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Dirty deeeeeds
I ate three pot noodles this morning
>implying anyone has ever used this term in earnest
Find a lassie who also has the same, or even more level of fucked up ness as you have. There's plenty of insane chicks to be had.
AWOOOOO britfeel
I ate three not poodles this morning
You replied to yourself lad
l ate three not poodles this morning
I ate three pot noodIes this morning
Ah ffs what a fucking dolt I am.
the trannys should just become tomgirls. if they need to change their entire sex, they are implying that males and females have to conform to certain gender cultures.
/comfy/ storms when?
No more heat please, had enough for 1 year.
Ruff ruff ruff! I will eat u bitch!
what are you NEETs spending your bennies on this week?
HOW many pot noodles did you have?
No idea mate. Probably just go in my bank with the rest of it.
electric lightening
Dunno desu lad I got lie 790 quid in bennies saved up already
>what are you NEETs spending your bennies on this week?
your mum
eIectric lightening
Hold it now and watch the hoodwink
As I make you stop, think
You'll think you're looking at Aquaman
I summon fish to the dish, although I like the Chalet Swiss
I like the sushi 'cause it's never touched a frying pan
Hot like wasabi when I bust rhymes
Big like LeAnn Rimes, because I'm all about value
Bert Kaempfert's got the mad hits
You try to match wits, you try to hold me but I bust through
Gonna make a break and take a fake
I'd like a stinking aching shake
I like vanilla, it's the finest of the flavours
Gotta see the show, 'cause then you'll know
The vertigo is gonna grow
'Cause it's so dangerous, you'll have to sign a waiver
Pot Noodles are one of my guilty secrets, especially the sweet and sour.
fuel for the car, beer, food and leccy
the more i think about, the more i realise that trannys are just insecure mongs and the biggest brainlets of today.
Let em do their thing, once they make themselves infertile with the transitioning they cut themselves out from the gene pool.
Don't try to steal angry bois blanket lods
that's a fookin teddy bear mate
>quite happy being one of the lads
>also quite happy dressing like a girl to get off sometimes
Did trannies just forget crossdressing exists, and that it's fine to be a softlad in this day and age?
Nice high quality picture. Is this on a phone?
look at that ham hock of a hand
Yes lad it's a Huawei I quite like em
no booli the chubby anons please
What version lad, that's well crisp
The mate 10 Pro quite a good phone had it for about 2 months now
Beer, sandwiches n bacci.
Nice one, cheers
For me, it's wrasslin tickets
I was singing
to myself on my last slavery shift at the weekend
I also love
i gotta walk the dog but sitting down is good.
>tfw my galaxy s7 takes pictures that are 4-5mb in size
>have to compress them every time I want to upload a pic
Annoying desu
Used to be huge into wrestling and never enjoyed it live desu it always looked too fake and boring when I saw it in person
There was an AMA thread on reddit linked here today, the person was a camgirl who did drugs for a year round and everyone was gushing over her. She made a killing because her ex nerd bf convinced her to take bitcoin tips years ago. Litterally all she did was show her arsehole on cam and consume hard drugs for a year and she somehow developed a loyal fanbase who even listen to her political opinons.
Blows my mind how this stuff happens r.
its all just ego. They feel compelled to transition because they are insecure about their identity. look at crona always flapping on about wanting to be called a girl, fucking mongs, stop relying on society as a form of authority.
Probably old man dog that. He's cute
it's more fun live, I just embrace the sillyness
They're total retards desu, they didn't think long term and understand they're going to be an abomination of a 45 year old one day. This is your mind on wanking binges.
I have to do some major cleaning, but cba. might leave it till tomorrow and have an amphetamine day
*runs upstairs to get the xbone*
yeah think that's what i'll do
lol i just ate a whole wagon wheel lmfao
Hes only 2 lol just has old man fur
They're kinda thick, they're kind round
With fluffy mallow and biscuit to be found
Under that chocolatey stuff
>still more or less remember the advert
The blue ones are shit
I'm gonna let you lot name the characters this time Yes, I will do this for each one, sorry if it gets annoying
chicken and mushroom pie
>look at crona always flapping on about wanting to be called a girl, fucking mongs, stop relying on society as a form of authority.
I saw that. Silly roastie was hiding her drug problem as 'research'
do u fink if shippy get anuva black gurlfren he'll sing this wen stickin er wiv is willy
>he's only 2
That nigga at least 40
Please name the pink girl Sagiri, thanks
>attention whoring again
>be about 13
>playing zombies in waw, i think it was right after the first new map was live
>duo-queuing with some other guy i met recently and played zombies with
>start it with some other random, called cedric followed by some numbers or something
>get to a level in the 20s or something
>shits getting heavy
>be the first to die
>cam switches to friend, laid out on the floor with his pistol out waiting to die
>he's just staring at a doorway leading into a hallway
>see cedric run past on the other side
>2 seconds later, there's like 30 zombies mobbed up passing by the door
>some quality benny hill shit
>both start laughing so hard i'm pretty sure we're both crying
>for weeks to come, if either of us even mention the name cedric we both start pissing ourselves laughing
>stop playing zombies eventually
>stop laughing so easily at things, the best i've experienced in the past few years is a heavy chuckle
>stop feeling good about things in general
Good to see another mother 3 fan
No euwe
But the pink girl doesn't want to get blacked
Friendly reminder to fix your posture lads
Should I get some beer LODS or wut
My favourite game, desu
>tfw mum wont shove my cock back in
yeah. and get me some, I cba walking to shop.
ta love
fuck lads, i'm dying for a wank, i hate this heat and my urge to bash one out
ordered a mcdonalds delivery, this is how i die alone for sure
really fucking jazzed about these chicken nuggets and a big mac though
Lemme join too. Pick us up a few bags of Doritos (blue ones, obviously) and some KitKats as well
Cheers pal
>claims to reject society
>still has an ego reinforced by society
what can i say? speaks for its self
Tfw always just freeshot my cum shot
Every wank is a mess but I wouldn't have it any other way
same lid
Do it lidlodladdio.
How much they charging you for the delivery?
those kinds of dogs are usually annoying and smell
daschund / german shep / corgi / samoyed / lab are the master breeds
>teenage dreams so hard to beat
>mcdonalds delivery
Check your privilege lad, they don't do that here.
Even though I wasn't the most popular guy school and the school era actually gave me some really great times early on, lots of tears of laughter shed
>a midget hosts a daytime quiz show
Truly the golden age of tv
silly question int it? get us some irn-bru while you're at it lad. cheers
they're so adorable
>people actually have relationships in real life
How weird is that. Sometimes they actually have sex as well.
you can get it through several apps lad.
nostalgia feels? nostalgia feels.
i actually hate having wanks, they never last, and the post-wank regret is the worst. feels like a waste of time and energy desu
Where do you shoot it? I shoot like 8 spurts so that would make far too much of a mess
Not me desu Iad
ye olde nostalgia
Nice one matey. I remember linking this a month or so ago.
I just want to twat that little fucker in the face. So annoying
Just aim at my stomach often shoot myself in the face on accident desu lad but I like having a good cum shot it feels like that's what the wank is leading up to
I'm the same, I cum so much I dont feel my orgasm the first time. Sucks, and if you shoot it into a ton of tissue you have to stop early and its more like a failed orgasm.
Used to do that, realise how disgusting it was now
>not shooting into a tissue and having absolute minimal cleanup and maximum comfort
state of you
don't stoop to his level user
>a midget hosts a daytime quiz show
Just ate a very tasty scotch egg lads
Bit icky lad. What I do is I set a landing strip of loo roll on my desk and just aim for that. I like seeing it fly lol