How do i get a cute antifascist gf?

How do i get a cute antifascist gf?

Attached: Antifu.jpg (852x960, 181K)

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Those flyers are for a fascist French political party

Literally fascist

Literally Italian

The collective IQ of this thread (before my post) is 10

Attached: brainlet20.png (226x223, 6K)

That ugly beanie ruins her.

Its ironic that the antifacist promote sexual liberalism which is similar to eugenics.
Only that instead of intelligent men being in charge its a bunch of impulsive roasties.
Theyre both nazis in their own way.

Why is it the further right someone is the hotter they are? Is the real political spectrum Chads vs virgins? Can I become more Chad by killing jews?

Blocco studentesco is a neo-fascist student organization linked to CasaPound, you dumb Am*rican soiboi.

The jew part is a joke cia.

It's not necessarily right vs left, Chads are extremists of either side, while virgins are moderate "free-thinkers" who believe in democracy and human rights.

Attached: young_Stalin_1.jpg (1174x1600, 253K)

Not really
Were radicalized because were not getting what we want
A gf
Also the ones with a brain here are right wing

>Also the ones with a brain here are right wing
lol nice try brainlet

Read this thread again.

I mean because they realize that right wing is in their best interest.

>How do i get a cute antifascist gf?

Be a fascist

Her head's cold, you leave her alone.

That picture of Stalin is notorious for being highly manipulated, look at unaltered pics of Stalin, he has pop marks and scar tissue and looks swarthy as shit

So I read through both links, and to be completely honest I believe both to be invalid. The first shows a study a few decades old, with no link to an actual study, and the second doesn't reference any individual surveys. It's vague and it's by left wing authors/publishers, and it makes me sad to think you believe in this.

>daily mail
Leftist "intelligence", sorry but smart people do not consider tabloids as a valid source of information.

Worst part was, it was the strongest of the two links
>which isn't saying much

>he thinks an actual leftist would cite the dailymail

you got baited retard

the further left you go, the more self-hating people become.
think about it, what kind of white men would support current year leftism when current year leftists openly hate white men? only the most self-hating weaklings.

on the other hand, the further right you go, the more self-serving people become. the extreme right is basically just "my people above all else, the rest can go to hell" which is pretty much the chad mindset applied to groups.

incels dont fit anywhere.
not on the left, because they refuse to become cucks.
and not on the right, because they cant become chads.

Daily reminder that if you think this simplistically you should kys. There's no cure for brainlets.

The right supports traditional beta provider families.

t. beta cuck

Even you couldn't fuck up these instructions dummy

Attached: final straw.jpg (1239x795, 200K)

A lot of helium tanks are partially diluted to prevent suicide attempts, so he might even fuck that up

Its cute fuck off

Not only that, but plenty on "the right" only give a shit about themselves and embrace bizarre individualist fantasies. It's pathetic to reap society's benefits without acknowledging your dependence on it.

That wont work with modern helium tanks, retard.

no. there is no actual right wing in modern western political parties except for some tiny fringe movements.

what you think of the right? they call themselves "conservatives" because they want to conserve the status quo. but the status quo has been moved so far to the left over the past 70 years that they are in fact protecting a very leftist status quo.

actual right wing positions on family policies are shit like
>repeal womens rights
>tighten divorce laws
>criminalize adultery
>remove all public assistance that supports and incentivizes single motherhood

the classic nuclear family isnt "alpha fucks beta bucks" at all. it is about a woman being subservient and loyal to her husband in every way.
just for example - less than 100 years ago, the concept of "rape" inside a marriage literally did not exist because the woman had vowed to always serve her husband at marriage, which implied consent forever.
that's the level of servitude we're talking about here.

>he doesn't know that other inert gases share this property with helium

Attached: heh.png (699x690, 357K)

This. There is no right wing. There is only left and further left.

Attached: 621481DA-5DB6-4FF5-8627-E68F669E73EB.jpg (750x881, 196K)

Leftist forums across the internet claim the exact opposite. Conclusion: you're all retarded.

Origakms delivar!

Attached: feminism-in-a-nutshell.png (498x749, 130K)

They also idealize the Nordic socialist countries, at least in America. That's very Hitler of them.

A common leftist tactic is to always accuse your opponent of what you are doing so that just verifies my claim.

It's true.
Studies have been done.

nope, the more extreme someone is the more chad they are, centrists are cucks

Attached: 432143523534.jpg (614x768, 119K)

well its pretty simple to find out the truth.

look at the state of society 100 years ago.
>strictly enforced monogamy
>gays outlawed
>racial segregation enforced by law
then look at it today.
>complete sexual freedom
>gays legalized and celebrated
>racial equality and integration enforced by law

so did things move to the left? or to the right?

No one gives a shit about your stupid observations, and they certainly don't qualify as evidence for your claim.

t. not your opponent

>my observations
>is written in their own book, Rules for Radicals

You're confusing reductive American politics with wider political theory.

>their own book
>the spooky monolithic left is out to get me fellas

Attached: how.png (496x384, 223K)

i dont care about wider political theory but about the state of the actual world

and any sane person sees that this state has moved sharply to the left ever since 1945, across all western democracies.

Shouldn't that be limit as x approaches 0?

This is why a left-right spectrum doesn't make sense. You're only considering the social dimension, but economically things are more "right" than they've been in decades. The USSR has collapsed (thank god), and took other international socialist governments down with them. Meanwhile neoliberalism and its accompanying privatization dominate the large capitalist societies. That's not "left" by any means.

The social dimension is the only one that matters

The left right dichotomy is deceptive. Things have been growing more degenerate and more corporatist. This is the worst situation possible and it is not slowing down.

When did left wing make sense economically? Not even stalin-s ussr was left wing economically.

No. 0 would make the curve go towards +infinity on the y axis.

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Maybe we should just grab the jews
And push rhem somewhere else

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>The social dimension is the only one that matters
I can't disagree more. Social issues are what politicians use to distract people from the real problems

Why are girls so dumb?
>hurr durr why can't we be nice and help the poor niggers :'(((

she is promoting fascism, she's not antifa you dolt.

Fuck off stupid fag lover

Well for us robots its the only thing that matters

Viva Casapound, she's an italian Fascist

She is literally promoting a fascist organization though. Why dont you actually read the flyers?

She's a member of fascist youth group Blocco Studentesco (student's front), an organization formed by young aderents of Casapound Italia, a neo-fascist, identitarian and souveranist party.
There are many girls and older women (such as Nina Moric) supporting this party.

It seems everyone in Italy is either an anarcho-communist or an actual fascist who adores Mussolini, what gives?

This. Many women love fascist, they perceive them as aggressive and masculine.

Erm isn't that BUF symbol on her flier m8?

She is clearly fashy. Too cute and well dressed to be a Commie.

Pic related to antifa gf

Attached: moldylocks.jpg (1000x567, 88K)

You couldn't be further from the truth. Most people here are either right wing social conservative or left wing social liberals. Then there are europeists, various types of commies and fascists.

See They openly use fascist symbols and slogans.

Probably just the impression I got from talking to Italians on imageboards, then. Sites like this tend to attract extremists

There are extremists, such as myself, but we are a minority.


We should all strive for a fascist woman.

Post some more politically extreme qt's, Jow Forums.

Attached: 1472795193325.jpg (960x960, 230K)

Political women of every creed are typically nauseating whores looking for attention.
t. white nationalist

Not true in my personal experience.

Brought to you by strasserist/nazbol gang

Attached: latianodonnanazbol.jpg (385x450, 25K)

Thank you based Dugin

She is gourgeous

Your perception of your personal experience is wrong then and I don't care about it

Greek ladies

Attached: golden_dawn_rises.jpg_1718483346.jpg (600x340, 36K)

Just because you had bad experience with politicized women it doesn't mean that they are all sluts like you said.

I love fascist girls

Attached: tumblr_o35d62I3Ta1v992duo1_400.jpg (333x500, 57K)

No you're just wrong sorry

Then provide proof for your claim.

Friendly reminder than antifa girls are the property of fashy boys.

Every girl adores a fascist

Looks like slav Jennifer Lawrence

Absolutely fucking delusional seriously get off your discords you think they like you oh boy your in for a whole different world

Attached: shrek1.jpg (297x170, 8K)

>waah waah why are men posting my nude pics that i voluntarily sent them

Mate, girls do love fascists and right wing men. Women don't like pussified lefty boys.

She looks more asian than the typical slav

If you've sent nudes and they get leaked that's your fault fag
Outside ain't the internet lad, no one other than retarded trashy bitches who like to go for 'the real man' and then get abused are the only ones who go for fascists

There's actually some truth to the fact that left-wing men are generally less attractive than right wing ones.

Look up OP's pic. Does she look like a trashy bitch?

Yeah she's very trashy

I bet you like men dressed as women and asian girls

>and asian girls
I unironically do not. I don't know why, they just do nothing for me.

>Why is it the further right someone is the hotter they are?
Then why is it that this board, which is super right leaning, spends all it's time whining about how they're too genetically inferior to attract a mate? This "everyone who thinks just like me is super hotl" shit is pathetic, even for Jow Forums.

>super right leaning
Dude what?

Robots are too pathetic and shallow to have a political stance. They are especially to weak minded to seriously be right-leaning.

not him, but incel losers are typically right leaning

that would literally, unironically solve all problems in the world

She looks exactly like my gf wtf

I don't believe you, post a pic of your gf

Incels are only partially race-conscious. In a fascist or right wing society they would be shunned and cast away like in the current one.

It is your gf. She hasn't been completely honest with you, you know what you have to do