Agreed but in an original way
I dunno man, I'll reckon it out next year
Because the small portion of the country that actually votes are polarized on general principal. Deviations from that 50% in the popular vote aren't all that meaningful.
>Using guhnoo +leenux
I see you are a man of taste as well
>newfag doesn't even know OP doesn't get (You)s
Yeah but I got a pretty basic bitch Xubuntu setup. It just werks etc. etc.
I like your set up, though. The color scheme is unironically aesthetic.
You got me there. I don't honestly care. I've been browsing 4chans since 2008ish and I can't say enough faggots even pull that same fagging shit to begin with.
>He'll never win in a million years.
lmao thats what you guys said about him being elected in the first place
what is this reaply
Statistics are on his side, presidents always overwhelmingly win the reelection.
Mussolini failed, albeit due to bad circumstances, like sharing a border with German autists. Hopefully Trump doesn't fail, not even due to political reasons, but in that a president failing as bad as Mussolini did would be catastrophic for the entire nation.
Image made me do a sensable kek
Given how small of a sample size you're working with, and that's even counting elections when the country/culture/whathaveyou was vastly different from the present, which is arguably every single one, this is a meaningless statement.
>he'll never win in a million years
hm.. that sounds so familiar...? where have I heard that before... hmmm...
To most of his supporters, that's a good thing.
You have to understand that they viewed Obama as the antichrist. There is literally nothing that Obama could have done to win their approval.
thx lad, im trying to make this my new neofetch pic but it breaks it for some reason
># NOTE: 'auto' will pick the best image source for whatever image backend is used.
># In ascii mode, distro ascii art will be used and in an image mode, your
># wallpaper will be used.
Are you aware of this? I'm just looking at Github right now. I'm only slightly above average computer literate and all, but I'm strangely interested.
Yeah its a known issue, caused by part of i3-gaps unfortunately
Yeah, and Obama's supporters viewed him as the coolest president ever who was so progressive and amazing and could do no wrong. What's your point?
Obama was a below average president whose only strength was his economic policies. He was certainly no antichrist but he wasn't some savior either. His domestic policies were directly responsible for some of the worst racial tensions in this country's history and his foreign policy were absolutely disastrous for the US, like Syria.
Huh. Thanks for the random piece of interest all the same, user.
>His domestic policies were directly responsible for some of the worst racial tensions in this country's history
I don't get how someone can unironically think this shit
>cuck porn videos
I laffed
>If i had a son he'd look like treyvon
before the trial had trial had even concluded. Just look at all the inflammatory shit he'd say on in progress trials, jumping the gun on the stupidest shit. Statistically measured racial tensions spiked during his admin.
>"Trayvon could've been my son"
>Every single BLM protest and his encouragement for it
>Even going to the memorial service of the 5 dead cops in Dallas and saying they were biased and racist
>Loretta Lynch and the implicit bias investigation
People think this shit because they see it happen with their own eyes, moron.
None. The Dems could win by running Bernie or another progressive but they won't, socialists are poison to corporate money.
The real question is if Bernie or someone like him will run third party, and if so how well they'll do. One running on identity politics will flounder, one that runs on being economically socialist stands a decent chance.
Yeah the classic over exaggeration gets me.
Racial tensions are the best they've ever been in this country and steadily are becoming better regardless of the presidency.
These people need to stop letting Cherry picked news stories and jpegs warp their worldview. Violence/tension/whateverthefuckhaveyou is lower than ever. Fearmongering media bullshit.
>Legacy of drone kills and compromise healthcare which left no one happy
Healthcare (still shit but better than before
Killed Bin Laden
Peace in Iran.
>Killed Bin Laden
he was brought it last second for the photo op.
I don't know if you're just sticking your head in the sand or what, or you sincerely believe the bullshit you spew. Or maybe you're having trouble identifying what is happening in this country, and you consider it "progress" or "raising consciousness" or something. Probably the latter.
What are you even comparing this to? The time where slavery was literally a thing? The time where the trial of tears happened? The time where KKK weren't just a bunch of insecure pussies? The hell country are you even talking about that Obama made anything worse than that?
When the actual fuck were racial tensions at all better than the present? Don't give me the "it spiked" bullshit like a small percentage bump over the course of ten years over the span of a a couple hundred years means fucking anything.
they were unironically better when Blacks were more oppressed
No I just live in an area that isn't poor. Racial tensions are artifially inflated as a means of dividing the lower class so as to keep them in a cycle of hatred towards a wrong enemy. It's a blatant divide and conquer stratey and you're taking the bait and letting their fearmongering get to you and invoking a cycle of self fulfilling prophecy and you're too much of a poor, uneducated dipshit to realize it's all a bunch of artificial bullshit.
It was a spike in comparison to easier tensions in the 90s and aughts when there was a real feeling that race was fading into our past. We respond negatively to it because we felt like we'd gained a lot of ground and we watched Obama contribute to throwing it all away.
>denuclearizes norks and brings peace to the Korean peninsula via Twitter shitposting
>liberals absolutely SEETHING they aren't getting the nuclear war they were so certain would happen
>Trail of tears ended january 2009
>obama didnt even do anything bad lmao remember slavery 200 years ago haha checkmate xD
Imagine being this obtuse. Alright, I'll use your same logic. Obama killing Bin Laden didn't do anything to fight terrorism compared to Thomas Jefferson and his campaign against the Barbary Pirates.
That's the most blatantly, nonsensical, overly emotional response anyone could possibly have.
I swear you fags are just looking for things to bitch about these days. I'm tired of progressives creating problems, barely solving them, and then patting themselves on the back for their hard work. You may be too stupid to handle actual problems, but at least TRY to not let this slight change, which should be a nonproblem, get blown out of proportion .
>i live in a majority white upper-class area surrounded by mostly white people and a few token blacks that act civilized
>im more of an authority on race relations than you poor cucks who actually have to interact with each other LMAO
You misunderstood completely. I never said he didn't do anything wrong. All I'm saying is you are grossly over exaggerating shit to fit your agenda. It's a cycle perpetuated by politicians to manipulate emotions and abuse this "outrage culture" because God forbid anyone has a positive thought these days. Things are more peaceful than ever by far, but you fags will still find something to bitch about.
youre a fucking idiot god damn
>pres fucks up
>well at least its not 100 years ago, so dont complain!
Funny thing is, I live in the richest county in the country and the kicker is it's also one of the most diverse one.
It's not a race issue. It's a class issue. People who have the ability to self actualize and explore their individuality don't give two fucks about race.
Yeah. That's exactly what I'm saying. Shit happens. Stop making problems where there aren't any. It's a self perpetuating cycle of emotionality and it's toxic as fuck.
are you just keeping your head in the sand or what?
No I just focus on real issues.
What did you expect from a jewish puppet? He is doing what his Israeli masters want. To destroy the white race.
>Stop making problems where there aren't any
so addressing problems created by the pres is creating problems cuz we're refuse to just follow ?
youre a sheep
>He thinks a former porn star on SNL calling for Trump's resignation will win the midterms or the 2020 race
libs really are brain damaged
He already created his own legacy. He dramatically changed the tax code creating wider tax margins and hence greater motivation to become more successful. The chanes in his tax policy through lower rates repatriated a record amount of overseas profits. All said and done tax revenues will have come in in the hundreds of billions from money previously sheltered overseas. There also has been an enormous infusion in corporate infrastructure due to the depreciation allowances he initiated.
You're mostly talking out if your ass because you simply don't understand business or finance. So go back to college and stop being a faggot.
you sound like a weak person afraid of confrontation
go give some kids some participation medals
I thought your funding ran out months ago.
we'll be getting drafted for ZOG by then, and there's no way a wartime president doesn't get re-elected
Not necessarily saying OP's viewpoint is wrong, but this is obviously just an off-topic electoral politics meme to make you mad, red and nude.
Don't bother explaining how economics and taxation works to Democrats. If they understood those topics they wouldn't be Democrats in the first place. They unironically believe every rich person keeps a giant vault of gold doubloons to swim through like Scrooge McDuck.
Pretty much.
Do you not get clickbait? More outrage, more clicks. More clicks, more money. It's not hard to see through what they're pulling. It's artificial problems designed to keep you in a loop of emotionality. They WANT you to get upset.
>unironically uses reddit spacing
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
Albert Einstein
He's not "trying". He's succeeding, spectacularly. Undoing Obama's achievements is an area where the president has excelled, so your "trying" is nonsense.
Also there's over six years to go so you're not in a position to speak about the majority of the administration. Suffer every day. I never, ever tire of it. People are even coming round to the guy in recent months because the piling-on has been so extreme, so constant, so venal, that Trump now becomes the sympathetic party.
Paris: ded
Iran agreement: ded
TPP: ded
obamacare:hobbled (amputated individual mandate)
Suffer, bitch.
this isn't Jow Forums
fuck off with your political bullshit you stupid fucking normie shitheel
>takes political bait
>thinks he's confronting something
Hahaha holy shit. Go on.
You're young as shit. Racial tensions are the worst they have been since the 1970s. They improved through the 80s, peaked in the 90s and stayed there until the mid 2000s with the exception of anger towards Muslims after 9/11. Domestic social tensions Have skyrocketed.
NOVA would have nothing without that sweet government titty to suck on. You are a parasite and the people you're being so disparaging of are the ones who provide you your livelyhood and are the only reason you are able to live your sheltered existence. Don't give me the diversity bullshit. I've been in NOVA since the early 90s when Loudon was still all farmland. You don't interact with your neighbours. There is no real community there.
>You are a parasite and the people you're being so disparaging of are the ones who provide you your livelyhood and are the only reason you are able to live your sheltered existence.
this is what poorfags actually believe
Like I said I've been in NOVA since the early 90s. I've been in the right place at the right time through all that development for nearly 30 years now. Up until the housing bubble burst and the reccesion hit all you had to do back then to get rich was have a bit a money to toss around and go by the county planning office to know where to put it. You're deflecting becuase you know it's true. The government contracting industry that is the areas lifeblood is bloated as fuck and wholly dependant on taxpayer money which incidentally is also why the recession had such a minimal impact here.
Obama's achievement like ISIS?
That achievement was gwb's.
>underestimates the shilling of r/T_D
>undermining what obama achieved
The only thing he achieved was making black people look too stupid to run office
Blacks should hate obama, he made them all look like basic niggers
gear up mutts, you will visit Iran in 2 years
hope lost of you fucks die
>tfw we had a kenyan nigger overseeing a shit economy load us up with debt to destroy this country from within
mussoline was a moron
>dude lets build a new roman empire lmao
>*invades ethiopia*
>*invades libya*
>*invades greece*
>oh noes the greeks are driving us out, germany halp pls
>oh noes now the brits are taking over libya from egypt, germany halp pls
mussolini and his imperial ambitions were the main reason for why the north african theatre of war even existed. massive waste of manpower and resources.
Right, Obama's achievement was destroying Syria and causing the refugee crisis.
yes, it's called cleaning up the nigger's mess
obama licks my crack. get out demoshit maga
What more do you expect from a guy whose sole reason for getting elected was the fear campaign from people who hate change? All the drumpftards who fear progression are literally on the wrong side of history right now - and it isn't long until all you bigots and your cheeto-in-chief are going to get whats coming to you when he finally gets impeached.
You do realize that in a fascist country you'd be one of the first to get purged, right?
He explicitely said it wasnt the autistic german kind...
you dont want this fight, libshits.
That's a very broad use of that word, user