I know what I find attractive in a girl. Hut I don't know what girls find attractive in men. Help?
What do females find attractive?
I spelt but wrong. fuck...
Honestly, i dont fucking know im sorry man but i have the same problem
I probably shouldn't of asked this on a board full of autists
Confidence.dont be too fat. Try beeing strong with some muscles(U dont need to bei ripped, Girls Like strong men).get a nice haircut. HAVE A PROFESSION U ARE GOOD AT & LOVE DOING! U dont need to be a rich fag Just Love Ur Job and live it. Thats about IT.
work out, so you look like a chad. then treat girls like you're related to them. if you let them know you;re attracted to them too soon, you'll put them off. women crave the unattainable.
Our taste is as varied as a mens, but most will be good hygiene, decently fit and an actual interesting person
It's late and I'm tired sorry for the typos :(
Women don't find men attractive, they only find status and wealth associated with good-looking and hard-working men to be so
they want someone to take care of them and put up with them and obviously they like good looking men
I am not exactly sure. I think they like a man with a strong jawline and handsome eyes, a good job and a man that will take them out and show them a good time but I could be wrong. There is probably some secret to getting women to fall in love with you that I'm not aware of. Having money and a big dick never hurt neither
I heard that physical strength was important too.
>put your face in a grinder
>6 months recovery
>carry around a small picture of chad
>see a girl
>cry and show her the picture
>she'll think it is you
>chad powers activated
they love it when you just be yourself
they love niggers you faggot
You are a dude. Why do you answer a question aimed at women? You don't know the answers, you are just spurting memes.
women like money and big dicks
thats just potato enough to work
a very quiet reclusive man full of devotion and love. someone that will love me as deeply as I will love him. Physically, pale tallish and skinny.
1. Height
2. Face
3. Muscles
4. Money/status
8999. Confidence level
9000. How nice you are
9001. How much vidya you play
That's it
>carrying around a picture of your past self
That would be prime autism. I like it.
I'm a guy so I can't say for sure, but I did a few google search a while back through different female populated community sites and I remember finding they liked:
>veiny forearms
>wide backs (because of bone structure/muscle, not fat)
>above average height
>seeing a man drive a manual car
>seeing a man very focused on doing something (they were very vague about this. I guess it has to be something attractive to begin with; being very focused while fixing a car = hot, being very focused while painting warhammer miniatures = probably not hot)
Those are the ones that repeated the most, IIRC
Also, I'd say the thing women are attracted the most to is social status, even if they won't admit it. If a man is liked by other men and women, she will most likely be attracted to him at a very primitive level. This is very difficult to understand for us but it's just how it works.
Like, most women are eager to fuck the president of the country, whoever it is.
Some dude: not attractive.
Some dude that plays the guitar: meh.
Some dude that plays the guitar in the most popular band in the world: she'd kill to be his cumdumpster.
I've read girls going to concerts in other countries just so they can have the opportunity to go backstage and hopefully sleep with some of the band members. It's crazy. They work a different way than we do.
being focused means they have a job and are providing for them
this is probably the most accurate list
but save this one in case everything else doesn't work
>veiny forearms
>seeing a man drive a manual car
I qualify for both but those are weird, man!
Jawline and shit. Have you ever seen male models?
passionate men. i love when anyone can go on a rant about something that they care about, preferably positively. even if it's something trivial or silly. if you want to go on about street fighter 3's meta for an hour, i'll sit there happy as fuck nodding my head. that, self assurance, emotional maturity, and decisiveness are traits i like in men. as far as looks go, i'm really picky. i do tend to prefer more feminine guys. long hair on guys is always a plus. dressing fashionably gets you points, too.
guy here so I can't speak directly FOR women, but women value the mental and emotional game more than looks. the couple of female responses should make that obvious.
on the flipside if you ask a guy what he wants in a woman it usually stacked more on looks. personality is basically don't be a total bitch or ruin the enjoyable parts of my life please.
>I probably shouldn't of asked this on a board full of autists
All you need to get chicks is confidence. Strut your stuff and chicks will notice
its different for every girl. my only boyfriend ever is my current one, and i love him so much. but you wouldnt think that we would be a match looking from the outside but we are still perfect together. i cant give a list of attributes because you never know whats going to be right for you
>self assurance, emotional maturity
>ranting for an hour about pointless shit
this directly contradicts itself
It doesn't, and that you think it does is pretty sad.
Now that's thinking with your head
its different for every girl just like its different for every guy. The general rule of thumb is don't be ugly.If you're ugly then you need to have a really good personality and money.
>likes me
>is kind to me
That's it. I figured I subconsciously fall for any men who talks to me once in a while and is not a jerk.
Hi. Want to go have sushi this evening?
They're all different wah wah wah
No. They don't fucking know. You don't even know what you want. You have to be confident, have interests, and pursue them. If some girl was really into hula hoops or some shit and was pretty good at it and started pursuing you and wasn't fucking socially pathetic all the time you'd be like "oh shit, that hula hoop shit, cool man, this girl is cool".
1) Don't be (too) fat.
2) Have a hobby.
3) Be funny if possible - this implies a high level of social intelligence, which is all women really want because it may elevate their status
I'm a married oldfag with a lot of experience and this is what I know. Good luck with young women/men. They're really only good for fucking. Most people only really become relationship-worthy in their 30s.
From my own tastes and the other girls I know:
>a good head of hair
>nice eyes
>nice smile
>nice hands
>ottermode (this is mostly young women fyi)
>sensitive (but not have-breakdowns-in-public sensitive)
>confident, not cocky (although I do know some girls who like shy guys)
Orijgfvnmj gkk
10/10 read, up until
>They're really only good for fucking
Thats rubbish, to be fair
What is ottermode frend?
>hahha guys im old married and had my fair share of women user
>haha just be yourself man its not that hard
>yeah who cares about creating a bond with women
>just fuck em and get on with another one
>yeah they're only good for relationships after their pussies have been stretched out by chads and tyrones their entire life
>you just need to learn to settle down when they're past their prime :)))))))
fuck off cunt. stop coming here just to laugh at us because we aren't as socially adept as the rest of you
do NOT ask women
because they will give you the opposite answer of what is the actual truth
they'll give you answers that they think other women might like
now ask them straight up if they actually like that stuff in guys and if they've dated guys like they described or wanted to date them
most times they'll go "no but..." and give some shitty excuse
you can't understand women logically because there's no logic to them
they're illogical beasts that want to be beaten to a pulp while also babied and pampered and then turned into breeding stock to further the genepool
ew gross get away from me rapist
Women are biologically wired to be more attracted to security than any aspect of a man. We're a tribal, simplistic people at our root.
I'm sure in school you remember boys less attractive than you that because of either past childhood connections, an ability in sports, etc elevated themselves to a high social standing. They were accepted and part of the pack, people as a majority viewed them positively so they offered social security.
Money, skills, friends, connections, possessions, fame... all play a role in this.
Of course appearance does play a role. This is usually down to a masculine face, height and lack of terrible abnormalities. Nothing else is of much importance.
Your best bet for attracting women is for other people to see value in you.
I remember years ago in HS, our philosophy teacher asked what do you find attractive in boys/girls, and the majority said looks and status.
Escape from this hell. Be free from roasties.
/o/ must love hearing this
>High school
I hope you are not so dumb to think that has any relevance to the real world.