I am a good looking pajeet. How do I acquire a qt white gf r9k?
I am a good looking pajeet. How do I acquire a qt white gf r9k?
Ask her to open bobs.
Why white?
Why not just settle for reasonably attractive and reasonably hispanic?
Learn to use the toilet.
I'm a decent looking spic, why hasn't Ciara sucked my dick yet?
I find white women the most attractive of our species.
>good looking
You have to pick one, Mohammed
poo in loo
>good looking pajeet
compared to other pajeets, compared to chad and tyrone you're garbage.
you're not gonna make it
Literally this, Pajeets have a weird mixture of skin tone and facial features, even Indian women won't find you attractive unless you're a light-skinned north Indian
Join me and ascend past 3DPD, brother. Your waifu will always accept you.
>t. actual shit-coloured skinned Pajeet
most white women don't look like that though
Please, me and you are separate species Mohammed.
Most of the young women in their prime do.
Whatever you say joe.
Face it, you are not gonna get a white woman in her early twenties as poo in the loo
So you saying there is a chance I might knock up some older goods?
This. Shitskin extermination when, my lads?
Lol no they really don't Pajeet
if you want to settle for old used up roasties and you are actually attractive go ahead
i am a light skinned north indian
You're a subhuman streetshitter regardless.
tell her that you want to see her vagin and shitting hole, if she refuses then track her down and find out where she lives in rich neighborhood and rape her in designated holes. She will fall in love with you because women are stupid retards less than garbage.
Are you tall?
Go on dating sites and dont be like a stereotypical Indian on the internet like "show pussy i love" and be charismatic. Writw long info pn your profile and have professional pics and not like pic related
control your boypussy?
Well congrats, maybe you can get other Indian women, and maybe other non-white non-asian races
Why are poos so obsessed with whites. Stay away from our women pajeet
] Punjabi or street shitter?
>good looking pajeet
kek user, stop roleplaying
This is an undeniably good-looking man.
Whatever you say poo-poo-skin
idk, where i live there's a lot of imwf and imaf couples, even dark skinned dravidian ones
so get fucked whitey
If he's north Indian, he's more likely to be a sand nigger, just without the i*lam.
heres a top tier desi girl tho
no, with the islam. My parents are muslim but I'm not
I think being a pajeet robot would be the worst honestly, nobody likes indians, well, indian "men" atleast.
in west europe (except Uk) there is no indians so no bad stereotype associated with your ethnicity
apparently dark skinned indians do better in europe because there's less of an association with islam
I think that's slightly better. You may have some West Asian genes that would raise your IQ to the 85-90 range maybe. But 99 percent of Indian """people""" should literally be exterminated in the most painful manner possible.
nigga my iq is 110 to 120 (like actually tested). my processing speed is in the 30th percentile though so i'm pretty retarded generally. my parents lineage is mostly west asian though yeah
If you really were attractive, you wouldn't need to ask.
He probably lives in India.
Tell me about it user; not OP, but being a pajeet robot is horrible
On the plus side, I realised pretty early I have 0% chance of being properly accepted in society, so by this time I've become numb to the loneliness.
My standard routine of working, only minimally interacting with colleagues, then coming home to vidya and youtube is pretty comforting these days desu
how do you feel when you see pajeet normies and pajeets with qt gfs
just be NT theory desu
Go on Facebook, find a random white girl's profile, and post comments on her most revealing photo about how much you want to have sex with her.
Same way as I see other normies; I either don't care about them or I feel a mixture of pity and disgust at how shallow and boring the majority of them are
But I work in a lab, so I don't really get to see ultra normie people much
As for pajeets with qt gfs, I just assume they're just better than me in some way.
Honestly, how do you expect a 5'4" manlet skinnyfat dark-skinned aspie avoidant personality Pajeet to ever be attractive to anyone?
see being incel sucks if you're not an autist though because i can't get into STEM and all that bullshit, I'm basically a failed normie and can't focus on anything if I don't get sex
I suppose that makes sense; I'd care a lot more about being successful in society if I had a small chance as opposed to no chance
If you're craving sex that much, you can try getting an escort I guess? Or maybe a sex doll? My libido decreased a lot after I started using onaholes
Isn't this fucking chad shit? Imagine how much pussy they would slay IF they could figure out how to properly speak English and could recognize social cues along with flirtation. Women already like coal burners.
Meanwhile I couldn't gather the strength to talk to an actual 7/10 who was really into me but wanted me to initiate first. FUCkkkk
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