Tfw no middle aged bf I can call daddy

>tfw no middle aged bf I can call daddy

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>tfw you need to fuck off and die, cunt

Will you be my middle aged bf user?

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>tfw no 22yo bf I can call daddy

I would take up your offer but I'm straight.

Call me daddy, but go to bed now

I'll be your daddy if you want

Okay daddy.
Will you read me a bedtime story?

Once upon a time a dear sweat babe found the love that she dreamed, tonight Were she lay and drifted away...

Once upon a time there was a pretty little princess. She was a good girl and one evening she sucked her daddy's cock. Her daddy said "I love you" after and they lived together happily ever after.

>tfw falling down the MD/lb rabbit hole
I just want a mommy gf to get me action figures and lunchables

Mommy gfs aren't as popular as daddy bfs.

How old are you? Men who chase after women half their age are not normal.

I turned 18 this month

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stop being so fucking gay you fucking fag, holy fuck im so sick of this shit you fucking faggot normies trying to get all over my fucking image board you homosexual buttmuncher, i hope you drown in a pool of semen encrusted pubic hair, jesus christ the incel rebellion isnt enough, one of these autists should just get enough enriched cesium to build a dirty bomb and ruin the very cesspools of socialist hellscapes of cities you call home and make them inhospitable for a million years, that way the rural white man will inherit the earth again and hang you fucking degenerates ten feet high so you choke on the cum guzzling orifice you call a throat and your bloated cocklicker you call a throat protrudes through your teeth all swollen and blue. only then will this board be as it used to be pure with actual humans complaining about their lives as opposed to human garbage like you, jesus fuck hitler did nothing wrong.

>that moment when you realize op is actually a girl and not a fag

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If you are a girl (female) I will be your daddy and teach you the ways of the world.

Men have nothing valuable to teach women

all fucking fembots are a lie

Oh we do. We can teach you how to suck dick.

No woman needs to suck dick to live

>whats a career prostitute
Fuck this gay thread. Any girl who r9k posts is a shithead.

Wrong. If you are not able to enjoy drinking his elixir of life, he will dump you. You will become the crazy cat lady unless you suck dick well.

Was a less true statement ever uttered?

>implying men are worth keeping around
What for, exactly?

White men are just niggers with white skin.

so I can give you my money while you tell me how I'm an inferior male bred to serve you

How else are you going to get food and a bed to sleep on?

I'm 21 and have a Dad bod, can that work?