>Applying for job
>Manager asks me if I have any certifications
>Tell him I'm working on one and without thinking ask him which certifications he has
>He tells me that he doesn't have any certifications because he joined the industry before certifications became a thing
>Literally every job I apply for, they outright demand certifications (these things take a $2-3000 course plus a $2-500 test)
>this is in addition to already having a STEM diploma in a specialized field
What changed? Why the fuck is it so much harder to get a job now than it was 20 years ago?
Applying for job
Other urls found in this thread:
More people, less jobs.
rich faggots shipped everything blue collar they could overseas to make shit cheaper, so there's less jobs despite there being more people. your choices are half a decade of additional schooling and near crippling debt to have even a chance to get the barest entry level position, or don't do that and resign yourself to minimum wage shit with zero job security
Why haven't we lynched pro-immigration politicians yet?
>What changed? Why the fuck is it so much harder to get a job now than it was 20 years ago?
Globalization and insanely high labor costs
Remember that it isn't just about your salary in terms of what you cost to a company anymore...the employer usually has to pay for your healthcare and other stuff in these stupid benefits packages that make a $50k guy actually cost the company more like $75k
>tfw who the FUCK are you quoting
You're the one with the Judeo-Christian meme flag. This boomer-driven economy was created by people who follow the Judeo-Christian economic dream of waspy faggotry.
its really not. you should have said , right there, on the spot, that you want to learn. i bluffed my way through the first 6 years of working in commercial kitchens because i didnt mind hard graft and milked people for skills
India happened.
In lieu of experience or understanding, Indian tech workers bang out a dozen certs before you wake up each morning. I had someone literally scan their cert certificates and send me a 20 page resume one time
>Indian tech workers bang out a dozen certs before you wake up each morning
these are mostly fraudulent
t. works with poos
You'd have to lynch 90% of them
because one million people immigrate to the USA and other developed countries per year.
Because, while I personally deride the concept of boosting the economy through zerg tactics of cheap immigrant labor, it works, as long as the immigrants are productive.
See how it works here in CA is this; Democrat snobs champagne socialist their hearts out, pretending to care about muh underclass, the poor undocumented illegals and their 15 children. Meanwhile back at their gated community, they rub hands over how many min wage slaves they employed last week, keeping their business overhead impossibly low and cranking out profits so they can buy that new yacht.
They don't actually give a shit about anything more than exploiting poor people, and more illegals = more poor people to exploit. It's really that simple. If they can accomplish this to an even greater degree by hiring H1B pajeets, right out of a degree mill, despite being absolutely horrid at their jobs, so much the better and more attractive than hiring competent white folks who demand a fair wage.
We don't just have to lynch the pro-immigration politicians, we have to lynch the so-called humanitarians who directly benefit from having a state full of illegals around.
I thought India was an impoverished country. How do they afford this shit?
>these are mostly fraudulent
It all makes sense now.
I've worked with poos in the past too. They are the most incompetent race imaginable. Medical doctors who use webMD to find symptoms of diseases. PhDs who falsify research. When they run a company, you can bet their friends and family have managerial positions. How they survived past the stone age I will never comprehend.
Supply and demand
Factually incorrect. Boomer-tier logic. The only jobs lost were due to automation
>the economy has not shifted towards information based careers and the population has not risen
>I'll just call him a boomer and hope no one thinks I'm a retard
Jewnomics is what happened. Fuck the locals and benefit the Chinks and Indians to destroy the whites and niggers in the west.
>The only jobs lost were due to automation
My field is a facet of automation itself and it's already a glutted job market.
>thread moved
Mods are increasingly stupid assholes with no fucking idea what they are doing.
>Discussion of the state of the economy
>gets moved to r9k of all boards
What was it on before?
pol, where conspiracies about Stormy Daniels and 'redpill me on ____ ' - 1 post by this ID are kosher, but talking about politics isn't.
I cant even get a low skilled manual labor job because Mexicans will work for nothing.
Fuck this shit
Jow Forumsio ward
Mods are essentially in on the cuck spam. They make those threads, trying to brainwash Jow Forums into turning progressive.
Actual politics? Nah, let's just spam BBC and Incel threads.
Should have figured, this thread seemed too not retarded to have stayed on Jow Forums. Why Jow Forums though will be beyond me.
Idegaf about the faggy watermarks. That is top tier meme. Women in the workplace/on the road was a fuckin mistake.
I've about had it with Jow Forums. Used to have a little rational thought - now it's just BBC and incel like you say, and any mainstream talking point of the day. It may as well be a FB feed.
It has to have been seized by some org. We can't be that dumb and useless.
Jow Forums is under constant attack by reddit, cuck Jow Forums moderators and the average glow in the dark CIA / NSA / FBI (low tier) or other GCHQ fags.
It's probably the ONLY board where you have to have multiple filters set up, because of the amount of persistant liberal hate and spam threads.
This too. When I was a student, I couldn't even get a minimum wage job and had to work under the table for less than minimum wage. I had an internship at a shitty company run by Indians that tried to stiff my paycheck (in my country, the government partially subsidizes internships btw). Now that I have a degree and am looking for serious work, I had a bank (RBC) tell me that they wouldn't hire me because I was a white straight male (apparently this is legal in shitty Canada, I even called Human Rights to complain); and other places outright tell me that they wouldn't hire me without certs.
Meanwhile, one of my parents is a marketing executive who makes over 100k/yr and only has a high school diploma and a 1 year course in graphic design.
Don't you need to prove that you're giving a competitive salary and that you did not get enough local hires to be able to get H1B workers?
>The only jobs lost were due to automation
That's actually a misinterpretation of the statistics: many jobs were in fact outsourced. If you want a source: qz.com
Certs in what? Safety stuff or tech?
>one of my parents is a marketing executive who makes over 100k/yr and only has a high school diploma and a 1 year course in graphic design.
It was different world back then, you could literally start at the bottom and work your way to the top.
My grandparents still think you can walk in off the street, get a job and retire as the CEO. They don't seem to understand that you need to effectively pay for a position or face being stuck at the bottom whilst college grads start in management roles.
There are many new fields were it's easy to get into. When he was young, programming was not big, now you must find another field, or at least a sub-field that is innovating.
If you are working in web/app/network field you are fucked, if you works in fintech/IA/ML or other slightly more innovative field you chances to be employed (with a good salary) are higher.
Tech, already have a specialized degree but need further specializations. The job market in these specializations is not even that large, so I will need to take multiple just to have diverse enough knowledge to be able to apply for multiple jobs.
Could always apply for some shitty tech government job and then make them pay for all the certs.
that's antisemitic user
In ML, it's basically 100% chance to be employed with a ridiculously huge salary, but you're going to be working on copy-pasting someone's code and running it all day err day on new incoming data so as to improve the amount of people who get fooled by irrelevant ads instead of doing something useful or innovative.
>How they survived past the stone age I will never comprehend.
they only survived because of white british rule.
More people, more demand. Try again.
More demand doesn't linearly imply more jobs, inbred, especially in light of automation. When I worked for an undisclosed top-5, although I was completely alone on the project, every 1% improvement I added to the project allowed the company to fire 1000 callcenter workers. I got to 4% increase before the mindnumbing work became too much and I quit. In this case, automation meant 3999 fewer jobs and that's just one example. Moreover, the software is infinitely scaling and therefore even if the userbase went 100x, there would be no need for a second person working on this project.
>milked people for skills
Explain how you got them to teach you pls?
He put his lips on their shafts.
monkey see, monkey do
it doesn't work for skilled occupations that actually require in-depth theoretical knowledge
These are typically even easier since you just need to choose a single or two suitable books and read them. Even in research domains it works similarly though you have to be given a subject by someone who knows what they're talking about to begin investigation, then you read papers about the various words you don't understand.
It shouldn't but in reality it does, even those really smart scientists at cern are probably massive normies.
I have two friends who were looking for work, one is a pathological liar and the other is a smart nerd.
The liar lied his ass off in interviews and pretended to be skilled and experienced in a field he had literally no knowledge of. Then when he got a job, he studied like hell the first week until he knew everything he needed to know to not get fired. (And most of these certs you can learn in a week, coming from a bachelorate, but employers want you to have them beforehand because they have absolutely 0 faith in anyone to learn anything on the job).
The smart guy looked for months and couldn't find anything despite being a mensa genius who was passionate about his field since he was in high school. Eventually he settled for a shitty job.
Guess which one makes more money now.
More certifications, less competent managers.
If you get rejected on a job you can do well only because you don't have a piece of paper, you most likely just dodged a bullet.
My sister in law is in HR and she said that for any job, even a skilled tech job, she gets over 200 resumes and will find literally any reason she can to eliminate people.