so this is where all the incels gather huh? why do you creeps think you're entitled to women's bodies? we get to choose who we want to be with and who we don't because we're human beings too you know? I can't believe you're so entitled you literally go on a rampage and kill innocent people when you can't get laid. I was an incel for 2 fucking years when I gave birth to my son but you didn't see me going around murdering people because of it. get a grip you absolute fucking manbabies
So this is where all the incels gather huh? why do you creeps think you're entitled to women's bodies...
men cant have babies unless you gave birth to a big turd and named it for some reason
>why do you creeps think you're entitled to women's bodies?
Where did this meme come from?
normies always frame things in terms of "rights"
in reality people just want things and try to get those things
rights aren't real and they aren't a useful concept
The media has (once again) been inaccurate in their reporting.
It would probably be a good idea for you to drop your assumptions - no one thinks anyone is entitled to women's bodies, nor does anyone think he is "owed sex".
That's just a great way to frame the narrative.
disgusting. and then you wonder why you can't get laid
if you weren't so entitled you wouldn't be going around killing people because of your sexual frustrations
nice bait, i haven't seen this thread posted thousands of times before, also this is where VIRGINS gather, not incels. Reddit is where you should go next my friend.
nice try troll. this is where you people come together and plot school shootings and truck attacks and such. reddit on the other hand doesn't allow such hatespeech to be spewed on their website
this. men are such disgusting perverts it makes my skin crawl
For the love of moot you guys it's a troll. If this was a roastie why would they be frog posting.
>stop having fun
At least it isn't yet another race bait thread
Can you like fuck off?
>thinking reddit incels are robots
GTFO, our cultures and view on relationships are different.
If youre a virgin over 20, youre an incel
>copy pasta followed by the most retarded pepe post
fucking retard.
I found this image on google images actually. also who's moot?
reddit doesn't allow people to plan shootings user. you Jow Forums incels are the bad apples, not reddit users
>who's moot?
>whats reddat?
>still managed to find this board somehow
yeah brah you are tricking us!!!!!!!1111 XDDD
the recent truck attack was linked to this board so I came here to tell you guys off
Y cant one of you just atleast make out with us goddamn throw a nigger a bone
You have to give us something
>You have to give us something
no we don't! you are not entitled to a woman's body. it's exactly this line of thinking that perpetuates rape culture
Women dont get raped
You have practically of society protecting you
Raping a women would be like going agaisnt the world
not true. 2 in 5 female college students get raped and the fact that you don't know that means you're part of the problem
Thats just them getting drunk and regretting it the next day
>thinking anyone will believe this
The guy used lingo that is not reminiscent of this board. Our board uses "beta uprising", no one uses the phrase "incel uprising", thus it is more likely that it was reddit incels from When robots say reddit incels, we typically mean incel refugees from reddit or users of who are also from reddit. is the shit desu
ITT: faggot OP act as a femanon to bait incels
it was. I saw it no fox news.
are you seriously blaming the victims? this is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about when I discuss rape culture. rape culture is deeply embeded into our society and it needs to be abolished if we ever hope to achieve equality
*on fox news
You must be a genius. How did you notice the plan behind such expert manipulation?
We dont have equality women have it 10x better atleast
If there was a turn into a woman button id press it till my finger snaps
Then id get tinder and get freaking laid
can you really blame me? you guys are too easy. even this low quality b8 gets replies. this board was a mistake
the procedure is simple,my dear friend
1-there are no women on r9k
wipe your moms boyfriend off your upperlip
incels are reddit thing and before their subreddit was deleted no one used this word here.
stop calling us this way thx senpai
people want to discuss shit on this board, not troll.
that's the only thing you're exploiting because there's no moderation.
wow, congrats! you can go to the only other board where you can blatantly shit post and get away with it!!! wow!!!!!
newfags gonna newfag.
protip: people grow out of this behavior as they get older.
you have to be 18 or older to post here Timmy
the attack was linked to this board. stop trying to shoo me away
>mom tell them I'm an oldfag