ive experienced vagina recently and i still want to genuinely commit suicide
incels from reddit are retarded thinking that a girl will solve their issues, they should just die along with me imo
Ive experienced vagina recently and i still want to genuinely commit suicide
Was it with a prostitute?
Sex with mutual desire is one of the best feelings in the world
no, this girl i have on snapchat that i didnt really have much attraction towards
we talked and i mentioned i was depressed and she invited me over to talk about it (i was not expecting sex otherwise i wouldve brought a condom with me) so at one point we sat together and kissed and then i fucked her raw for about 40 minutes straight
went home, and still felt the exact same way as a did before i left
Interesting. I experienced vagina 4 years ago and I felt an intense feeling of righteousness.
One day I'll feel it again.
>helped create this meme
Yes, girls will not make you happy. In fact they will make you less happy if you are not already happy, or if it's the wrong girl. You can only be happy if you fix your problems, which is very hard especially if you are poor and live in America.
is girl in OP her?
how hot was she? what do you look like? how do I find girls like this?
i don't even like sex i can't last unless i drink i feel like less of a man
become friends with her, she obviously likes you so even if the sex doesn't do much for you it's a valuable thing to have someone to speak with
As soon as I had sex for the first time, I realized how easy it was to get and how retarded it was and my insane, suicidal depression immediately evaporated. Then I started going on lots of dates and having sex all the time. I guess having sex dispelled the mystery around it and women, who I learned are retarded from the experience. I'm a weird, ugly autistic manlet.
Vagina won't solve your problems for you...
If anything it may make some of them worse.
If you are not attached to her in a an emotional level you won't feel anything, stupid retard.
I've had sex like a normal amount and average frequency and it's not the problem
I still want to die
sex is nothing rly like what u need is the ability to be worh something to someone
I don't miss sex w girls rn, and guys are easy to get if I'm horny, i miss someone seeing me as valuable or worth something
You wont kill yourself op though
i'm probably going to go back on ssri's maybe if I decide to book a psych appt instead of buying something nice to O'D on and like if u have a psych or a doctor and lke want to try feeling liek it's worth being alive for a bit b4 u kys then like try it out
This, she cares about you on some level at least or else she wouldn't have invited you over
no she sounds like a complete roastie whore who fucks randies for no reason, best to pump and dump. connect with some bros if you want advice and friendship, women are shit for that.
op is right sex wont solve all of your problems you guys
You know what feels better than sex user?
a heroin shot
>that hair trail
Stop giving me new fetishes please.
Also yeah sex is a meme. If you're a sperg it's not gonna make you less of a sperg magically.
I had sex with people who loved me and I'm still suicidal, maybe it's because I've never loved any of the persons I had sex with.