Left my old work.
This guy make my life a living hell.
I have his cell and email do you guys know any good revenge methods?
This dick bullied me daily.
Left my old work.
This guy make my life a living hell.
I have his cell and email do you guys know any good revenge methods?
This dick bullied me daily.
what was your job there
He was a guinea pig for bully methods
A gun will do the trick user, anything else is petty.
Nothing beat human down to it's knees than mentaly fucking with it,since you ve left ur work,find out his adress and start doing little things on daily basis that will fuck him up
I was a cook and he was head of health and safety.
I hate him.
let it go man. turn your leaden grudges into gold
Dig two graves
What was his email user
What do you intend to do with it brother?
He honestly made me want to end it.
Use his email for mailbait.info, but have it going in a seperate browser cause you have to allow popups for it to work
Good idea thanks.
Any idea of what I can do with the cell?
Use a cell number thats not your own and use a spamtext app on it
Also, make a craigslist post for a nice cheap ps4 or tv or something in the detroit or chicago craigslist and list his number and email there.
post both here
If you do anything right after leaving it's going to be really obvious that you're responsible.
I left 3 months ago.
wait 1-2 week and do all the above
you can buy services on DNM that will fuck his email/phone up
Do you know, or could you find his home address?
Pizza time? Pizza time
It's always pizza night when you fuck with me
I dont want to hurt local business Just him
More info on DNM stuff?
Pizza hut and papa johns are not "local business" corporate couldn't give a flying fuck about losing an orders worth of profits and the kids making the pizza will get paid the same regardless
I can try find his details. Wish there was an easy was to fish this info.
text bombs/email bombs and I'm pretty sure there's similar services that will FULLY ruin his life with nothing more than an email/phone number(frame him), you'll have to have a good search around on dream if he's really worth it lmao
services were quite cheap too
Honestly fucking hate him.
Wonder how they actually ruin someones life!
Just follow him home from work, nice and sly the old fashioned way
I moved city unfortunately. I am a big fan of the following method though works well.
Once followed this dick home from school and put dogshit and a firecracker through his letter box.
As you can see I am petty.
Post it here
My only worry is I get linked somehow.
I suppose feeding him to a pitbull is illegal, so no
He didn't realize it was part of the job to get slapped in the face with an erect fallos 8 hours a day
Grow yourself a dick user, wait until he gets out his car in area with zero CCTV and break his kneecaps.
Wait how do we know you are not actually the bully and wants to trick us into helping you bully your victim even further?
>I was a cook
I think you mispelled c.u.c.k to be honest
Because Im posting for help here instead of asking my non existent friends.
Would you settle for an apology?
No he was awful to me.
What did he do? I assume it was more than just complaining about your soup
Probably fondled his taint
Would make complaints about me to my management.
Would make fun of the way I looked / dressed.
Would make fun of my food.
Complaining about your food could perhaps be his job, but the rest sounds like excessive douchebaggery