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Same here, being rich would solve all my problems.
"hurrdurr money alone doesn't make you happy"
Fuck you.

If you were lucky you wouldn't be in this position in the first place would you?

>Born ugly and poor
I already lost the life lottery

Money does make things easier but it tends to ruin people and many lottery winners drink themselves to death or OD. Money doesn't make you hate yourself less it just gives you more opportunities to numb the pain.

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>make him win the lottery.
>Then make him blind and deaf

Attached: The call that saved europe.png (500x387, 324K)

>"hurrdurr money alone doesn't make you happy"
Anyone who says that is very ignorant and has zero imagination. What baffles me the most is when these same people wagecuck.

There's lots of things money won't give you, but in those cases money would still make it easier to achieve or find those things. Some common examples:

Money can't buy that (prostitutes don't count), but money can improve your fashion and grooming making you more attractive to others, and confident. You're more likely to be invited to social events, which will increase your social experience, making friends and lovers even easier. You can also pay for social skills classes, macthmakers, fitness mentors and general lifecoaches.
It's true that having your dreams fulfilled with money will be a letdown in the end, but it's also liberating because it lets you move on and realise what it is you truly value in life.
>Good looks
You're stuck with your genetics, but you can buy surgery, a fitness routine (or roids), better clothing and if you're rich enough you can even bribe the media to skew the minds of the public into thinking you are more attractive than you really are
>Eternal life
Yes, you'll still die in the end, but you'll probably live longer and will a far better life
>A good conscience or general good morality
You can set up charities and projects to help people with your money, and you can travel around the world to help people in person. You can also travel to see gurus and spirtual guides. Also if you have kids you'll be able to afford to select their company and education far better, making it more likely they'll be morally good too.

I've yet to find an example of these things "beyond money" that money can't at least help with.

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maybe read elliot rodger's manifesto mate, you get to see how that's a fucking stupid thing to think.

all that matters in life is money. serious

>The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save-the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour-your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life, the greater is your alienated life-the greater is the store of your estranged being.

28mil next season for being a bum. that's how some niggas roll

If money would solve all of your problems, what have you done to get rich, OP? If you don't have a plan, you don't really want it all that bad.

The only reason I'm stuck at home is because I have no clothes and confidence to go out, can't afford to study, can't get a job worth my time because all the jobs are given to blacks, Affirmative Action. Can't even afford rope to neck myself. I'm using my neighbors wifi because he is too stupid to use technology properly, he is given all the shit he needs and can't even use it, and I'm here suffering

I won the lottery, and trust me user, money doesn't solve all problems... I'm worse of than I was before desu.

gimme some money to prove my thought process incorrect then

>many lottery winners drink themselves to death or OD
Because they're normie retards that can't think ahead. I don't care for drugs or fancy things, if I won the lottery I would make it last my whole life.

you have to low iq to be rich and unhappy

>could move out
>have enough money to pay for all my escapism
>pay people to be friends
>no constant guilt or worries over money
>freedom to do whatever I want
this would solve literally everything. I wish every day that I could have been born wealthy.

Storytime? I've always been curious about the fate of lottery winners.

give me your money then faggot

very simple

if have money = true
>can do things
>can go places
>can buy stuff
>cannot do things
>cannot go places
>cannot buy stuff

which shitlang is this

turbo fuckmyshitup++