Is this (((their))) endgame?
Is this (((their))) endgame?
>that intense lighting and photoshopping to try to make their mutt brown eyes seem like a good thing
lol the future is black brown and boring
Jews are mostly just the "special helpers" of the elite because they're smart and devious. They're not really the ones at the top of the system. The Illuminati families are actually multiracial.
The goal of multiculturalism is to keep us distracted and fighting with each other while they consolidate power in secret. Actual borg mixing is only a side goal. The main goal is just to distract us. That's what's behind all the race bait and gender bait. Just keep the goyim distracted
Left: what (globalists) think
Right: reality
The nigger gene leaves its mark not only skin color but in personality.
A niggerish person is more confrontational and arrogant.
Its not conductive to peace.
>And in other news the jews were found to be raping aryan christian kids oh the horror
Seriously faggot fuck off your bloody retarded
Why do you guys even care it's gonna be all the same anyway society doesn't give a fuck about us no matter what
Are whities gonna do anything about it? No? didn't think so
The future is black
I swear every person who has blue eyes look like their eyes should be on a dead carcass seriously there are very little blue eyes that actually look good
this rly activates my ol nog
no one reply end this faggot instead of screaming slurs
Cry more Wytboi
I think like 90% of people in the world think blue eyes look good
>merchant laughing in background
White people are complaining but I'm more saddened by the fact that actual black people will be gone.
They already kind of are
Nig nogs used to have potato noses
Now they all got white noses
>Africans, Idians, and southern Asians will stop existing
no (((their))) endgame is to unironically summon Satan by ending the world
Jews literally worship Satan
Everyone will stop existing. Even though they'd probably consider themselves Black (and screech about BLM) They have no race, they're not black.
>t. niggerish person
How small is your penis, my coloured friend?
Well, at least you're being honest about the fact that you're a subhuman mutt.
As long as white people are considered the most attractive, which is true and seems like it will remain true, there will be white people. Even after a bunch of race mixing, the light-headed skinned white-featured women will have the best chance of reproducing.
>Everyone becomes shitskin
What a time to be alive
i don't know how you think pale skin and white/asian features wont become more and more rare as niggers darkies and mutts continue breeding with them
what the fuck, remind me why white supremacy is a bad thing
Whites will win the long con as always. Eventually all color will be bleached.
nope, africa, india and other shitholes will always be flooded with subhumans, because no one wants to move there, while western nations gets flooded with abominaciones
here's another redpill, the current migrant crisis will be nothing compared to what is to come soon, the entire world will be blacked
When the blackest person and the whitest person have children, their skin tone will more or less fall on a bell curve between white and black. If everyone suddenly became mixed race, all at once, there would still be very white and very black children born, when the kid got all the "white skin" or "black skin" genes from both parents. Google "mixed race twins one black one white", there are tons of examples.
So occasionally there will still be white people even if everyone was mixed. If they're considered more attractive, that selection pressure will make the white genes more prevalent in the next generation. If you continue the trend on for generations, you'd have white skinned populations again.
Also consider that, although black men find white women attractive, and black women don't find white men attractive, white men don't find black women attractive, and white women don't find black men attractive. That means on whole there's a selection pressure towards whiteness.
The author is literally a nigger thirsting for white poon and trying to justify it.
wat. 2050 is only 32 years away, shouldnt it pretty much already be like this?
Correct. Entire white populations will not suddenly decide they want to marry people of other races who don't live anywhere near them in the next 30 years. There will be more race mixing, but it's not going to be "there are no more white people".
you're forgetting they have a massive spawn point across the ocean
>implying niggers aren't pawns in the kike's game
Please finish off Africa, ebola.
>That chart
It's a beautiful pipe dream but even if the blacks stay in their countriest, I just have no faith in whites not to be imperialistic genociders. As soon as Africa hits 2 billion it'll be invaded
where are all the white people? too many mixed in that pic holy shit
How the fuck are we going to tell downies from average society
They will be the only white people left.
>9% of whites, 17% of blacks, 25% of Hispanics, and 28% of Asians married outside their race
Doesn't seem like a huge problem
The people in that pic look better than 99% of average Americans today.
I fucking write this every single time
They are the servants of the elite, their tool
Though kihgbrown race IS the endgame
IQ just high enough to wagekek, low enough to be completely dependent upon the future masterrace.
nobody puts pancakes on their hamburger. they're both fine on their own but it'll simply ruin everything if you forcefully mash them together. just enjoy them seperately and dont mix them into an unrecognizable mess. THAT is true diversity, which is completely fine.
then again, you may be in the right place already, my eternal virgin
There's a pancake burger good truck a few blocks from my house.
cut it in half and make a burger stand and a pancake stand. make a difference ! celebrate diversity!
Why master race in future why not master race now I thought the master race knows how do everything
Class infighting basically.
There is too many whites now.
There will be only a few god-tier overlords
Maybe two families or so, then jewish oligarchs (they are elites' eugenic creation) and lightbrown mutts (another example of eugenics at work)
brown eyes look like shit and are completely non-captivating