ITT We summon Serbian robots
Serbia are best
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are you the one who summoned me?
Kuchiyose! Serbiajin no jutsu!
Reemove kebab
How exactly are they different from any other ex-Yugoslavian robots? They literally are all the same color of slav
Yeah, now give me all your money
Remove Bosniaks and Croats. Originaldhjshxjsnsjsbdhsh
You don't honestly believe that.....Do you?
So, how are things in Serbia? Living the high life yet?
>someone's summoning insecure serbians just to rob them
I know it for a fact it is.
not really. I'm living with my grandparents in a village where half of all houses are about to collapse. It gets really boring because I'm not very talkative
>He doesn't summon rare and obscure anons to rob them of their 1s of 10s of dollars
What's next? Now are your gonna tell me that Georgian principality doesn't exist?
I am also in a similar scenario. Town that I live in is filled to the brim of old people on the constant verge of death. It was also an old coal mining town so the houses were never in that good of a shape in the first place.
Based serbs got them good vibes.
>serbian robots exist
oh god no
Would you recommend moving there?
Serb from Belgrade here.
No, stay the fuck away from here. The people are nice but the economy is life threateningly bad for most people.
Random question: Any chance in joining the army there?
I honestly don't know, I've heard they plan on making it mandatory for men soon. Why do you want to come here?
Did a village nigger just make a Fate reference?I Thought we where safe from the autism.
Last year,more women joined the army than man,so i guess they would be glad to have you.But as you can tell from the fact,it's not really an real army anymore.
seconding There's a reason why serbians go to austria or germany (mainly work and better economy)
It appeals to me in the political and geographical fields. They don't seem to be to cucked yet and i'm not looking for a lavish lifestyle so i dont really give a shit about standard of living or GDP. Also, Serbian mountains are best mountains.
Also, land ive seen for sale there is pretty damn cheap.
Croat here, serbs are a bunch of dog fucking child murdering lunatics. Hell is too good a place for them.
I'm 19- we actually are already cucked, and the younger the worse. You would be disappointed if those are your motives but again, we're pretty nice people.
t. butthurt croat everytime
God is a serb
brt teraj se u tri picke materine
I probably wouldn't be seeing to many people wherever i move, so i might be able to look past it
Then good luck user.
Mandatory question. Are the girls there cute?
If u are into Brown tall girls,sure.
like everywhere, you have to dig for gems
Yes, but I'm a girl and I'm ugly.
Tho don't expect to have much luck here with women.
Somebody please tell me he is lying
He isn't, originalni komentar
Wh-what about big tits?
Average tits. You seem to have a weird view of Serbia user. Where the fuck do you get your information? You actually may get backlash for that here, our women are bitches but in good terms. They don't tolerate disrespect.
Not as brown as Sand people or Spics,but people here are still brownish,or yellowish.And than there are some pale people.
I don't know how reliable it is,but when i googled Hair/Eye color,the first results put us swarthier than Italians,which are pretty much considered niggers on this site.
In fact,if you are the guy who considers this to be some Jow Forums-tier country,than like the other dude told you,you are going to be disappointed.
People here act like White Niggers-minus the killing,murder rate is pretty low after all,we don't have sand niggers or niggers,but we have a huge % of Gypsies,and "politics" here boil down to "Do we suck EU dick or Russian dick?". Currently in power are the centrists who amazingly licks EU and Russian dick at at the same time,but the 2nd candidate was full lefty.In fact some right parties get less voted than "incorrect/blank papers".
So yeah.
there are those romanians
That's the problem here. How do you insult a serb? Anything you call them would only be an upgrade from what they currently are.
Was joking. No sane woman would ever come near me
I have only heard bad things about gypsies and from what i understand they are leaning towards joining the EU. Are they not?
you upgrade their upgrade and use it against them. This goes on for some time until someone starts throwing hands
Americans can't tell people from different nations apart at all, they're completely retarded. You show them a picture of a Hutu and a Tutsi and it's just "black people" to them for example.
>Yes, but I'm a girl and I'm ugly.
A/S/L/KHV status right the fuck now.
Hmm,if niggers are Orcs,than Gypsies are Goblins.They rarely make physical contact,but in all other areas they are a major pest.
> leaning towards joining the EU
Yes,the new Lesbian premier(not kidding) said if pushed,we will chose EU over Russia.
Oh and if u are not completely ugly,you maybe get some because you are foreign.I mean it depends,from what country are you?
>from what country are you?
Take a guess.
Judging how you have a Jow Forums-tier opinion of Serbia,i would guess the USA.
Hmm ye,just find some bitches who are bad at English,so they don't understand you spilling your spaghetti and wave the money and you will probably get laid,unless you are a manlet/really ugly.
>United states of Afrika
Bingo, kiddo.
>wave the money
What money?
>Manlet/really ugly
sort of true. I am not attractive by any stretch of the imagination.I could probably get an average bitch here if i really tried, but terminal autism is kinda getting in the way
Stay away from Serbia,trust me it can't bring anything good to you.
Serb here
*is secretly a croat*
I mean you said the land is really cheap so i assume you had some.
Anyway if u really plan to move here i recommend you stock up on cash and buying Electronics while you are still in the USA.
You see since the average wage here is basically as low as waiters get in the USA,groceries here are pretty cheap,but electronics being imported and all,tend to be actually more expensive than they are in first world countries.
So it's not really how much the shit the pay is here,it is how much your money is worth more here.
In fact most foreigners that do move here,move for that reason.They are usually old like 40-50 so do they don't need much.
Oh and i should warn you,unless you live in a nigger infested town,Serbia is probably filthier than the USA.Government really does not give a fuck to fix roads fucked by erosion so there is mud and grass everywhere,and people don't give a fuck about throwing garbage in the garbage cans so it's everywhere.In fact,it pisses me off.
Top fucking kek Croat calling a Serb child killer. Just remembe Jasenovac.
>200 year old meme
>unconfirmed """"CHILD"""""" death camp
fuck off serbnigger
>as low as waiters
You don't tip there r-right?
>Government doesn't give a fuck to fix roads
The roads can't be as bad as they are here. The amount of potholes here are insufferable
Top kek
Child killing is prooven in multiple qritten sorces
I just wish we could kill each other and be done with it.
Pretty much this: If you work in something like IT and can work for a company outside of Serbia I think you'd like the people here, the atmosphere is pretty relaxed and if you go to Belgrade it won't get boring
They're either pure trad qt's or gold digging tanned bimbo whores
I'm from Belgrade and most people I know and see in the streets are white (with brown and black hair), granted people from the south of Serbia and gypsies are kinda brown
The a e s t h e t i c s of our military died in the nineties user :(
Love you to Hrvoje
Ive also heard in addition to cheap groceries and shieet you can get food in certain restaurants for under 2 US dollars
No,and if you count tipping female waiters probably earn more than the average Serb.
>The roads can't be as bad as they are here
Depends,some are pretty new some are old full of fucking holes.I don't drive,i use the bike,but what pisses are the holes in the pavement,so when i walk if i am not careful i walk into fucking mud and grass.
But honestly i don't know how it is in the USA.I have a friend who visited diaspora cousins in Canada,and he said all of their grass/trees are fake,but for all i know you could be living in some rural town,meaning you are already prepared for the Balkan experience.
Not in actual restaurants,but there are a lot of semi fast food locals where you can get stuffed for under 2 dollars.The best deal probably come in Leskovac,which kind of famous for grilling.
This is OP signing off because my fucking phone is going to die. I thank any/all serb posters in this thread, the true roman empire resides within all of you god bless and godspeed
Why yes,most Serbs consider themselves white,as living in Europe you are taught you are White.But compared to Western and Eastern European countries most Serbs are actually brownish.
brownish? I've never seen a serb that is brown (not counting gypsies because they're not serbs)
Zasto ste na Jow Forums-u?
>If you're not a blue eyed blond Swede you're not white
All of those kids are white and will uphold "white" european values more then any self hating western faggot.
Well,the people in my picture are pretty fucking brownish.Idk why you keep talking about Gypsies,they are basically a shade away from being black.I am by no means trying to say we are brown as Middle Eastern,Gypsies,Spics,just that we are browner that Western/Eastern Europeans.
Nema vise turskih pita od Posavskog zlatnog zita!
I never said we are not white,just that our skin color is brownish .
Also my picture was mostly to showcase skin color,not hair/eye color.
And honestly i don't care about being white.
Srbija je takvo sranje od zemlje. Mrzim Srbiju, Srbe i svoj zivot.
zasto se ne ubijes onda? ja cu uskoro ne mogu vise da izdrim
I mean you're right but it's stupid to define the normal white as West and North European skin color and everything else as "brownish". I would say people in this pic are as white as you can get.
>And honestly i don't care about being white.
Pretty much this
Of course there would be some minor cultural differences in central africa. Eastern and southern Europe is on the contrary quite monolithicc
why do you guys hate albanians so much
we r such cuties
Planiram, ali nemam muda t b h. Kupio sam kanap pre nekoliko nedelja i nisam smeo.
Ma brate nemoj kanap.
not from serbia,but i am a serb in bosnia.
why have you summoned me?
Pa jebi ga, ne znam kako da nabavim pistolj ilegalno, a nema sanse da bih mogao legalno da dobijem dozvolu za oruzje. Svi ostali metodi mi deluju ili ekstremno bolni ili kao da imaju veliku sansu da podju naopako. Skakanje sa zgrade ili mosta nije opcija jer se uzasavam visine.
Najbolje sa nekim tabletama ja sam sa kanapom pokusala pre nekoliko godina al me nasli moji
Novi Sad bot here
ljudino ja se kljokam tabletama vec 5 godina i nista mi nije.samo me srce,bubrezi,jetra i glava jebu i to je nisam mrtva desu.kontam otici u neki veliki grad i skociti sa neke veeeelike zgradurine
Kad sam video onaj ZeeMaps thread nisam verovao al ocigledno smo zemlja fembotova.
blizu banja luke desu
Za malo da dobijes trips!
Zasto zelis da se ubijes?
>ook nemam gf bosanku
Ubijte me
You can get shit food everywhere in the world for $2 moron.
imam nekih problema desu.poslije silovanja moj zivot je bukvalno sjeban . pomirila sam se sa cinjenicom da nikad necu uspjeti naci posao,zavrsiti bilo kakvu dobru skolu itd.znam veoma dobro da niko nikad ne bi mogao biti samnom jer moj mozak bukvalno odbija bilo koga ko pokusava da mi se priblizi.i tako jebiga.mogla bih nastaviti zivjeti ali nema vajde da ja citav svoj jebeni zivot trazim srecu u sitnicama.mozda sam ja previse bahata,ali jebiga.tako stoje stvari.niko me ne voli niti bih ja ikad mogla voljeti nekoga.
ja sam iz RS,pls nemoj me zvati bosankom v.v
Jednostavno usmeri zivot ka osveti
Sjebi onog ko te silovao dbi
Nece me Ceda, samo neki pickopacenici nizi od 190cm pate za mnom i seku vene, odvratno.
>ook nemam RS gf s naglaskom
nemam dovoljno muda za to. lik je visok dva metra i ima sigurno preko 100 kila. da sam mogla nesto da mu uradim,to bih uradila te iste proklete noci kada sam isla kuci.
ne seri govna, bukvalno si ziva mema jebote, ko da s tumblra prepisujes
jbg :3
Roleplaying this hard
Originalni post
desu mi se oboje nalazimo na forumu za kinesko heklanje spageta.u istim si govnima ko i ja tako da ne seri :3
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