Why is the Chad meme blonde with blue eyes? Every Chad I see irl is white with dark features and girls often say they prefer dark hair. People have complimented my eyes on occasion but it seems while blonde/blue eye girls are praised blonde/blue eyed men aren't really anyone's type in America at least
Why is the Chad meme blonde with blue eyes...
>l-look at that whiteboy get all the girls, he has dark hair and the girls like it?
> I h-have dark hair so maybe girls like me??
>t. inept streetshitter turbovirgin
I lmao every time
I'm dirty blonde with blue eyes. That's why I'm confused I've gotten compliments on my eyes before but I don't really feel like they've done anything for my sex life. At raves where I get the most female attention they can't even see the color
>tfw no shepherd gf
I personally prefer dark features (on Caucasians though, not into black guys), but I know quite a few women who are really into the blonde hair blue eyes combo.
Maybe dark eyes and hair are more popular but I don't think it's true that blonde hair is disliked
i live in europe but i keep hearing here that latina girls go crazy over blond guys with blue eyes in america, how true is that?
melanocytes are expressed via androgens. Dark hair (not eyes) is a secondary sexual characteristic that signifies higher androstenol, adrenal and dihydrotestosterone.
Darker complexion signifies health, since pale complexion is correlated with anemia, malnourishment, low blood-pressure et cetera. it furthermore, might signify healthy outdoors activities (and consequently greater vitamin D absorbsion).
Fun fact: Lions develop with dark manes due to testosterone and it only turns blonde once they lose a battle for leadership of the pride, due to the plummeting of androgens. This mechanism is at work in all mammals, testosterone rises when we beat other males in challenges, and plummets when we lose.
what happens to test when we fap it all day, just constantly winning fights?
Hardly anything to be honest. Testosterone levels in the blood slightly drop or rise in most people after masturbation, but it's so minuscule that it's not even relevant.
Honestly the blonde Chad meme is a Jow Forums creation.
Women almost universally prefer darker complection men.
Theres a reason the cliched phrase "tall, dark, and handsome" exists.
I wouldn't say go crazy but we are the latina equivalent of getting blacked since they don't have any blondes or blue eyed men it's more of an exotic appeal
I have red hair and blue eyes but not very many freckles and pretty thick eyebrow so I don't look like the typical ginger. I've got a good face structure. But I'm not successful with women. I can't tell how much of it is the hair and how much is social autism. I have been criticized for the color and always understood women preferred dark hair but as far as I know a few girls were into me.
Please tell me your not a woman and if you aren't get out faggot and if you are fuck out roastie faggots are worth more than you
Jewish brainwashing. Think about it. Jews look white except but have dark hair and dark eyes. So what better thing to do than float a myth that all women must prefer white men with dark features.
Women are notoriously weak to memes and will quickly believe such a thing and choose it above all reason.
Get out shitskin pajeets.
Many women have said that there's nothing more beautiful than a blonde and blue eyed man.
>''bhaa women prefer dark features. tall dark and handsome bhaaaa
Keep coping.
When I was younger I'd fuck an average of 5 tourists over the summer, each summer, for 3 years straight.
Anecdotal, sure, but Australians, Germans, Slavs and 2 americans have tasted my greek dick and arguably loved it.
Honestly hair/eye color doesn't even fucking matter. If you have good complexion, a symmetric face and a nice jawline you could have green hair and pink eyes for all I care
It never happened you mutt
Of coursse it does matter.
Brown eyed mongrels have hard time getting laid while we blonde and blue eyed Chads fuck different girl every fucking day
It did, and I could still pull it off at age 28, with ease. If only you knew what goes down in Corfu, Crete and other islands.
Your women are intoxicated and looking for cock literally 24/7.
Sex tourism is a thing.