Would society improve if we started publicly executing women who cheat on their boyfriends?
Would society improve if we started publicly executing women who cheat on their boyfriends?
No. Infidelity improves genetic diversity in families. Sure, it isnt a pleasant prospect in the present, however you benefit from it happening in the past.
(and that's a good thing)
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We don't need genetic diversity in the modern world, the drawbacks of infidelity outweigh any genetic benefits (and there already aren't that many benefits).
But wouldn't it at least help keep women in their place?
Afghanistan has a similar society set up.
Guess you could move there.
we've been doing that for thousands of years and only stopped fairly recently
seeing how things have also turned to shit fairly recently, i wouldnt mind going back
You can fight it but youll see the light eventually
Will society kill men who cheat on their girlfriends aswell?
I don't know. It's never been tried before. But we could try for a while and see if it works.
According to islam yes desu
If you want to make society better.
>kill half the men
>force half the women into prostitution
Funny thing, OP. It was the male that was openly ridiculed, via law, when he cheated on his wife, or what found to be abusive. That was during the "patriarchy", mind you. They'd put his on a donkey and the whole town would throw rotten fruit and veggies at him.
As for the women that were found cheating, the women of the town would drag the cheater to the town square and cut her hair, shave it.
Those were cultural norms that were in place to ensure the system was held in place, that was cultural conservatism in the 18th and 19th century europe and northern america.
I personally think that men should be allowed to impregnate as many women as they want, that would allow to maintain some sort of quality control. The women would then also be happy because they would still get to be impregnated by the highest quality male, so I wouldn't be in favor of punishing men who cheat.
The only downside to all this is that a lot of men would then get cucked.
The main purpose of my solution is to force women to fuck the bottom tier men, not so much to punish adultery.
Well good thing that what you want doesnt matter you cuck
Will we even care about genetic diversity when we are able to genetically adjust anything.
I just want to see what people think.
Hey, just a /co/mrade checking out what you folks get up to over here on Jow Forums I'm sure it isn't as ba- Rape. Being allowed to rape is your solution to a problem that only exist in your own mind. What the honest to god fuck is wrong with you. Fucking christ I'm on this board less than thirty seconds and already I yearn for the stupidity of bait on the board I call home. Where people just a touch more creative than you try to stir rants about women disrupting our assorted hobbies with their own bullshit...but this?!
Fucking christ take a look at your own life. Take a look at your own lives and actually try to see events and your own choices for what they are. Take a look at each other, at everyone and realize what is in front of you is another human fucking being and that you are and have been unfairly labeling all of them in sweeping and pointless ways because you felt unfairly labeled and instead of doing something about it made another label for yourself that justified every horrible thought you could have instead of recognizing that sort of ideation and death of empathy for what it truly is.
Wait...justified? It Justified your hatred. I recognize this. It is something old and krackly but I know what stirs here and inside of you. Inside so many of you.
Anti-Life Justifies your hate. Anti-Life Justifies your fears. Anti-Life Justifies your actions and your want. This is the gospel that has infected this place, through the wiles of a shallow and precious child which I understand in this moment all too well. I loathe what so many of you have embraced, I see it in the dark recesses of your souls and wonder if there is truly any salvation or hope for any of you. You are robots true, with an empty helmet on your head and a will to any horrible act you can Justify because what else could you do? Anti-Life justifies that, and all that remains after is that Darkseid Is. So many of you have made this the place that evil wins.
>executing women who cheat on their boyfriends?
They should both be lashed in public. But if she's married then it's the stone.
You dont know what genetic diversity is then.
It cheating wont improve shit since anyone can marry anyone from any part of the world.
Improving genetic diversity was only a thing that was more necessary when humans were more isolated and separated in small groups.
Sounds good. I still don't understand why robots are anti islam.
I don't really have strong feelings either way, I'll never have a girlfriend so I'll never get cheated on.
Dont take them too seriously user, we know they are retarded for having those opinions, and even they, deep down, know it aswell, some might even be just trolling in this thread.
Would love to tell them to fuck off and stop degradating the robot's image even more, but since this isnt reddit, i think everyone here is allowed to express their ideas no matter how retarded they are.
>Anti-Life Justifies your hate.
False. Female reality justifies the hatred.
But wouldn't you at least find it entertaining to watch women get executed in front of everyone?
Just as long as we also publicly execute all the men who cheat on their girlfriends
Not that user, but I have no true idea how I would react to a person dying in front of me. More so if it was orchestrated in variables of quiet or violence.
If I can be indulged to imagine, then along a few variable lines it could go something like this. Something quiet like a witnessed injection may cause me to feel queasy if somber. Something a bit more active like an electric chair may make me anxious. Something like a hanging or beheading may have me tense. Something more slow but actively visceral like a stoning would be decided discomfort until the crowd got its uproar. Then it would be certain sensory overload, same as the following. Public beating may have me on the verge of panic and screaming against the will of the crowd. A pyre would leave me in horror.
At the end, I would feel drained and hollow. Uncertain. Confused. Overwhelmed. Even if it were someone I believed was deserving of that fate. At least, that is what I imagine.
Only needed when inbreeding has happened. The ideal genetic distance is 3rd cousin. Even 2nd cousin has more benefits than risks.
You're overthinking it. If it became a part of your life, you'd get used to it.
Yes. Do that with the men too and society would outright autofix itself in all aspects.
What a horrible thing to be numb to.
This thread remind me that gurochan is still dead. Feels bad.
yes mohammed
Asphyxiation/hanging is objectively the hottest kind of snuff. Good taste.
Society would improve if we executed you user
you're just angry because you are the buttend of society
There are no government mandated gf's comin your way user
It wouldn't force women to fuck lower tier men. Why would you think that would be the result?
I would be interested in the sauce on that fampai
But then there would be no women to reproduce with, since all women would be dead.
>Why would you think that would be the result?
Because they get killed if they don't.
If it bleeds it breeds my friend :^)
It's hard to find though.
idk why but reading this and imagining user as a qt freaking out and crying while watching a public execution got me hard af.
Hory shit are these OC? Jesus Christ man. No need to be that upset.
No because I could be falsely accused and die so I'd decide never to date.
lol fuck off nigger retard
also men who cheat
you dont seem to understand population genetics
Where are all these pictures coming from?
I made them. Why?
I was wondering if i should start saving them or something. Do you have like an art blog or something that you post them to?
Yes but I'm not allowed to advertise it here. Just save them if you like them, just don't make money off them.
try husbands
The roastification of women was inevitable once we allowed (and yes, even (((enouraged)))) women to fuck outside of marriage
are you just looking for a convo to post your pictures? i mean dude if thats what you're into alright i guess but why seriously think about killing women
do you think jews encourage women to have extra-marital affairs?
pretty edgy stuff but at least they let her wear her glasses
This are all really old pictures that surface here from time to time. You can find them all on gurochan
They're not that old, some of them I made this year.