Come into work

>come into work
>Sit at desk
>Put headphones in
>Write code for 3.5 hours
>Eat lunch
>Go to shop, buy Dr. Pepper
>Sit back down at desk
>Headphones back in
>Write code for 4 more hours
>No talking to anybody

Why did nobody tell me that being a wagecuck was so comfy?

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Gonna ss this post so i can motivate myself to finish my cs degree

It's office jobs that are comfy, working at fast food is hell.

What the fuck that's so comfy how do I get job like this

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I seriously considered quitting my CS degree because I thought "why am I putting so much effort into this when all I get at the end of it is a shitty job?" But it turns out working in software engineering is easier and comfier than studying at university, and pays pretty well, too.

It gets better my dude

>Jump in van
>Listen to radio/podcasts and drive
>Get to see beautiful parts of the country
>Deliver to between 10-20 customers a day
>Hardly have to talk to anyone
>Mostly just by myself
>Can stop anytime I want for a break since no boss watching over my shoulder
>No stress, job easy as fuck
>Getting paid to be stuck in traffic whilst normies do it for free
>Considering getting my HGV licence so I can cut out the customers entirely and just drive drive drive. Plus higher pay obviously.
>Maximum comfy
The only people who complain about wageslaving are those in shit jobs. Usually retail or backbreaking menial work. Suicide is honestly better than that bollocks. Robot jobs ARE out there.

Sounds dope. Make sure you have some fun on the weekends tho. Not gonna nag you on how. Keep ya head up bud

Here's my version.
>come to work
>sit at desk
>coworkers are doing small talk in a corner
>they glance at me
>go back to my screen, they never liked me anyway
>write code for 1.5 hours, finish my assignments
>the whole office can see my screen so I cycle through emails and old code
>watch the clock every minute
>the existential dread is setting in
>it's setting in...
>it's setti...
>alright, lunch time
>go in my car, lock myself in, eat my sandwich
>close my eyes for a quick nap aaaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone
>back in the office
>the realization that 4 more hours are ahead of me comes
>it never gets easier
>I become hyperactive and go to the bathroom three to four times
>I begin to suffocate
>the pain is getting physical
>depression comes back
>homicidal thoughts come back
>I enter a trance of mental agony
>two more hours...
>one and a half...
>50m, 40m, 30m...
>come on, come on...
>it's over
>rush the fuck out
>one hour commute home
>go to bed thinking of that shotgun in my attic

>a robot is happy with at least one aspect of his life
Why does this make me so happy, maybe there's hope for us after all

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That's not wagecucking. Wagecucking is working a menial, low paying job that requires no skill. If you're writing code and sitting in an office all day, you're probably not a wagecuck.

Stacy from HR: "eww who is that creep, do you think we should fire him?"
Laquisha the diversity hire: "yeah"

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Nah it's cool bro HR are on the floor above and they never come downstairs

The other engineers are cool with me because I get stuff done with minimal questions

This. I have a cs degree and work with sw. But I get nothing done and can't focus. I chose the wrong career

OP what programming language do you use? I'm thinking of picking up Python since I don't really like C++

How do I get better at programming.

I drive a big truck
not having to deal with other people is really nice
it's definetly an improvement from my previous job where I was surrounded by mostly women,
at the end of the day I was tired not because of work but because of the bickering of the women

At work I do about 99% C and 1% assembly.

loled originally

>Rich Felker
Which of you made that up?

>systems/embedded level
where do you work?

>1% assembly

>at the end of the day I was tired not because of work but because of the bickering of the women
This made me laugh

Just be a programmer.
t. another programmer

answer to that depends on what level you are at right now but is probably just do it more often and without copy and pasting everything from stackoverflow

>spend 23 years in education
>have a pretty all round decent cyborg life
>come out with a degree (similar to CS)
>manage to rack in a year of work
>fall ill for years
>entire life is gone
>nothing but endless torture

I could literally effortlessly kill myself on any day if my mother weren't still here. It'd be as effortless as going downstairs to get a glass of milk.

>go to work
>restack warehouse
>turn on radio for tunes
>receive truck for a few hours
>restack again
>stock if there's time
it's not so bad since most my co-workers and bosses already know I'm a mumbling retard

I'm in school right now about to graduate but I haven't learned shit. I know the basics, loops, vectors, the importance of comments, writing neat code etc.

But when it comes to writing real world applications I know fuck all. There is a ton of shit I want to build, but I don;t know where to begin with the skill level I have.I did want to use Javascript so I can build programs with Electron, but idk if I really want to use JS. NodJs looks cool though.

I just wish I had some sort of guide on what to work on so I can have real world skills, and build real applications to put in my portfolio. Do you have any recommendations for a fuccboi like me?

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I don't have my parents anymore so i'm alone now and have to provide for myself. How do i start a career in programming? They have left me enough money to stay in this apartment for almost one year but the welfare in my country is pretty bad. I know it might be a bit too much to ask but does anyone have a specific path that even a monkey could follow? What do i start reading? Which language? I have no fucking idea and google gives way too many different opinions.

When I was at school I wrote a flappy bird clone in z80 assembly. Just for the hell of it. Looking back on it, the code is awful, a complete mess, but the assembly experience on my CV was actually what got me my job.

So the best advice I could give you is basically to focus less on doing what you think sounds impressive to an employer and more on doing whatever you feel like doing. Also, try to overcome analysis paralysis. Having a load of really shitty, messy, working code is better than having no code at all because you spent too much time trying to think of the "right way" of doing things.

>my life is so shit because of illness and life is torture
>but it's not stopping me from shitposting and baiting for attention on Jow Forums though!

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The trick with this is to pick a project, any project, set some expectations on how it will work, what it will do, etc., and then do it. Once you reach the end, think of ways to make it better/more efficient/safer (this is easier if it's a program/app you actually use yourself). Once you've produced multiple iterations, you can add a mention of it in your resume/portfolio like you said and the iterative process can be quite impressive for some employers.

most people i've met say that the first year of working at anywhere competent is more valuable than anything else. turns out doing something for 8 hours a day while some senior shits on you for being bad during code review is pretty effective

other than that just meme around with projects. what do you want to make anyways?

>Dr pepper

Yes user, you are my brother. It's the true comfy drink of choice

Assembly langue was boring and shitty when I did it last semester(x86), never want to do it again, can't even comprehend how you made a game using that. The "analysis paralysis" is good putting it in my notes

I guess it is just going to take a bunch of research. I make youtube videos, and would like to build my own discord bot since the server is pretty big. That may be a start.

Once I get past of being able to write more than hello world I can get a Job :^)

I have plenty ideas for desktop and mobile applications, its just getting started and seeing what is actual possible to do at my current skill level.

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God this sounds so good. I fucking hate my job so much. Jelly as fuck user.

discord bots are actually pretty easy to make, good entry level shit. depends on what you're trying to do with it obviously

also you're graduating soon, you could probably cheese an interview somewhere as long as you can answer basic 100 level data structures and simple programming questions

also care to share any of those ideas? i won't steal them, i already have my unrealistic projects

>worked helpdesk for a year
>never learned anything beyond what I needed for day-to-day work
I'll be working in federal buildings now so at least I can ogle the government qt's

That's all great if you're not white, if you are, enjoy your unemployment.

For one, I would like the discord bot to shill my youtube videos, pull my latest tweet, run polls, and do shit for me while I'm at work and away from my phone and PC.

Features like a magic 8 ball, is easy for me to visualize using if/esle or switch statements. The bots playuing music from youtube in a voice channel is something that is foreign to me, but would like to learn.

I would like to make a mobile app that builds your shopping list when go grocery shopping. Tracks the prices, and sees if you are keeping within a set budget.

I would also like to make a desktop application of some sort, but I don't know exactly what. I guess for now I should focus on building a functional website, but even though that seems pretty easy. I want to make a GOOD fully functional website that promotes my brand.

This accomplishes two things. I have a fully functional website, that has features with my youtube, steam, twitter, merchandise, etc. which promotes me. It also shows the skills that I have to get a real world job, until I eventually branch out into my own business.

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>going to work.

Try working from home. I can even flexibly choose my times. It the comfiest thing next to being NEET

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Not all of all us have the ambition and or motivation to go though Uni to get a job like that.

discord bot is a good start. features are all discrete so once you get command recognition down you can just implement everything in order of increasing difficulty without everything breaking.
i assume you're just going to write everything in discord.js?

shopping list, the only hard part is being able to accurately obtain the prices from every grocery store ever.

as for a website, i don't know much about what makes a good website tbdesu so i can't really give any insight

>working from home

What the fuck do you fags even do? i always hear this meme but you guys dont actually specift what you do.

I work as a Search Engine Evaluator. There are other things you can do such as transcriptionist. Personal assistant. Social media manger and of course web designer. Just off the top of my head

Please stop posting pictures of my wife

OP here

>ambition and motivation

Nah I lost that within a month of starting university, I only kept it up out of fear of disappointing my mum and am genuinely surprised to find that waging isn't as bad as I thought it would be

>Assembly langue was boring and shitty when I did it last semester(x86), never want to do it again, can't even comprehend how you made a game using that. The "analysis paralysis" is good putting it in my notes

Understandable, it's not for everybody. Personally I can't stand javascript or anything webby. My point was just that if you have any ideas for any projects you'd like to do, do them, because even if they're stupid and pointless like a flappy bird clone, they can look good to employers.