How can I accept the fact that I'm never going to be cute?
(5'10 and female)
How can I accept the fact that I'm never going to be cute?
Why do you say that? And female by choice?
Biological female.
Cause tall girls can't be cute.
Amazonians are cute.
I'm 5'10 as well and people always call me beautiful and cute
I mean I guess you're unhappy with your height? Seeing how you mentioned it
Fellate a shotgun.
Spare me your inane drivel, you have a worm hole, any argument you posit is invalid. or you are a tranny larper, in that case deepthroat the shotgun to climax.
Ugh tired of these whores. Obligatory please be my tall gf post.
How tall are you?
Do you have a cute tummy worthy of tickling?
I think they can. I'm bi and I love tall girls and I think they are more delicate than short ones, specially if not fat... Think about the body moving, work on that... Just an idea.
Maybe subjectively, tall women are breeding material
Pic related, our children
Body moviment*
>it's another thread by a """"fem"""""""""bot"""""""""" in seek of validation
If you weigh less than 140 you're probably pretty hot.
The fuck? You're as tall as most women in my area. You're fucking average.
So get over it, cutie.
I weight about 143 am I still acceptable?
What about a 6'3" amazonian?
Asking for a friend.
Can't you date a tall guy?
ayayai mami
How's your skeletal structure? Broad or narrow?
If narrow, you're lucky af and that places you in the top whatever percent in terms of conventional beauty standards. If broad, at least people will generally be predisposed towards taking you more seriously than shorter women.
that seems pretty thicc desu, would date
Sorry, what does that mean?
I would kill for if she was virtuous
Seeing eye to eye is something I want to experience
My shoulders are something I'm really insecure. They're broad af and Idk what to do about it.
Tall girls are superior to womanlets
Tall girls and short boys are superior
it means I'd fucking breed you
pls be in Guangzhou (a city in China)
You can never be as cute as a smol woman, no matter what the thirsty faggots say.
most rational people don't want to plague their children with shit genes
Not an argument for cuteness.
tall girls are the best girls
short genes are superior though, otherwise they wouldn't be more common and increasing.
Yes, that's literally how it works in evolution.
>6'3" amazonian
Snu snu!
guys who don't want to date taller girls have a complex of inferiority
look at this midget
Literally healthy and breedworthy.
Why do you have to be cute? What's wrong with looking cool/beautiful/strong?
Please, you are not tall
You can start complaining if you are +200cm not if you aren't even 180.