>tfw no overly attached friend
/Discordfeels/ thread 4.0 We will (not) give up!
can I get a debrief on the poz cartel?
>tfw ghosted because I didn't post a pic of myself wearing pantsu
fucking homos
>yfw that discord friend confess their love towards you
>tfw discord friend is kinda cute but takes so long to respond with a few words
>tfw no weeb neet discord fren
why am i the only one in this situation
>tfw I'm this guy
>tfw people keep leaving my discord because its not active enough but it is comfy
Comfyness isn't worth that much, sorry
>>tfw no overly attached friend
What are you interested in?
being clingy is retarded for all parties, fuck all people and do your own shit
don't worry user maybe they'll love you back
>discord friends make new chat room and dont include me
>feel like something is off
>encourage friends in old group to hangout more together playing games and movies
>they ignore my ideas and exclude me from their group
>confront them about it
>call me out for being clingy and shaming them into hanging out with me
>they all ghost me and unfriend me afterwards
I fucking hate discord
sadly not, this was awhile ago so I've largely got over it
just anyone, i just want someone
we can arrenge something if you drop a discord
stop being clingy and then maybe someone will be clingy to you
I can be your friend and talk to you, but I have a gf
Sad desu, you're probably the outcast of the group i feel kind bad for you
get off my board originally originality
s-sounds cute i wanna meet them!
>tfw you are the lovable resident junkie of the server that is thought to be dead during extended offline periods
but I want to meet you!
hm what's your discord i'll add you
Have fun
>egirl gets asked out by boy in her state
bumping this gay ass thread because I need company
Being able to sit in front of a pc for unhealthy amounts of hours is a plus
I just want a qt to love within 300 miles of me
I'd prefer if they weren't male kek
It's a tough thing to ask for though.
>tfw my r9k/discord gf (female) ghosted me
cute boys please please please
>tfw ghosted by kupo
>she said i was a nice height but too fat
>tfw all your contacts go dead and you want to play a game to relax.
Add me I need a fren
>Tfw only Discord buddy forgets to message you constantly.
>have bad anxiety attacks when left alone
>try my hardest to make friends and to be a good friend
>people like me but always get sick of me after a month or so
Would you please stop posting about me and harassing me? I don't even want to go on discord in my free time anymore.
im a weeb and a neet
post your cord so i can add you
I'll talk to you all day anony,
but just know I don't initiate well.
>only 2 people on my list ever message first
I hate that, I don't expect it every time but just every now and then its nice to look at my phone and see somebody actually sent me something.
>overtly lewd and borderline ERP message
>oops mistell
internet warrior#9357
Add me I can give you unconditional love and support.
Kupo I really liked talking to you but I never know how to initiate a conversation
Maybe you should try not being such a fat bitch
Who are you fren? A simple hi doesn't hurt.
I'm like 90 lbs. If I'm fat then I don't want to know what you consider obese.
>Who are you fren? A simple hi doesn't hurt.
I will but not now because then I'd feel really embarrassed
gib me fren
>someone else will pretend to be you and dm me
>they will bully me
>I mad at you
yeah? shouldn't you be making mister goldberg some money? I'll tell you it was me when I come online nerd
Nope I'm done and getting on the bus!
hmmm I thought you ended your shift much later, I'll ask you more on discord
>tfw no clingy discord gf
>tfw this comment was not original
>tfw no e-bf to fall asleep on vc
>tfw you are the clingy discord ebf
Yo friends, come shitpost with me
>fem RP
It's not a trap den is it?
>That one friend that always plays devils advocate to trigger you
>he can never just agree on something
How do i deal with this shit guys? hes my only friend.
God, I would kill for a clingy friend. male or female
Jedd #0777 add me I love new friends!
no better intellectual dopamine spike to really fire up your neurons than playing devil's advocate
why do you dislike it so much?
accept my request already
What are these threads even? Gay hookups?
No server invites and if there are there's never a single girl in there putting lewds, it's only traps.
5 uses. Welcome to the Archive.
>{ zA9Ewb }
>erp a few times
>thought I would feel good like the old days when I was lewd with mai waifu
>feel empty and disgusted inside
>hate myself a little more
I deserve this but I wish it hurt more or less so I could feel something or at least be spared
So you can ghost him and be distant?I been through this a lot i hate people like you now
I have never ghosted anyone. go have a chip on your shoulder somewhere else.
How can you even be clingy for someone who outright asks you to be clingy? That's suspicious, I don't want to cling to someone who's probably looking for emotional abuse victims.
If I thought random people being affectionate could help me, I'd just ask them to as well
The jaded and broken-minded have little time for social dances
I try to avoid talking to these people,even if i know they are bad im going to get attached to them no matter what
please give cute weeb friend Tacked#8143
ill even compliment you and call you cute
everyone i've met on this site is pretty terrible, not really worth devoting time into someone that you're not going to hear from a week to a month from now. wish I knew that a year ago, i've invested way too much time into this discord garbage.
Tfw girl and it's impossible to make other girl friends because they think im creepy.
how? Even girls here don't find me creepy
I'm not sure, but it happens everytime.
>that pic
Is it you, constantly sick vocaroo fembot?
Yes, it's me constantly sick vocaroo fembot.
a/s/l/khv status constantly sick vocaroo fembot.
Oh shit
H-hello how are you doing?
tfw scatternut is gone for ever
i mis shim he was nice
18/f/ im virgin yeah.
h-hey who ever you are friend.
I'm doing okay, how are you?
I just wanted a friend thats a girl so i could have someone to relate to better.
I know a few girls, I could give you their IDs if you wanna try them, your call. One posted here already.
Yes, please.
If you don't mind, and they don't mind.
I don't know if they mind, but they were really nice to me so I guess they'll be the same to you? I won't post their ID's here so you'll have to add me first. Laser#3309
>send friend request
>doesn't accept it
Why are you guys doing this to me ?
>sexually harrassed on joining a server
Ive never gotten this much attention in months
what server i need to know
thanks friend
for helpings me
I don't mind lending an ear. Not particularly looking for anything. You can tell me about your day, I suppose.
Get well soon bot. Get some tea or something. Or you might not even be sick. In that case find yourself something to do you goofball, I need to go read me a bedtime story. For myself.
Does any of this actually work? Last time it just lead to ghosting or homos making things too gay.
>tfw no friend who wants to just watch anime and play video games while chatting
You fucking homos are always either memespouters or too lewd
yeah it works sometimes
t. watches mainly seasonal meme anime and plays fortnite and league of legends
Me too. Met the only person I love that loves me back through this hellacious website (indirectly). Keep your chin up and you'll find the right person, it sounds like bs but it gets better.
>Implying I don't solely shitpost, watch anime, and play videogames with anyone who will tolerate me
Fucking how? I've been orbiting someone for almost a year now and nothing.
24 y/o stoner neet with bpd
looking for someone to play mmorpgs with
anyone can hmu. we will probably know if we're going to be friends or not within an hour of talking