
Ngubu edition

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First for throwback-mode Halley Williams


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home nice and early today. if you havent yet, get yourself a steakbeak. its really lovely to come to greggs to this little four cornered tasty best cure for any kind of hunger

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thread mood

lid calm down, not even an aggressive song

>please dont make me play Alan Partridge again
>why didnt anybody like Saxondale?
>I miss Courtney Love
>why would Chris Morris return my calls?

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>black men in porn
no thank you, i'll scroll on by


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I want beans on toast but haven't got any cheese. Is it even worth it?

Alan Partridge was too /iconic/, a bit sad really

My bumhole is itchy. Any of you lads mind giving it a little scratch for us.. x

Reminder than Crona and Foxlad are the same person.

I've literally never had cheese with my beans on toast. Got any bacon or sausages?

Is that a picture of Tilde?

Becoming a bit obsessed with BritNormie lads. Has anyone got any dox on him or anything that I could use to get his dox?

Clean your bum better you disgusting mess

He's a pussy. I think you'd be disappointed if you ever met him.


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Nah. Got spinach and an egg though.

This is getting a bit sad SCEA.

Out in a coffeeshop now. So many good looking women walking around that I'll never get to shag.

They're people lad, you're objectifying them

I wouldn't necessarily be disappointed because he's a pussy. Most people posting here are going to be pussies in one way or another.

Why would I do that when you could be cleaning it with your tongue xx

taking a big stinking dump lads LOL

I got drunk last night and fell asleep at 4am, but then woke up at 8:30am with no alarm or anything. Typical that isn't it? I go to bed at 12 and sleep through an 8am alarm clock but the day I don't need to be up I wake up all by myself.

Since I had nothing to do I started drinking again and on my second bottle I felt the worst pain in my stomach, so bad I was just hunched forward and couldn't move for about 20 minutes, then it just stopped. Probably my bodies way of telling me to stop drinking, or maybe just don't drink with an empty stomach?

Obviously they are people. That's why I understand that I'll never be able to shag them. If they were objects I'd be able to shag them no problem.

Fry the egg and top it all with some spinach

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lmao fag
wanting to fuck women that you see isn't objectifying them anyway

He's an actually pussy though. A horrible slimy scumbag.

No, objectifying someone means to see them as only valuable for their role as an object; not that you literally see them as objects.
You look at them as immediately judge them based on looks (how valuable they are as an aesthetic object) and then can only think of how you relate to them in terms of their role as a sexual object. It comes across as quite entitled, and it is definitely objectifying them.

No, I never said it was. See

Why don't you like him my lad?

just finished a gram of coke and a bottle of scotch. my heart feel like its about to explode. fuck me lads this is bad.i need to drink water or somethin.g

Interesting point, but I'm not judging them based on looks. I'm judging their looks, while understanding that they may have other qualities that I don't know about.

I do see where you are coming from though, but one thing don't understand is why you see it as "quite entitled". I don't feel entitled at all, and I don't see how you could have got that from a post that quite clearly states that I understand I will never shag them.

Holy fuck lad at midday? That is degenerate. What made you decide to hit it that hard in the morning?

You sound pozzed as fuck. We're animals, when we see a woman with a tight bum and nice tits our first thought is going to be 'I want to fuck her', not 'Wow I wonder what her hobbies are'. That doesn't mean her ONLY value is sexual (though it might be), just that it's the first thing we naturally think of.

I'm going in lad

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what do you reckon her hobbies are lads?

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Why are you using so much oil?

Probably make up, clothes and gym.

Posting photos of herself on social media and giggling to her friends at strangers that look different.

i know. i woke up this morning feeling like shit so i dtstarted drinking and then picked up the sniff. i passed out for like 15 minutes i think but got right back on it. genuine wallnna kill myself.

Cooks the egg evenly without having to flick it on top like a cunt

>omg I love clubbing with my gals and going WILD, who knows who I'll go home with xx
>I also love travelling, makeup, and procrastinating LOL!

Milana Aleksandrovna Vayntrub?

Imagine getting to be her
Imagine being pretty

What? Just turn it over, or cook it on a lower heat. DUMMY.

Too much oil lad, your egg whites are egg yellows. Try a lower heat and less oil, it cooks evenly without burning the bottom

I can understand where you're coming from mate, it's hard to leave coke alone when it's right there.
I think it would be a bit like being famous - it would stop your self esteem from ever falling too low, but it would also just be annoying with the amount of people who'd want a piece of you.

>Interesting point, but I'm not judging them based on looks.
Hmm, I suppose I see them as one and the same. You might suspect they have other qualities, but the qualities you deemed valuable in them was their looks and their ability to have sex.
>I don't feel entitled at all, and I don't see how you could have got that from a post that quite clearly states that I understand I will never shag them.
I guess I assume the >'I will never shag them' feel must have, on some level, the assumption that you deserve to be shagging them. I fully accept that's my interpretation and might not be a reflection on you though.
Interdasting posts, thanks for the well thought out reply
>when we see a woman with a tight bum and nice tits our first thought is going to be 'I want to fuck her'
>when we
>our first thought
Very generalizing desu, speak for yourself but don't assume everyone thinks the same. I don't wonder what their hobbies are, no, but I don't think of them as objects either. I think of them as people I don't know at all and leave it at that until I do know them.

Imagine fucking her you fucing weirdo

looks like she does cheerleading competitions, there was a girl in my old class who did that

>Milana Aleksandrovna Vayntrub?
not her lad

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I don't need these feels today

indeed mate. i wanna stop. but i'm on a roll now. drink, sniff, fap, repeat.

Sorry, when I said 'we' I meant normal straight men. I don't think of them as objects either, I think of them as people I want to stick my cock inside.
>oh please tell me about your life and hobbies and dreams!

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Why not both lad? best of both worlds

Who is it lad tell us please

Nah I don't think there is such a thing as "deserving" to shag anyone. People make their choices about who to shag based on attraction rather than on merit. Part of the reason that I will never shag them is because I am in a committed relationship and I would never cheat too, not just because I am fairly unattractive.

>be computational biologist
>have small office adjoining server room with our HPC servers
>it's in the IT department building due to infrastructure even though we were never part of the IT department
>uni undergoing reorganization
>our lab formally becomes part of a "wet" biology department in a whole new building
>said department has an open plan office for most staff except some top people
>department head says having me move to the new building doesn't make sense because they don't have the space or infrastructure for our servers anyway
>this is fine for a few months
>then the people in the open plan office realize I have my own office (although in a different building) and go mental
>they demand I be moved to the open plan office
>department head is close to caving in

Fucking hell why are academics are so petty?

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>I don't objectify women, I objectify women
>You don't act like a dickhead? What are you bent or something?
>I'd put my dick in anything me, just constantly looking to fuck something

It came out nicely cooked but I'll take your advice next time in the interest of saving oil

There was a protest in Peckham yesterday about the kid who got stabbed in Walworth Road/Kennington. It turned into a chimp out

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Fair enough lad. I was just being a cunt with my first post anyway, one of those days. There's nowt wrong with having an ogle if you're not being a cunt about it and you're evidently not.

>turn it over
I've never been able to do it without destroying the yolk. Jealous of people who can

>the assumption that you deserve to be shagging them.

Oh look,. this fucking "meme" again

>Hurr durr not owed to le sex

Plebbit is --> way

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I'd rather have a vagina and be fucked by Chad

Least I have one of those things in my life.

Because wanting to be a woman as a man is a mental illness.

>living in London

corr sosj roal

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>You're talking to me about stuff... why?
>I'd rather see your titties
>Now you're talking about other stuff... why?
>I'd much rather see your titties
>I can't have sex with your personality
>And I can't put my penis in your college degree
>And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams
>So why you sharing all this information with me?

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feeling quite horny now. i only have one fuck buddy and she's not great in bed but it'll have to do.

You're literally not owed sex though.
No it isn't

That's just because your fragile masculinity takes it as a personal insult to your own mediocre masculinity

Chads are all too happy to see competition removed

Cheers lad, I enjoyed the chat, it's good to have some reasonable people here for a change.

thoughts on anti-incel propaganda in games?

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Wait I might be wrong, that's all google is giving me. Just looks different facewise and her body as well, maybe it's her when she was a lot younger

Yeah it is good, thanks for surprising me by being so civil. Wasn't expecting it in reply to a bait post desu. Have a good day mate.

>You're literally not owed sex though.

No one said they were, you mong. Every time some beta retard will pull out this strawman

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She's black owned, white bois

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You're the only one talking about objectifying women because you're a bit confused. Acting like a dickhead would be going up to them and saying 'OI LOVE YOU'VE GOT SOME CRACKIN TITS LET ME HAVE A GO ON THEM'. I'm talking about desires and thoughts that we keep inside
You might actually be gay, not that there's anything wrong with that

this unironically

>tfw no comfy farm life

yeah great thread but I think the real question is should trannies be allowed to tranny with their trans am I right

>the last of our pulled pork pies

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>egg and bacon
>sausage roll
>chip butty
>full English
>fried chicken
>bastardised Cantonese waste
This is why its embarrassing to be British, how can so many people be completely inept when it comes to food. Even starving Africans in Ethiopia eat better and they live in the fucking desert

Let's see the filling then lad

alright senor benis lad?

>That's just because your fragile masculinity takes it as a personal insult to your own mediocre masculinity
You got all of that from me saying that wanting to be a woman is a mental illness? Projection 101

blacks get 10/10 white women and we can only get the left over.

If you want us to be better, you need to start giving us alternatives then lad.

Eggs and Bacon are completely fine btw, rest is debatable.

Happens every single time. They just make up random strawmen based on their own projections and argue those instead. Best to ignore them, lad.

I swear there isn't a dating profile out there that doesn't mention loving travelling

I see it as a red flag at this point

Ethiopian food is genuinely a better cuisine than British food. I've been to a few Ethiopian restaurants and loved them. Usually it's extremely richly flavoured and delicious meat stews, served with a flatbread called "injera".


But lad you're not owed sex, stop acting like you are.
I'm gay but not in the way you're thinking, and you should stop objectifying women

Why don't we eat mud cakes like the based Haitians

I really don't think that any other country would have to teach its citizens how to make nice meals, why can everyone else do it outside the anglosphere?

Yeah its all I was getting as well but it looks nothing like her