How can anyone enjoy this normie trash?
The whole album is him talking about having sex and the singer sounds like a massive fucking soiboi
Back to aphex twin I go
How can anyone enjoy this normie trash?
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>The whole album is him talking about having sex
It's about how -despite his fame- sex with random groupies and roasties felt meaningless and he still couldn't find real love. Congrats you're somehow too retarded to understand fucking Pinkerton.
>massive soiboi
>back to aphex twin I go
this isnt, and never was, an alt right (nor reddit for that matter) forum, so you fuck off
Found the triggered soiboi
found the unoriginal non argument
You kinda have to read between the lines which I understand is difficult if you have autism.
>You kinda have to read between the lines
you don't even, the first song is literally called
>Tired of Sex
it really shouldn't be that hard
OP is correct, weezer is poser shit, but in their defense most musicians aren't the person depicted in their music. So, just listen to whatever you like, cause honestly it was probably written by a normalfag.
Someone I have great respect for told me this was a good album.
maybe listen to their first album if all the music you listen to has to be relatable for losers like you
>It's about how -despite his fame- sex with random groupies and roasties felt meaningless and he still couldn't find real love.
So literally a """""""""""" fembot"""""""""""" with a dick.
Basically, I mean if you're having sex with someone who you don't feel passionately about you might as well be fucking a fleshlight. The act of sex isn't all it's worked up to be. Especially so if you have death grip from jacking it every day ;^)
>listening to anyting but prog and free jazz
How is soiboi a politically loaded word? It just means you're effeminate.
>listening to anything but post-____ genres and emo
not a soiboi or someone who is triggered by the term like that user, but calling someone effeminate and implying it's a bad thing is implicitly politically loaded
lol you stupid faggot men are supposed to be men this isn't political at all.
>gender politics and what it means to be a "real man" isn't political
don't be obtuse
Men are supposed to be men
Women are supposed to be women
That's just common sense my dude
originial so called triggered user here. my grievance was the use of soiboi as in the relatively recent wave of alt right/cuck/soiboi-shit culture/lingo that infests my board and basically me yelling to you newfags to get the fuck off my lawn. Jow Forums isnt your board, it must be purged of your cancer
and besides having a dick and having a vagina what does it mean to be a man or woman? in that case surely a man dressing in frilly dresses and talking like a fruit is still as much a man as any and not effeminate
I'm not claiming any stance on this, just stating that it's in the realm of social values and politics, which it is
Youre the Jow Forums equivalent of kids who unironically collect fidget spinners.
You say it's common sense, and I agree, but the left has made a massive push in recent years that women and men are equal, thus women can be men and vice versa, thus very masculine women are good and fine just like very feminine men are good and fine, and I won't even get into the tranny debacle.
The left pushed extreme gender politics into everyone's faces, and made that (to you and me) common sense opinion politically charged.
who here /make believe/?
Its because normalshits dont know Blue album is superior in every way and is the only robot Weezer album
Pinkerton is normie
But Weezer is normie no matter what, just that at least Blue album is genuinely good and influential
Real robots listen to midwest emo rather than pop/alt rock emo like Weezer is
>midwest emo
explain how these albums are robotcore right now. I've only listened to American Football and its mostly a break up album, which a real robot couldn't relate to.
shit man, i can't relate to the lyrics sure, but the performance is undoubtedly sad and sincere.
>American Football is a breakup album
Next you're gonna say Mineral focuses on partying
Modest Mouse is pretty robot surprisingly considering their popularity
>My hell comes from inside myself
>Why fight this
Even if just for that lyric alone they deserve props