How do I come to terms with the fact that I'm 27 and haven't done a single thing in my life? No high school diploma, no gf ever, fat as fuck, balding, depressed, no job, nothing.
I'm so fucking bitter that from 16-27 I fucking did NOTHING.
How do I come to terms with the fact that I'm 27 and haven't done a single thing in my life? No high school diploma, no gf ever, fat as fuck, balding, depressed, no job, nothing.
I'm so fucking bitter that from 16-27 I fucking did NOTHING.
I'm 26 year old neet
tell me how to avoid your fate elder.
Youre meming my guy
Can you guys drive? You should get a driving license
Well start right now man, only you can change your life. If you are ok with how you are living right now then ok, but if you are not only you can change it
lol i'm not even on your level yet i'll be ending my life before the year is out.
as far as i can see, death is the only escape
i did the high school thing but everything else is the same at 28, death is on the agenda
Le edgy faggit
I'm 26 with a license, that doesn't really do anything for me.
Take responsibility
Surprisingly unoriginal
lol I'm 28 and spent the last decade wageslaving
I feel like I earned the NEET life so I can enjoy it to the fullest B^)
I'm not memeing whatsoever. This is my sad reality.
I got a G1 at 21 years old and then let it fade and now have to retake it. Kill me.
I know but I don't understand how to wash off the bitterness and ever truly be happy knowing how much of a colossal fuck-up I am.
The only one who feels bitter about your life is yourself, and only you can change that. The only "fuck up" is the one who stops trying my dude.
realistically, you wont come back from this mess. even if you get a degree or some other qualification now, no reputable employer will even consider hiring someone with an 11 year gap in their resume.
Is this true? thats fucked. I have a 2 year gap, how fucked is that then
i have a 5 year gap and i still get call backs. don't worry about it.
That isn't true at all. Not to mention he could make up some self employed by.
Well glad I'm not you. At least you can make others feel better
My dad has been covering for me for years now and I've been getting tax returns from working for his aluminum installation company.
Easy: lie
Play crypto and get rich, there are fat retards like you who bought 50$ worth of bitcoin to buy weed with a decade ago, that are now smoking said weed on private yachts.
Colleges make you do internships. I've done 7 of them. List your internships.
>I have a 2 year gap, how fucked is that then
depends on how old you are and what you have been doing so far
if you successfully finished high school, got a degree, then worked for 3 years, but got hit with a layoff and didnt find anything for 2 years, that's unfortunate but ok.
if you dropped out of high school at 17 and just NEETed around til 19, thats not good. but then you're still young enough to get your GED and enter college at a normal age, so it's not all bad.
You never once tried to turn things around? So what did you do? Stay home and play games all day? Sleep? Do you have mental issues? Medical problems? I'm just curious. I'm assuming you live with your parents still. Do they support you?
I would definitely get your license again, even if you don't have a car. You should consider getting a job if you're able to work. You might get to interact with people and improve your social skills and while money isn't going to change your past, it's definitely going to help your future. I'm your age and I know single people so if you can fix yourself there's no reason you have to end up alone. Just don't completely give up, that's the worst thing you can do.
He should get a skills based resume. List your skills and have a personal website with projects.
Everyone has regrets, OP, about what they did and didn't do. Don't dwell in the past, is what I say. Besides, you're not even 30. Still young, you really can do whatever you want. But, you have to just start. Get off the nail, as they say. It's the only way to feel better about things.
No one ever thinks about you.
Your mom is the only exception and she's just concerned with how much of loser you turned into.
She stops washing dishes sometimes,grabs the edge of sink for support and just stares at the floor rocking back on her heels slowly trying to put blame on her self ,her working schedule,were you were raised,your school ,your father...
she tries to figure out why you cant be successful in any facet of life; socially ,professionally or emotionally.She tortures herself over it because you don't .She thought you were special but you are okay with your mediocrity ,that's the worst thing for her .
But she is your mother so in some major way it's her fault.
That's what will end up killing her.The failure as a mother,a guide, a protector. She couldn't protect you from your own apathy.
You were always somehow skilled at verbal and English but she coddled you too much so you felt superior to working hard on anything and thus never had the grades or work ethic to succeed .
That superiority complex slowly turned into feeling outcast and bitter.
You are indignantly resigned to being alone but right before you go to sleep every night fantasized about changing.
You imagine getting in shape,getting a good job and really making an effort at making friends,getting a gf,following your ambitions of being creative.You are not going to live like this anymore.Things can be different.You had potential.People told you that once ,it must still be true ???
but then you jerk off and go to sleep. you used those fantasies to soothe your deep discontent for just long enough to delude yourself into sleep.Like an alcoholic and his discount gin,you tell your self that intricate story of your resurrection.
Tomorrow the cycle start all over again just like it always will.
This is how exactly your life will be when you're 50.
This is how your life will be right before you die .
>You never once tried to turn things around?
Obviously feeble attempts were made, but nothing beyond that.
>So what did you do? Stay home and play games all day? Sleep?
Pretty much. Be a lazy piece of shit neet, keep making excuses to others for my current predicament, keep buttering them up with how I'm about to to turn it around after having an epiphany, etc. Wasn't straight up lies either, I fooled myself half the time.
>Do you have mental issues?
Yes. I'm clearly depressed and I have anger issues. Been to the Psych Ward for a week for hitting my sister in the head. I think about death a lot, dying, and losing those important to me. I hate how fleeting life is, but I assume that's a side effect of 27 years of fucking nothing, so I'm not surprised I feel that way.
>Medical problems?
None yet except morbid obesity. Thankfully no diabetes yet. No cancer yet.
>I'm assuming you live with your parents still. Do they support you?
Yes. They are waiting for me to turn my life around. They've lost most hope though. My dad used to be angry at me for not getting my shit together but now is just "Eh, try your best w/e"
lol love this copypasta
add in a bit about my alcoholic father and this is me
Have you considered that you likely have some sort of mental illness? Why haven't you been googling weird shit only you do then reading psychology articles in an attempt to self diagnose?
I recently discovered I'm schizoid and it's really helped me develop an understanding of what I need to do to be happy in the future. Which is to be independent and alone.
>loudly screeches
>bangs fists on desk
>morbid obesity
Have you tried losing weight? If you can lose weight it really helps your mental state and makes you feel like you've got some semblance of control over your life. For me, the success I had improving my physical health made me want to fix other areas of my life too, so that's a big help
Not him but I tried it, it worked great for a few years, unfortunately I had no money for surgeries or the hookups for illegal steroids, so I looked like shit anyway.
I've done my fair share of searching for mental illnesses I think I could have.
It's not impossible that I suffer from some serious condition I don't know of, but right now, I really just think I am insanely lazy, have anger issues, and have a deep depression that's going to take years to rid myself of.
I definitely don't have autism, for instance. I don't suffer from Psychosis, as that was ruled out during my stay at the Psych Ward. I could have attention deficit disorder, though.
I am not sure if this was supposed to be comical but it made me laugh.
>No high school diploma
then study and get that diploma
>fat as fuck
lose weight then retard
fin, hair transplant
>no job
get a job?
do these and then you can deal with depression and gf issue
Normalfags everybody
>I can't do things other people do because reasons
Its not a gap if you never worked
Yes it's called "being mentally ill"
So start doing user, you shouldn't waste more time.
Then have your parents take you to a medical professional who can treat your "mental illness." Using that as a crutch to never do anything in your life isn't a good plan.
You should probably cope by continuing to do nothing
There's no treating what I have. There's only forcing yourself into a society in which you want no part of.
I wouldn't consider myself "mentally ill" though I know a number of normies who would, just because I don't enjoy socializing.
I'm not allowed to be different. I'm not allowed to not socialize. I'm not allowed to want to spend my time alone pursuing what interests me. Because it's not "normal".
So I guess I need to see a doctor to get on some (((pills))) to make me just like everybody else. Fuck off with that shit, I'm perfectly happy doing my own thing and then you have normies kicking down my door trying to tell me how to live my life and be happy using their personal metrics of success. In which if I give into their demands to become "successful", I become miserable and my life is nothing but a facade, an act I put on to please others.
Well I tried to give you reasonable advice. You don't want it.
So yeah, have fun continuing to rot in your room as an unemployed, uneducated, friendless virgin.
(((reasonable advice))) is to sign your soul away into blind conformity of social standards
I'm not OP btw I'm just a schizoid who wandered into the thread lol
I did 10 years in retail wageslavery so I already know forcing yourself to do things you don't want to do won't make you better, it will only make you miserable.
Focus on someone else's life
I mean if you're happy being unemployed posting on pol 24/7, good for you.
Unlike you, OP clearly doesn't like his lot in and obviously that's who my posts were intended to.
OP is likely fucked for good to be honest my familia
set a goal, I'm currently studying for the GED.
how hard is the ged test asking for a friend?
how the fuck did you let that happen you fat piece of shit
get up and start doing something with yourself. pathetic
like okay
maybe you have a mental illness
congrats, you assessed it.
now what? you still have to act. stop letting bullshit interfere with your life. grow some fucking nuts and get out there dude
The test its self is easy. I think the hardest part is gathering the motivation study/refresh your knowledge for it.
Better hop to it, homeslice.
You can start on your GED. I'll be back in 6 months.
Some people are destined to do nothing with their lives and live and die in a miserable mode. We are one's of these people.
But it will get better right? The normans always say it will get better......
Life has beaten you. You've walked down the broken path and in the end have nothing to show for yourself. You lost; forever destined to be a wagecuck at a McDonalds.
the benefits you seek come from that conformity you despise
Do something then
You use the suffering to gain self-awareness and channel the anger you feel towards yourself in the service of something that will make you note hate yourself.
Sincerely good luck bro.
>28, failed uni, live with mom, deliver pizza
New neighbor
>genius, makes a mint, smoking hot wife, 2 kids, wife expecting
He is 26