Incels absolutely BTFO'd
Girl psychoanalyses incels
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>I'm so important that I talk about popular politics on youtube for money
she not cute at all
what's going on with her eyebrows?
Forgot Youtube link
>Girl psychoanalyses incels before the movement happens
>Incels absolutely BTFO'd
Yeah sure thing mate
>Female roastie thinks she has any knowledge on what it is like to be any kind of cel
Incels are unattractive, unintelligent, weak, mentally unstable virgin manchildren. Yes BTFO'd, they're pretty much the most hated people ever (other than Nazis).
Yes we know. No need to spell it out, normalfag.
Spot on.
>we dont like you
ok, what you gonna do about it pal
Inform society about your kind and try to help the ones that are not too radicalized.
>that long list of patreon supporters
would you rather be an incel or one of those beta males?
Closed it at 4.20 (no joke)
I'm not gonna try to understand this woman's perspective when it feels like she won't understand the basics of celibacy and what power women in TOAYS society holds.
Not gonna sit here and listen to a fever induced psycho dreamstate of an pit of touch normal everyday woman.
what a joke
>we hate you
>we want to help you
look you're giving me mixed singles here chum
Yep, you sure have won the oppression olympics. No-one truly understands you or has suffered like you.
>and try to help
oh yes goiym give me those sweet neetbux
Turns out that normal people don't automatically wish death upon someone just because they dislike them.
>Turns out that normal people don't automatically wish death upon someone just because they dislike them.
Did I wish death upon anyone? Listen buddy maybe someone aught to teach you about making generalisations about a group of people based on afew bad eggs I think we call that prejudice
Haha fat fucking virgins taken down by a girl
too obvious, not even normies are so fucking retarded
Incels are fucking losers and anyone who spends considerable time "analysing" them are almost equally as pathetic.
>"YIKES! they like weird lol"
she doesn't psychoanalyse shit
>attractive female
>thinks she can comprehend what being a robot is like
Its like describing a color to a blind person
People can understand the problems one another face without experiencing them personally, she instinctively opts not to because these people are a source of mockery to be used as a topic of gossip. It's not that people can't have empathy for those with different circumstances but that she has at no point since she first heard these people described to her by a friend, considered them as "human" as she is.
>tfw attractive, genius, strong, and emotionally stable incel
This is the memeword you're looking for user
>tfw not volcel in the least
I have no idea what the fuck it is, but I only attract homos
>all those pictures of chad in the top right corner
I'm not even going to click it
I've been watching too much humilatrix JOI porn. That look of disgust on her face is hot as fuck.
You have a good eye on you.
use hooktube next time. don't give this cunt even one extra view
>somewhat pretty girl in her prime thinks she can ever truly understand the pain of an ugly man
women and their egos
This is the kind of people that calls you a loser.
Just remember you started this war. Poor boys looking for love are met only with hatred. They are told that they will never belong, that they will never fit in, that they will never be whole. The world is getting better and their lives are getting worse. In a society that glorifies rebellion, how long did you think it would take for these hopeless manchildren to turn to the one man who promised a different future?
Under the right conditions, sometimes lighting strikes twice.
I attract homos and women over 50. I don't know what's wrong with me but fuck it.
no girl will ever understand what it's like to be incel. virtually any woman alive can get a partner whenever she wants
however, a large proportion of men cannot succeed with women at all. not even ugly/obese ones without the use of money
>want to dislike
>don't want to give her another view
I knew a incel once. She was threatening suicide because of the state of her life... she's dead now.
She doesn't exactly look like she's qualified to do anything close to psychoanalysis.
She also doesn't exactly look smart.
(Bullying incels is a daily occurence for most, so one more moronic stacy on youtube isn't very newsworthy.)
I see Chad in the background
just lol the memes are always in plain sight
Oh good
Because shaming a particular group is gonna straighten them out
No one ever reacts badly to shaming
All roasties must die. Elliot Rodgers did nothing wrong. Don't go outside tomorrow.
Sucks to be chad nazi, losing to fucking incels
>Incels are unattractive, unintelligent, weak
Literally none of these things are their fault, you twat. If you hate people for things they can't change about themselves you are garbage and you deserve to die for it. BETA UPRISING NOW ! REMOVE NORMALSHITS ! WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS !
Yep, feminazis don't exist and gender quotas which are completely and absolutely retarded are a myth, right guys ?
Instead, incels, men who are treated like garbage by society are the real problem, lmao.
Yeah that's fucked up. Not even an incel, but this is just unfair. Literally shaming people for falling victim to a defunct system
Lower your standards and stop comparing yourselves to top males. If you stopped doing that then you'll see that with self-improvement, you can make reasonable changes to every aspect of your life.
Go to the gym, eat right, take care of yourself. Not hard. And again - stop comparing yourselves to top males.
>just stop comparing yourself to others
If you leave a comment of disagreement and a dislike then that cancels out the view. Roasties don't like disagreements especially large view counts and lots of disagreements in one package.
Some of you guys are alright, don't go on the internet tomorrow.
What do you call female incels?
he totally deserves his life
But this ls my fetish
>stop comparing yourself to too males
You know who compares guys to top pales, women
If only that was true, most of these roasties are getting fucked everyday of the week by different men.
If you unironically believe this then no amount of help will help you. You are beyond saving.
One of the radicalized ones
>incels are BAD
*furious clapping*
>and DUMB
*standing ovation + thunderous applause*
>incels? lol
*audience collectively palpitates, allowing scathing analysis to ascend them to heaven*
*chorus of angels getting their wings as they sounds their trumpets in celebration*
What are you talking about? I could be saved within minutes if roasties decided to fuck me instead of Chad and Brad.
I haven't watched the vid, but let me guess. This THOT going to say that incels behave in a certain way because of entitlement and insecurity like most retards say.
Why would they want to do sth like that? As Ben Shapiro said, if you haven't earned someone's love and affection enough for them to have sex with you, why is it other people's problem? It's yours.
Correct. But
>Why do we need gender quotas? If women can't get good careers why is it our problem, it's theirs.
It's the double standard what pisses me off.
It's basically a video about a privileged individual Roastie ranting about something she doesn't understand, it's like a girl who wrote a book about having a dick. I'm disappointed and my day is ruined
look at the photos of her and chad in the background
Normies will never, ever understand what it's like to be one of us. Them talking about us infuriates me. I can't stand looking at her smug, dumb face another second.
09:30 is kinda cute. She pretends she just read the most horrible thing ever, when you know she will be drinking her bf's cum that very evening. Stacies.
This sediment isn't gonna work you fucking morons
You're only feeding into their "you're not good enough" insecurity
If you're gonna improve yourself, you should do it for YOUR OWN SELF NOT OTHER PEOPLE AND ESPECIALLY NOT FOR ROASTIES
Why is her looks all you've taken from this? And it doesn't matter if she's not cute to you, address her points (probably fucking stupid, but this post is the shit women complain about in real life), faggot?
>being raped once is worse than living an entire life as an unattractive manlet who will never be loved
I know these bitches try pretty hard to justify their shallow standards, but jesus fucking christ...
This is basically it, you need to use the same lense everyone else is using if you want a realistic idea of where you stand.
Don't pretend you don't want to hatefuck her.
I'm judged for mine
Why does she get a free pass?
And no
She says psychoanalyze which means she's gonna pull stuff out of her ass
No one ever does much in-depth stuff
incels BTFO
Does she look kind of Jewish to anybody else?
Women are only good for their looks. Whatever she says is irrelevant.
She has no clue what an incel goes through yet is deriding them like she's an authority
Fucking roastie whore, your opinion isn't special because you have a vagina
>Can't even defend the whole mouth filled with semen argument
Daily reminder that an average looking girl can bag herself a billionaire. It's OVER.
Why would based Musk literally go out with a girl with dumbo ears?
She won't make any money from that view on the video's view counter if you don't watch for a certain amount oftime. Just open the video, thumb down and close it.
Wtf... She average? She is dumbo.... Like dumbo the elephant... Wtf is wrong with that imbecile?
They make a cute couple.
He can fuck Aryan girls normal people can only dream of being with (Amber Heard) but he probably got the fact that interest/compatibility > sex and it does seem like Grimey and him have more in common, so...
>Wtf is wrong with that imbecile?
Testosterone which he can not control. That's what is wrong with the fucker. That's what's wrong with 99.9% of men, left (cucks) and right (white knights) included.
Because they made the same nerdy joke. It's all he needed to pick her from the unwashed masses.
So would she date an incel? If not, then she is cause of every single incel and the deaths they might cause.
elon likes aliens so he decided to fuck one
>I'm ugly XD
Any way to watch this without giving her a view?
I don't want to fall into the trap of speculating without knowing details
>a literal billionaire celebrity had to start working out and looksmax himself with a hair transplant to bag 3/10 Grimes
Well, most incels generally aren't very positive people to be around and tend to be very socially awkward. I think most would get girlfriends if they actually got out more, lowered their standards, practiced better hygiene, and quit watching anime and porn.
I'm a guy but if I were a girl I'd never date an incel.
>We have a problematic demographic.
>Lets not give it attention, im sure it will sort itself out
Niggers all over again
She isn't that ugly in my opinion. She looks cute minus the ears.
>practiced better hygiene
Stop parading this tired old meme, I shower every day and take care of myself. Its genetics and no amount of showering can fix that.
You do realize that saying "go out more" to incels is the equivalent of saying to a sheep "why don't you go hang out with those lions?"
Underrated menace
What a stupid ass pseudointellectual comic. Once you become a parent its your #1 priority to give your kids the best possible path to success regardless of your past. Having kids when youre unstable from your own shitty parents is selfish and immoral
There are major red flags in this video where she reveals her true nature. I don't think there was any btfoing taking place.
>Having kids when youre unstable from your own shitty parents is selfish and immoral
sounds like their parents didn't instil any morals in them
Your dad was an unnattractive manlet and he managed to reproduce. Stop coping, you have higher standards and/or dont know how to talk to women