What are your thoughts on race realism? How can one overcome the shame of being racially inferior?
What are your thoughts on race realism? How can one overcome the shame of being racially inferior?
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Bullshit, im Asian and I don't have superior intelligence according to polfags. I've always sucked at math, and I'm too dumb to go to college.
Lol Asians are just glorified niggers. You lived in the jungle when we found you just like niggers.
Lol whites are just glorified Jews. You lived in the desert when Jesus found you just like Jews.
I'm not SEAmonkey if that's what you're implying here.
Race is retarded, I rolled a dice, hit a 6, you rolled a dice, hit a 5.
Im white, you're a nigger or whatever, I may be genetically superior when it comes to IQ, you're genetically superior when it comes to physical capabilities
You don't understand how the bell curve works.
Um... Desert... Europe... Do you mean like a figurative desert?
That's a good one.
Lol we have a cuck. You're wrong. Whites are also physically superior.
The world records for squat, deadlift and bench press are held by white men. The UFC Heavyweight Champion is white. You're a pathetic cuck. Kill yourself.
Yea, whites can train to become physically superior, blacks are by default more physically fit
Where is your evidence for that assertion? I don't train at all yet I beat up niggers in street fights.
Ive met smart niggers and dumb white dudes, ive met chad hispanics and beta black dudes.
The race thing is a meme.
>LARPing to the max
Hey man watch those edges there are people walking here.
Blacks have more lean mass but whites have stronger muscles than blacks. A more muscled black man is only as strong as a less muscled white man. There's a study. I'd have to dig to find it though.
Maybe this is because those whites have higher motivation and supplement more heavily than any blacks ever have?
I'm not larping I'm serious. Niggers are not physically superior
Supplement what? Jon Jones who is black was suspended from the UFC for using steroids. Blacks cheat all the time. They are not physically superior. It's a meme pushed by Jews and cucks. Here is my black manlet roommate
My thoughts on race realism is that most of the population isn't ready for a very diverse ethnic reality because we have not evolved at a rate that matches how society and technology has and now we're seeing the effects in full force. However, the social change of knowing everyone in your small village to being in a city of thousands up to millions is much more jarring and harmful
Every race has strength and weakness, as every man does, clesn your room and wipe your cunt front to back, now praise your race
>I stayed at a homeless shelter. This black kid asked for a banana. I said sure. He said hahaha I woulda gave you a dollar. So I said my people say thank you. So later that day he got pissed and said he wanted to fight. So the next day we went outside and I tackled him and put him in a choke hold and he tapped out in seconds. So we went back inside. He wasn't convinced and said he wanted to fight again. So this time we went back out and I did it again but this time I was pissed so as I choked him I said he was a nigger and he was my bitch while he was tapping. After that he never talked shit again.
Sorry for no quotes but i was trying to speed up the process. I've also beaten other niggers in fights and I beat a nigger in a race.
You pretend it doesnt exist.
If you breed a race of people solely out of the purpose of doing physical labour they're gonna be physically superior, period.
And fights dont have with raw strength to do with
You're fucking retarded. All niggers did was pick cotton you stupid piece of shit. That doesn't take super strength.
For hours on end, and all you do is absolutely nothing, kill yourself
Yet whites own the world records in lifts which pertain to raw strength. Damn you are a pathetic sack of shit. Have some pride you baby dicked cuckold. You are brainwashed to hate yourself.
>Spend most of my time in my house
>Race is literally irrelevant to me because I don't even talk to anyone outside my own family
And white laborers worked on skyscrapers, in factories and in coal mines for hours on end. Picking cotton is not difficult. It falls right off the plant.
And a white guy has the largest cock on earth, doesn't mean that white people on average have the largest cocks on earth you absolute faggot
Kill myself because I'm not a brainwashed self hating cuckold who endlessly talks up another race? Go jack your little dick, faggot.
Caring about race won't improve my life so who gives a fuck?
"Brainwashed" what the fuck are you even talking about?
I absolutely love my race, 90% of my friends are my race, my parents are my race, Im not ashamed to be white, but Im not gonna be proud of something I had no part in.
Lol yeah cause you certainly don't. But how pathetic do you have to be to preach the superiority of another race?
Wish there wasn't any validity to it, but there probably is.
Im not preaching any race, Im merely explaining how different races excel in different things
You are ashamed to be white because you falsely claim that black people are physically superior when it's a lie made up by Jews and cultural Marxists. The BBC meme is greatly exagerated as well.
>tfw dickhead Chad dad couldn't control his jungle fever and produced my goofy lookin ass
I will never forgive him for not making me white. It's the biggest resentment I have against him.
Why are you posting pictures of malnourished junglepeople?
Is that supposed to show how skinny black people are or something?
But you're wrong. You only spout anti white propaganda
But duh BBC meme white boi
No one with pride would ever claim another race was better than his own, period.
Your only hope is to keep breeding with whites , same for you children and grandkids.
>Yea, whites can train to become physically superior, blacks are by default more physically fit
What do you mean "by default" you stupid cocksucker lmao
I wouldn't know, Im not proud of being white, being proud of something I had LITERALLY no part In.
Raising a succesful child Is something i can take pride in, Im not gonna falsely take pride in something my ancestors fought their asses of and act like as If i had anything to do with it
Lol I knew you were a cuckold brainwashed by the cultural Marxist agenda which is why you preach about your own inferiority. I know you jack off all the time sissy boi. Maybe stop and you could grow a BWC.
Why not just upgrade everyone to be superior?
Your ancestors are your family and you have every right to be proud of their accomplishments just like a father takes pride in his children.
You're just straight up an idiot If you look at white history and say "Hell yea, look what we did, we built the entire western civilization"
It's not a "what we did" YOU had no part in it, contribute while you live and carry on your own legacy, you really think your great great great grandpa would be happy knowing you take credit for what he did for his country?
I'll never breed and that's a good thing. I'm a 26 year old khhv, balding manlet NEET. My hairline is pic related but with afro hair. This is another gene on my African mom's side. My Chad dad literally has better hair than me in his 50s. Fuck him.
have you ever heard of cause and effect?
Yea, I have a right to be proud for them.
But Im not, Im happy for what they did and will for my entire life cherish what they made possibly for me, but I will not take any credits for what they did just because I share the same lineage, period.
Their DNA is inside you. You are them.
Yet even a father who never knew his son would still be proud if he knew he was successful.
I guess you're right in a sense, but I prefer to see myself as an individual, not for what my ancestors accomplished, just as if three or four of them were rapists I will not be taking accountability for that
You are brainwashed to not take pride in being white. You are brainwashed to hate yourself. You should be proud. Whites are the greatest and most successful race to ever live. We've gone through a rough patch in recent years but the history is still great and I think we will turn ourselves around.
I agree with what you're saying when it comes to the white race, I just don't feel like i have the privilige to take pride in what other people did FOR me.
Now If there's another great war where I need to defend my country or my race and i participate, thats a whole different story, ofcourse I will be proud of myself and my brothers in battle for what we do, but as of now I have done literally jackshit for the white race, I have the utmost respect for my ancestors but I cant take pride for what they did FOR me.
Proud from where? Afterlife Disneyland? A scene that's a bunch of ancestors being proud of their offspring sounds like some horseshit hollywood faggotry. You can only affect the people in your own life fuck these "ancestors" take pride in things not because of your blood but because they are worth taking pride in
What do you mean by rough patch? Genuinely interested
DNA is above all. We are animals. Evolution is in action. All that touchy feely crap is meaningless to your goal as an organism which is propagation of your genes.
We are at a constant war. Just because there isn't constant gun fire doesn't mean we're not at war. We are in a war for survival. Right now our race is under siege from immigrants.
>DNA is above all
If you think your only goal as an organism is the propagation of your genes then you really are a subhuman. The historic idea of humanity is that we are above such lowly needs
There was a few hundred years where whites had near total dominance in the world but since the 1960s that dominance has nearly disappeared due to an agenda to replace our people. There are people who believe that whites are too intelligent/dominant and thus should be bred out of existence so that others can rule instead. That's why there is such aggressive propaganda towards making white men effeminized/outcast/self hating.
>We are above such lowly needs
Yet evolution was only discovered just under 200 years ago. If we were above reproduction then we wouldn't be here anymore.
theres a difference between being proud OF them
and being proud FOR them
one is being proud of the accomplishments you didnt do, e.g recognising that your ancestors were great
the other is trying to take credit for their accomplishments as your own
I guess art, language, culture, music, science, math, philosophy, etc... don't mean anything because they weren't invented before evolution was discovered
They mean something. They are enjoyable. They give us vigor. They expand our mind, raise our spirits, and help us to design things which propagate our genes.
Language, math, philosophy and science are tools which help us to improve and innovate our lives which helps expand our population and increase our lifespan. Art, culture and music are creative expressions which relate to human social interaction which relates to sexual reproduction.
So the political dominance of white people in the world (you're talking about colonialism?) was not challenged by the people it subjugated but by some larger conspiracy afraid that whites were getting too strong?
Also, I have seen a similar discussion in a thread yesterday: When you say white people, does that include european from the mediterranean? Like folks from greece and spain? Cause they were very dominant historically!
All races are born equal, Its culture that breeds success not race which is why asians have the hhighest household income in the US
I consider all Europeans to be white people. Anyone from what is known today as the continent of Europe. I am not a Nordic supremacist.
Yes. I believe there is a conspiracy against white people.
Are you walking penises? How the fuck can you relate literally every part of the human experience to reproduction? Tech advances are the only thing that makes fucking easier. How the hell does calculus or german idealism or whatever help us breed?
but doesn't that make people who come to the US from latin america kind of white? Because a lot of their indigenous population was killed or replaced by spanish colonialists for example?
I keep asking b/c there was a thread yesterday about black and hispanics with a similar question but they didnt really have a good answer...
race doesn't separate people, money does
Calculus is used to build things. We don't do any math that doesn't have a practical application. Calculus can be used to design buildings or modes of transportation which can carry goods or people.
They are kind of white. They are a mix between whites and Natives.
t. Brainwashed communist
t. tranny porn spammer
so people from latin america (b/c really most of it was some sort of european colony) can be included in solidarity among white people? That confuses me because they so blatantly aren't
Well they aren't pure but many of them have significant amounts of white DNA. A lot of whites would say no because they aren't pure. Personally I don't necessarily dislike them but I would prefer that they stayed out of America but they are certainly above blacks in my eyes. Many Hispanics are mostly Native and some also have black DNA.
Goodnight. I'm exhausted.
This used to be me. Fuck, I miss never having to go outside.
i like how some people think that race is literally like rolling DnD stats. i mean it might be true, but damn
Did you see the elbows he threw on Cormier!?
All races are born equal
Okay, then what do I do with my life? I can't stop worrying about this in the moral context.
There are exceptions among every race and person, differences mean a mixture of advantages and disadvantages they are just sometimes swung hilariously towards the latter. Shame over something you have no control over is not productive you can be muh perfect aryan and be a little bitch anyway. There's no point worrying about it outside of how it directly affects your circumstances.
No they aren't, most of them are skinny manlets/Lanklets or obese fucks. American blacks have like 30% European DNA on average and were bred specifically for hard labour. Shit ain't the same at all.
But what about the moral panic that this causes? I don't want to believe that we are an inherently inferior people, or that the poor people of my country are poor because they are inherently subhuman.
Haha speak for yourself, dicklet
This globalist mindset is what allowed the west to become flooded with 3rd world scum. Fuck you.
>Moral panic
>Inferior/Superior people
You are not other people you are you. Does a government hold you accountable when a family member, independent of your influence does something atrocious? You might feel pride or shame for this person if you knew them but if you didn't even a direct family member is a ridiculous source of pride or shame - they're not you. Morality is not tied to bloodline, all the societies that try to enforce it that way fall apart people are responsible for their own actions and decisions. You don't control the state of reality, if you don't like your race you don't like your race it has nothing to do with humanity, "humanity" is an everchanging definition. This whole modern idea of racial association has changed a huge amount to0, it used to be all the countries and groups within each racial category that considered eachother subhuman, all the European countries fucking hated eachother, African tribes were constantly at war and most of the Asian nations are still racist as fuck towards eachother.
Superior and inferior are just definitions that we attach to differences, apply them to yourself not to your perceived and broadly defined group.
Racial shame and racial pride are silly to begin with, this is like what Jow Forums does trying to justify their own superiority by a loose association with people who are actually successful. Other peoples failure isn't tied to you any more than other peoples success is. This simply isn't a productive thing to focus on.