Currently watching Scarface, what's r9k doing this beautiful morning/evening?
Currently watching Scarface, what's r9k doing this beautiful morning/evening?
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Grieving over my scared waifu
was that intentional or accidental scratching
Chillin listening to Elliott Smith and reading about Dennis Nilsen
Getting ready to go to school today
drinking coffee and going to the gym.
Watching all the Rocky movies for the first time. So far 2 > 1 > 3 > 4
Pissed that they'd send fucking Indian counterfeits rather than the real stuff, anyone who would willingly consume anything from India, definitely has a death wish.
Working from home, have my window open and a bird feeder outside. The cat loves it.
4 has the greatest workout montage of all time, come on now.
Having to stand my classmates. They are seriously fucking cunts. EVERY single one of them. Also, I left school ten minutes ago and now I have to be in the same train cart as my gf's ex. Yeah
Rest in piece fella
Shall I do a greentext?
I still really enjoyed it but it felt like half the movie was montages. Can't bring myself to say which one shouldnt have been included though because I liked them all. I enjoyed the first training montage more even though the second one had a way better song, didn't know I was in the minority thinking this though.
Yes. Go for it user
Wiped out Friday and broke my wrist
Post your workout for today. Here's mine (chest and triceps)
Bench Press - 3x5
Dumbbell Flys -3x5
Decline Bench Press - 3x5
Tricep Kickbacks - 3x9
Close Grip Bench Press - 3x5
Laying Tricep Extension - 3x9
waking up 1x1
coffee 1x1
r9k threads 2x5
masturbating 1x1
farting 2x1
eating kebab 2x1
back to sleep 1x1
Kebab twice a day?
erryday friendo
i just got done masturbating to erotic audios
finished on:
now i'm going try to go to sleep
overall, trying to find a reason to not suicide by mutilation or cop
it's not working, to be quite honest
so, same old, same old