On my 11th day of HRT. I don't really feel anything yet though

On my 11th day of HRT. I don't really feel anything yet though.

What kinds of womens clothes should I order online? What kinds of stuff do you like seeing on girls robots?

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>fell for the hrt meme
if you act quickly you may still be ably to save your testes

Wear a noose faggot tranny

Why the fuck would I want to save my testosterone tumors? I hate them

Someone please post the pic of middle aged HRT victims

That would just make me feel better about my choices, because I didn't start in middle age. If you start early you're fine

On real women, sundress is best.

Dunno what looks good on faggots though

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>What kinds of stuff do you like seeing on girls robots?
You will never be a girl, and most likely look like pic related.

transitioning will fuck you up in the long term no joke. walk away while you still can and start lifting you feminine fuck

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>testosterone tumors

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I do not understand something.
Wouldn't you be the same person but a bit more retarded?
HRT fucks you up

don't fall for this fruit fly bait

Unworthy of life

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>If you start early you're fine
Yes goy, you certainly will be fine. Don't listen to these people, they are trying to trick you.

You realize that just by virtue of being on Jow Forums I've seen that and every other anti hrt bait image like a million times right? Obviously none of it has dissuaded me, you're really wasting your own time trying to convince me that I should do the exact opposite of what I want to do with my life.

If you wanted to be a regular masculine guy and learned you actually had ovaries pumping you with estrogen that gave you all the wrong features to your body, you'd hate them and want them out of you too.

>What kinds of stuff do you like seeing on girls robots?
I like seeing nothing on girls. Boobers and vegene visible. You are not a girl, so wear a mask, attach it to a propane tank, and put a lighter in your mouth.

kill yourself you fugly mutant

Maybe like, I dunno, something that fits your mannish figure.

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>now ITS implying IT has ovaries
Faggot. Go to your own board. Better yet suck start a shotgun, YOU FREAK!

have fun being secretly hated by your family and friends implying you have them and eventually killing yourself.

Sera fuku and thigh highs. Accessorize with bad dragon dildo. Post new look on Jow Forums

That's not what I said at all...

It's simple. If you want to be feminine and you have parts in your body forcing you to be masculine, you'd want to get rid of them. And if you want to be masculine, and you have parts in your body forcing you to be feminine, you'd want to get rid of them too.

>secrelty hated
My mom openly hates and disowned me. I don't care. She's just like everyone else who chooses to be willfully ignorant about this medical condition. My actual friends would rather I be happy than normal and fully support me.

>eventually killing yourself.
Just by taking hormones I've significantly reduced the chances of that happening.

That sounds pretty cute. I've never stuck anything in my butt though. I don't want to get banned so I probably wont post myself on Jow Forums

>Just by taking hormones I've significantly reduced the chances of that happening.
Trannies have the biggest suicide rate. Natural selection will solve all the world problems

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Get a nice maid outfit. You'll feel cute

If natural selection solves all of our problems, why is Drumpf and his children in so much power?


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Do you know of any particular websites that sell nice ones?

Every guy would rather be a girl, and every girl would rather be a guy. "The grass is greener on the other side." You should only do HRT if you can pass as the other gender. The most attractive and feminine girl I know was born a male.

I don't get why robots will shit talk hrt girls. The more boipucci that exists, the more likely robots are gonna make it. I hope you transition into a qt girl user

You are not a girl retard, stop now

>I hope you transition into a qt girl user
I wont let you down user

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How old are you?
I hope you pass and become a qt trap boi

May I propose you this fine piece of necklace? Woven from finest materials and perfectly fits your neck. Dont forget to jump down from the chair after you put it on though.

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Have you checked out transgirl youtube channels? There are a lot of helpful tips to be gleaned off there, despite how vapid a few of the bigger ones are.

Drumpf can compete. Unlike op.

>What kinds of womens clothes should I order online?
most feminine ones you can desu
but stay boymode until you can pass

>On my 11th day of HRT. I don't really feel anything yet though.
that's fine! it should take months before people start wondering if something is up

Go for the no shoulder

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