Why does interracial couples trigger Jow Forums?
Why does interracial couples trigger Jow Forums?
they dont. only your niggardly hatred of the white men triggers me.
>why does
i can't answer for others but i have no problems with it whatsoever. my longest relationships have been with girls who are not white and they were great.
lol he can keep her
Unironically but originally this - we get it, you're feeling inferior and have to "stick it to the man".
I'm not "the man", so fuck off.
i don't even hate white guys though
Fuck off you goddamn normalfag
Only BMWF triggers us, WMBF is completely fine for some odd reason
bullshit. how many racist posts have you made ?
lying non whites. also another reason why we dont like you.
>tfw no sources of this girl
I'm this guy and I'm 100% white, white skin, Dutch heritage, Dutch surname
color of your eyes? you omitted that like a shut skin.
no, i don't think i will, but i'm sorry you're having those feelings.
in my experience Jow Forums has been supportive of the BLEACHing of the dark continent desu
quiet, you dutch imbecile.
several, but it was only in defense. i'm not lying.
Because they can't get laid and seeing a black man with one of 'their' women pisses them off. Meanwhile the white men in relationships don't give a fuck because they're getting their dicks wet or they're deep in the hole that they can't get out of it.
>only in defense
hah yeah okay. and in retaliation as well.
Nope, none of my business. But I do love how it triggers /poltards/
>members of our species are mating with animals
gee i wonder why it triggers people
which is why im right
You have a "caucasian woman and negro man" bait folder that you probably use to goad losers on Jow Forums with at least several times a day.
>I don't have issues with whites tho
Uh huh
no lad
t. mutt
fuck of back to lereddit normalfags
>using mutt as an insult while supporting the creation of mutts
very strange
Those kids are fucking hideous
It is time for the Cleanse.
There's better things to do than to get mad that people hate you. So what? Move on and let them hate you.
>Let's target and goad shut in virgins with racially themed porn and then accuse them of being racist
lol doose vault fellow teenager
its pretty pathetic. White virgins here are mad that black guys are taking white women as if those girls would choose them if it wasnt for those black guys.
It's not that they are interracial. All couples trigger me.
youre just a coward. but i shall fight FOR FREEDOM
i don't. i think you are looking for reasons to justify your racism
>le bait image 43.jpg
>le scripted post 3425
Why do you hate whites so much user? Just leave us alone.
pretty damn hot, that's how it's meant to be. White girls and Black guys were meant for each other, that's why it happens so much.
The "racist" here is you. You are anti white and use race porn to bully people on the internet you know are vulnerable losers because it makes you feel good about yourself.
You don't have to reply to these threads, I just snoop in for the porn and triggered faggots like you.
*dispels your fictitious notion that mulatto children are ugly*
>pretend to be anti racism in one post
>post racially goading BS in the next
youre part of the problem, shut skin.
I fucked a black girl once but she didn't feel my dick inside her :(
Those kids are hideous as well
>shut skin
i dont hate white people. But its pretty fun watching racist white losers get frustrated when they see white women with black guys
so yes, libtards, tweet about how awful and terrible we are, so the non white mobs leave you alone and bee line straight for us.
because i am not afraid, i will not accept this and i will fight for my beliefs. while you think of ways to gain ever more brownie points with people you dont connect with and dont feel comfortable around deep down.
Sounding pretty triggered desu, never claimed to be anti-racist, you just made that up
yet you collect every picture like this. black masculinity.
Why not go bully people on facebook or wherever it is you come from? Jow Forums is clearly not the board for you. Go post interracial porn on a chinese website and then bully them for "being racist"
see thats what im talking about lmao. Keep posting your butthurt replies while black guys are banging your women that you hold so dear even though they dont give a fuck about you. Loser
>I don't hate white people, I'm just glad white people are going to be blended out of existence and lose all sovereignty over their own countries ;(
lolllllll calm down black masculinity
>You are anti white
if i was, why am i dicking a white girl?
>le script
What the fuck is wrong with you. Go try and provoke whites somewhere else, maybe people who can actually stick up for themselves instead of mentally ill losers like here
so white women are nothing more than your interracial conquest fetish. nice of you to admit it.
Your hobby is bullying helpless mentally ill whites over the internet with race bait and porn. Something tells me you're not popular with women of any race.
>I'm just glad white people are going to be blended out of existence and lose all sovereignty over their own countries
i'm sad at this though. stop putting words in my mouth
White slave owners fucked Negresses, and Spanish conquistadors had sex with Amerindians.
no youre not. keep posting pictures, black masculinity.
If you were sad at it you would oppose miscegenation, and also would call people that hate it "racists" while shitposting porn spam hoping to "trigger" them
*also wouldn't
>I'm just glad white people are going to be blended out of existence and lose all sovereignty over their own countries
they wont though, theres enough of white people breeding with each other to keep the white race. Yeah, eventually you will be minority in europe, just like indians had to become minority IN THEIR OWN fucking country because of you. Its only fair
>helpless mentally ill whites
everyone bullies each other here, regardless of race you retard. also nice self victimization, you pathetic cuck
like i give a fuck
LOL that white faggot in the back. is like a token white guy?
>Its only fair
This is anti-whiteness in action. People that post this shit are likely just trolling for reactions though. It's a shame this board's faggot mods don't actually ban this garbage
>nice self victimization, you pathetic cuck
I'm not white. You're clearly just out to bully whites and whites exclusively. You have an entire folder for this purpose, and accuse me and others of being racist. You are a bad person who preys on the helpless
if mods catered to sensitive vaginas like you, they should also ban users who make racist posts and use "nigger" in their posts
>they should also ban users who make racist posts and use "nigger" in their posts
I've been banned for "/b/ outside of /b/" for using nigger in a post.
there's also mentally ill nonwhites on here. why don't you complain about white racists bullying nonwhites? is it because you're a white person?
im not saying that i support white genocide you braindead moron. im just saying that white men have no room to complain about their race becoming minority in their own countries when they did the same thing to other races
>they should also ban users who make racist posts and use "nigger" in their posts
If you're against treating blacks badly, why do you come here and pick on isolated white losers?
If they're genuinely happy with each other I don't care.
I think it stems from how insecure they feel and how they can't get a girlfriend but then they see a black guy with a white girl and they get triggered.
And let's face it, a lot of people on this site are genuinley racist. I think it was yesterday when I saw a /b/ thread about posting dead niggers. I've even got screenshots of it.
>why do you come here and pick on isolated white losers?
no, i pick on every demographic that is vulnerable
Whites objectively do stupid shitskin. Go fuck off somewhere else and shit up that board
theyre not being "out bread" you silly goose. thats why you keep reposting the same photos from 10 years ago.
black masculinity in action.
Yet the vast majority of racebait threads here are directed at whites. I'm Asain, because apparently it matters immensely to you if I'm white or not. If there were tons of anti Asian or black threads on Jow Forums it would bother me too. But there's really not. Most of the racebait is directed at whites because it's the in thing to do these days.
only LEO would have those.
>I think it stems from how insecure they feel and how they can't get a girlfriend but then they see a black guy with a white girl and they get triggered.
I think it stems from the non stop race bait threads like these that are spammed pretty much constantly to trigger people.
>theres really not
asking for it, jook.
The coalburning slut in your image here is not even white anyway, I mean she is very obviously a worthless mutt so whilst the atrocious crime against nature that is racial bastardisation is still unfortunately being commited here it is not really all that much of a loss in this particular case at least in comparison to many others as she is very clearly a subhuman fat shitskinned mutt with an annoying punchable face which would explain why she has to lower herself to the standards of miscegenating with a negro. All you can do is wait until this disgusting relationship of theirs is over either due to domestic abuse or the negro running away and leaving her with their disgusting alien looking shitskinned mongrel offspring as either way after she has done this no respectable man is going to want to cuckold himself by dating this used negrified whore with either another mans mutt children or a black eye from the abuse influcted on her by the negro as she has exposed herself as a dysgenic genetic dreg and as a useless gene pool defiling fetishist race traitor with no morals or standards.
I dont see other nations than my own as humans , Its like seeing someone breed with a dog or monkey,to do that you lose any shred of humanity for the other.
eh. I mostly go on /an/, /x/, and /cgl/ so I don't really see race bait threads very often.