Daily reminder that r9k killed this young man of 18 years who had an entire lifetime ahead
Daily reminder that r9k killed this young man of 18 years who had an entire lifetime ahead
Based on that picture it looks like he killed homself
this is originaIly /thread
Fuck off with these repetitive threads. No cares about this prick.
If I had a gun I'd do it too. Would have it done years ago too if I could. Drugs and electrocuting yourself doesn't work. You need to jump off the building or in front of the train.
Says the faggot who browses a board with the same 10 trannies posting the same exact threads at all hours of the day. Jfc it should be you in the ground and not this poor kid
If we're assigning blame I'd say its 50% his mom's fault for raising him to be a dysfunctional man (she probably raised him to think and act like a woman, which we all know is completely wrong for a hetero male), 10% the fault of his peers for shunning him and 40% the fault of roasties everywhere for driving him to a state of loveless despair.
All r9k did was make this guy feel like he had somewhere he actually belonged, he chose to spend his last moments on the internet because it was the only place he felt anybody cared about him, so fuck yourself, OP.
look at what said
also who cares ?
So you admit to spamming these threads? Why?
I wont stop having dreams/nightmares about this guy until you guys stop.
suicide is a natural reaction to insurmountable challenges. His environment and his temperament contributed to his decision, we were merely witnesses of a broken man
A lifetime of suffering and hell. I am 35 and wish I made decision at that age but I am too much a chickenshit to blow my brains literally out.
I care desu. He was one of us.
>Reminder that his family neglecting and not caring about or trying to understand caused his death
>reminder that the only people that couldve prevented this were his friends and family
>reminder that his family bought him a fucking shotgun without thinking about whether he was mentally sound or not
Daily reminder that making such claims insinuates you knew everything about him and his motivations which is an insult to his memory. If anything he is a symbol for the collective autism and nihilism concentrated on this board but is by no means a victim of it. If all it takes for someone to an hero is a message board they had bigger problems than any individual they may have come into contact with faggot.
Suicide hurts the system. That's why this was not "a big story." If he had killed other people it would have been national news.
This. The last 10 years of my life have been progressively worse. At least at 18 I had hopes and almost no responsibilities.
A literal fag killed him. faggotry needs to be removed from this board
How did this rumor even start? He was a dude with a lot of problems. He just also happened to frequent this board. He passed his breaking point, said goodbye to us and signed off for good.
This is what most incels and "misogynists" actually do rather than spending all their time raping and killing women like every annoying media pundit seems to believe.
And it's all nice and quiet and out of the way just how the "victims" of their hate like it - not even worth mentioning.
His family didnt buy it for him. He stole the money off of his parents credit card in January to purchase it. That was what their explosive fight a few days before he did it was apparently over.
These guys are 100% right. Don't let bootstrap fags tell you otherwise
i mean,he had anime posters on his bedroom
i doubt he probably would never be any better than us
and his parents never realised there was a fucking shotgun on the buy list on the Credit card?
well,i call this Darwin
underrated oriiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiinal post
i've got muted xdddddddddd
So why didn't they confiscate it?
Dont worry soon there will be another one
>18 year old are allowed to own shotguns
wtf america
Sorry I got my timeline mixed up. They got into a fight about the gun in late January/February I believe, but he lied and explained he had only bought it to be used for practice at a range.
Then they had another fight a few days before he did it over something else, which may have been what pushed him over the edge.
He lied and told them he had bought it for use at a gun range.
The mass media is actively and, at some level, deliberately encouraging acts of spree violence among the youth by practically making everybody who lashes out into an immediate national celebrity. We are going full Japan mode soon, and the elite know this. They need US to be the badguys, not their system. So spree violence is encouraged.
>Then they had another fight a few days before he did it over something else, which may have been what pushed him over the edge.
I wish I had saved the screencap, because apparently no one ever posts it anymore. It was from the same girl who leaked details like pic related.
The fight you're talking about was because his mom said she was kicking him out because he had turned 18. That's a huge reason as to why he took the KSG mouthwash, and it almost never gets posted in these threads for some reason. He was being kicked out and didn't want to mooch off friends, so he killed himself.
Granted the girl said "oh his mother would never actually kick him out, she just told him she was kicking him out to inspire him to get a job" but that is absolutely fucking retarded.
I think it's a good thing that he's dead.
This world is shit, and I'm plotting on following in his footsteps
OP its your type of people who made the FBI come here when that fag ran over snowniggers in toronto
yes,they found his faceeook,full of praisings to the supreme gentleman Elliot Rodgers,but ffs you think half of these robot cucks would hurt a fly?
>you think half of these robot cucks would hurt a fly
Right? Jesus, what could you possibly need a fucking shotgun for at 18?! Even at another age you have to have a goddamn good reason to own a weapon like that. I could even understand a pistol, but a fucking shotgun is just mindblowing
>The fight you're talking about was because his mom said she was kicking him out because he had turned 18.
That was it, thanks.
I understand they had good intentions, and have faith that they were only using this threat as encouragement rather than something they would have genuinely acted upon, but thats just not what you tell a mentally unbalanced suicidal manic depressive 18 year old.
He was forgotten because his story couldn't be propagandized. It is our duty to make sure that suicides like these are remembered
You got that right
fuck off
The only reason why this guy gets spammed here is because his death was comical. that's his legacy
gtfo fag. Guns in America are the only thing keeping us from being fucking PUSSIES like the rest of ya'll. Can't waot till ya'll get fucked when the totalitarians come marching in.
>nearly 50 replies in under 2 hours
>no one gives a shit
alright,i mean SOME of us wouldnt start a shooting
>40% the fault of roasties everywhere for driving him to a state of loveless despair.
>implying he cared about roasties
His friends and family say otherwise. And I believe them; it sounds like he had much bigger issues. I mean did you see his walls?
Its clear he didnt want to work, he didnt want to move on with his life, he didnt want to grow up. These are the things he went out ranting about.
doesnt matter if u live 18 or 70 years u still wont remember anything after u die so whatever
You have no idea what happens when you die.
It's going to happen anyway.
Might as well not suffer
Sure, Sure OP, but remember, we churn out some pretty darn good memes.
>inb4 but user, arent people more important than memes?
Reiko isn't all of Jow Forums.
Honestly ask yourself what kind of life it would have been. The greatest sin of society is favoring quantity over quality. Some lives aren't worth living. Clinging to a miserable, painful life is no virtue.
>He was one of us.
gtfo kid
He was sadly terminally beta
Which for roasties is literarily worse than being a criminal
Lots of rural places need the guns for managing wildlife. There was a place in Maine that had banned hunting deer in a few acres, and in two years some disturbing shit happened from the population boom. Not to manage things like coyotes, wolves, bears, and other shit that kills pets and cattle, attack children, fuck up your property, etc.
The source linking Shuaiby to that was the guy himself trying to shill his shitty server.
He pulled the trigger . Nobody pushed his finger , it was his own fault .
>Being this upset that you're not getting this kind of attention
You just need to kill yourself in a more spectacular fashion
>who had an entire lifetime ahead of him
an entire lifetime of meaningless bullshit that would result in his death anyway
It just seems like the guy didnt have any interests outside of anime and weapons. Literally. That cannot possibly be healthy for your mental wellbeing.
This thread is now about hot creamy logs sliding down our troaths.
did someone say logs ??
But roasties love criminals
This. If anything his mentioning Jow Forums in his suicide note gives the impression that it was one of the few places that gave him comfort in what he seemed to view as a miserable existence.
>an entire lifetime ahead
Of being an ugly beta virgin? You call that a life?
he wasnt even ugly tho t b h.
was there any truth to him offing himself because some shitheads were threatening to expose that he was a closet sissy?
So you admit to browsing this shitty board?
>knowing his brain matter would splash all over the window so he tapped it up
What a nice guy may the hero rip
Honestly I dont think so. At least I cant find any source backing it up, besides some user claiming that thats what happened and everyone else going off of that.
Even though he didnt seem to leave a formal suicide note, he confided to his friends what was going on in his life in his last few days.
I rather believe that the lgbt community just using this lie to go on with their agenda .
>he was depressed
Also Wich gun did he used ?
>Daily reminder that society did just as much, if not more, to this young man and damn near everyone who an heroes
It doesnt matter
He was beta
Not that he should have killed himself
But he wasnt going to get laid
Well the thing is any time you ask for proof you are directed to a screenshot of some user saying that this is what happened, but had nothing to back it up with, yet everyone weirdly bought it.
Everything else claimed about him that is stated as truth is something that the poster who claimed such provided proof of having some connection to him, such as personal chat logs or photos. And none of them ever mentioned anything of this sort.
As far as the gun, I am not sure but know it was at least $2k.
No he's a piece of shit and I hope he is burning in hell, no parent deserves to witness such horrifying sight. Imagine your mom crying while she looks at your blown off head, this is scumbagery to the max, fuck this piece of shit kid
If I had an gun I would already go offline I'm jealous of him .
>Life is just Agony at this point
R9k, turning fruits into compost.
Lol XDDD yeahhh boiii
Well some people dont want to go through life being incel outcasts so they choose the easy way out.
The rest of us cope.
Idk I would have dated him. He was a weeb and awkward but in a kinda endearing way. His MAL makes me sad because we seemed to have a lot in common. Its a bit surreal when you see those things.
He was depressed and lonely. I relate. I should do the same one day when it inevitably doesn't get better. I hope he at least fucked a prossie first or something.
R9k is one person...
You're fucking stupid thinking this board killed him. He had his own free will to do whatever he wanted and he killed himself. That is not R9k's fault.
Hero complex.
Who me or him? If you mean me Im just being honest. I think the fact that his interests and or entire ordeal falls in line with many here felt eerie to some.
A lifetime of shit probably
If some other user posts a thread telling you he's going to kill himself only thing you see is
>do it fag
Why is this cunt so special
He didnt even let himself get that far though. What do you lose?
That was just a rumor.
does anyone know where i can find the full livestream??
Is this actually him without the mask?
An entire lifetime of suffering, and disappointment
>who had an entire lifetime ahead
He really didn't.
He wouldnt know unless he stuck around.
who were the people talking and sobbing in that video?
His friends from discord.
Yeah I killed him what are you gonna do about it lock me up?
I think bitchute has it.