I just ran away from my stupid parents to hang out with r9k pedos. ama
I just ran away from my stupid parents to hang out with r9k pedos. ama
Why is your handwriting so awful
it just is reeeeeeeee
if u have ur phone theyre gonna know ur location lol
It's actually part of the side-effects.
the side effects of what???????
You realise the police can track your location with your phones GPS? The moment you send a text they'll know exactly where you are.
mum's gonna sook
>an all time time low
>you're gona have a big sook
>summertime kiddies on Jow Forums
So how are you going to answer every call and text without the police "beating you and bringing you home?" Also you write like a bitch.
>barely legible handwriting
>vocabulary of a 10 year old
>expecting people to love and respect you just because
Stop being such a little bitch, if you want to receive you also have to give.
Do you feel happier?
r9k pedos?
Our comments look weirdly similar were you writing this while I was posting?
You should have fled to Guangzhou instead.
Nigga I can't read this shit and your grammar is horrible. Please turn in another letter revised.
yeah they payed for my flight to touch my peepee
how old are you runaway user?
"all time low"
>be me
>convince myself I don't exist after a bottle of vodka
>punch policeman because "he doesn't exist"
>sent to psych ward for 3 days
>later told I hit my mother and my family aswell
Guangzhou is a robot sanctuary city
Explain please originally original origin
You should have fled to Gladstone instead.
My parents treat me like a tool rather than a person and my sister doesn't love me.
Half the reason is for the shitpost.
No I mean more on the pedos.
Where are they?
Hong Kong fag here. I go to Guangzhou on the weekends to sleep with cheap hookers and buy computer parts. Best fucking place on Earth.
how old are you
are you a girl or a boy
where did you meet the pedos
what are you planning on doing with them
come on user
make this ama interesting
in brisbane
So you're in Australia then? Where are you from originally?
im aboy with a big dick
werribee senpai
Could Guangzhou be the chosen land for us
ay cunt, you still in werribee? Wanna go get smashed before you fly off?
nah in in qld now hanging with the /aus/gen autists
Kowai, yuru yuri, etc.?
Are you hiding under the kitchen table OP? Make sure to wear your invisibility hat.
nah both of them dogged the server
gay cunt
Should I keep learning mandarin? I'd sort of given up thinking that China was just a hole and that I was wasting my time.
Link to server cunt
britfags are a diseased lot
yea na fuck off shit cunt
dizcorf / NVJvmA / this is the link cunt
Brisanon here, you got snapchat?
Isn't it in southern China? There's language variances there anyway, I think.
neet-colonel is my snappy
dude that letter don't make no sense. "i don't feel respected by anyone except you but you don't respect me" where you fucking high when you wrote that?
He is so retarded he runs away at age 25
Gotta give mom that sook
We should all go to Guangzhou...
Guangzhou confirmed chinese robot wakanda?
>lets go to china
no thanks satan
sup n*gi
bigga you fuck
Bad hand writing is a reflection of a persons mental state.
yeah im mentally unstable
you are so fucking inconceivably stupid
old men will take turns fucking you
holy shit, you just ruined your life lol
really tired of this theme of r9k 15 year olds with perfectly normal lives aside from being outcasts in school getting their asses torn by 30 year old men to feel validated
>"running away" from home at 25
you know you can just move, right?
im not 25 im 16 reeeeeee
nice hand writing plebian filth
This is absurd, My writing while depressed looks no different than my writing while happy.
>Not only is Jow Forums making mentally ill people become trans and kill themselves but it is now making underage children run away from home
There are people who would pay to watch shit like this